In the running lexicon “personal record” and “personal best” have the same meaning: your best race time at a specific race distance distance. But as I was running the .US National 12K this weekend, I realized that we should recognize a difference. By the 5K point I knew I wasn’t going to set a personal record, but I dug deep to give it my personal best.

Even though this race is a national championship race with elite runners and significant cash prizes, it’s still a relatively low-key event with easy logistics. Leaving the house at 7:00 for a 7:55 race start is a rare treat!
As I headed into the corral for the singing of the National Anthem, I noticed the police presence, and especially noticed one officer facing the oncoming runners instead of the stage. I assume he was scanning the crowds for safety issues (I’ll leave it at that), and was grateful for his diligence. While I always appreciate when an officer stops traffic while I cross an intersection, I felt more aware than ever that their primary role is public safety.
So, about that personal record. When I checked my results from last year (1:01:05, 8:11 pace) I thought I had a chance of at least matching that pace, but knew a lot would depend on my right piriformis/ITB. It started to act up about 2 weeks ago, before the Race To End Women’s Cancer 5K, and had been pretty cranky after that personal record. I tried to bribe it with plenty of time on a lacrosse ball, foam rolling, and a sports massage, but as I took a few minutes to warm-up before the race, I knew it was going to be an issue.
My first few mile splits were a hard-fought 8:05-ish pace, but after that my pace got progessively slower: 8:19, 8:28, 8:41; 9:02. It was really hard to keep up my motivation after I knew I wasn’t going to match last year’s results, but I tried to put some tactics from The Runner’s Brain into practice.
I found myself thinking that the out-and-back course along the parkway was boring, and reminded myself that it really was beautiful.
I found myself discouraged that I wouldn’t be setting a personal record, and decided that I could still make it a personal best.
- The person that ran an 8:11 pace last year (and an 8:05 pace the year before on a different course) didn’t have a cranky ITB.
- The person that ran an 8:11 pace last year hadn’t run an 8:24 5K the previous weekend.
- The person that ran an 8:11 pace last year had done longer, faster training runs.
- The person that ran an 8:11 pace last year might have been in better shape, slept better, fueled better, hydrated better, or just had a better day.
When I realized that I couldn’t match the personal record I set last year because I wasn’t the same person I was last year–or least not in the same condition–I was able to shrug off my disappointment and run the best race I could run. Isn’t that what a “personal best” should mean?
Yes, the medal is massive!
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Today’s Wednesday Word is cherish. Now that my last race of 2015 is in the books, I look forward to cherishing the simple joys of running, and a few months of chasing sunrises instead of personal records.
Do you struggle with always expecting to do better?
I know Ive told you this before—but I dont struggle with that AND I really do think Id be more successful (hell I might even be a runner!) if I had just a bit more of that internal spark.
Well, I’m sure that depends on how you define success!
Of course I always want to do better! But I also know it isn’t always possible and I believe there IS a difference between PR & PB.
And I can tell you from personal experience a cranky IT can take a long, long time to vpcalm down.
That’s a really good perspective! Congrats on the PB effort! Tough to dig deep when you’re missing an A goal
Very good points! You still had a great finish time in my book too. I know when I finally get to line up after this injury it will be for a personal best, not a personal record! That is a huge medal!
WOW, in my 25 years of running I never thought of there being a difference between PB and PR, just a semantics preference. Now, I totally see how that are two different things!
I had to let go of chasing PRs a few years ago, and I have found the lack of mental pressure so freeing. I am running a lot of PBs these days that are much slower than my PRs, but I’m enjoying them more. 🙂
Great job on your race and the mental fortitude it took to finish strong!
Thanks. Enjoying running more is a great “trade-off” for PRs, and probably even better since I rarely remember my pace but I do remember enjoy myself (or not).
I do struggle with that, we always want to be better and I feel sometimes I might just be in the way of myself 🙂 Cherish the run and the whole experience I say- cheers to your personal best!
Never thought about the difference between a PR and a PB – love your perspective!
Nice work Coco! I don’t struggle with wanting to be faster anymore because, like you said, I’m not the same person. I’m dragging around 10 extra pounds. But I do ask myself in the heat of races if I’m giving it my best. That’s really all I can ask of myself.
I struggle with the whole PR vs PB. I tend to use the term personal record when I talk about finish times. I agree with you, personal best, is just that. Your best effort!
Great job on that race!
I like this way of looking at your race and finding the positives. I believe it is unrealistic to think every race can be a PR but you are right every race can be a personal best.
I’ll have to remember this.
That is a very fine result, congratulations!
I love this perspective 🙂
I have a few friends that always use PB when speaking about their record times.
You still have a very speedy finish time there, ma’am 🙂 Well done!!
you know I have given my PB during a race and sometimes because of heat and humility, or fatigue…a 2:14 half was the absolute best I could do that day. There are so many factors that go into a “good run” we can not hit a peak every time we go out, right.
Of course that is true, so why do we expect otherwise? I think I like to pretend that I am in control.
What an incredible way to establish the difference between those phrases! I think this just became one of my all-time favorite blog posts. Seriously, the way you changed your perspective (oh wait, that was a couple words ago *wink*) is incredibly inspiring!
Ha, thanks! They are right when they running is 90% mental – so much depends on your thinking!
I love this way of thinking of a personal best vs a personal record. I’ve never thought of it that way before. Congrats on a well run race and a personal best 🙂
Thanks! I think we should spread the word. 😉
I LOVE this post! I’ve had moments mid-race where I knew I wasn’t going to PR and let myself slow down and not do my best. This is a great way to think about it instead. I’m so stealing this idea to use in my next tough race!
Well, I hope you don’t need to remember it for a while, but if you do … 😉
Oh I love this perspective…I never even stopped to think about it before! And woah, that medal is huge, love it!
Each day seek out to do your personal best and you will see those personal records right?
Great post. I’m a little nervous for Annapolis tomorrow because my goal is very close to a PR and I’m scared that I won’t be able to live up to that. It’s so important to have perspective and look at the big picture. Congrats on your race!
Thanks for pointing out what a change in perspective can do!! Now I may think about MCM and realized that while it wasn’t a PR for me, it was a personal best for that moment!
I really think it’s important. We train so hard and then are so hard on ourselves when things don’t go as planned. I was so bummed when I saw how bummed you were, and objectively you were doing great!
Coco this is awesome! I have a friend who always says your best is what you can do right now. Maybe your best is different tomorrow but for now appreciate what your best is and doing it.
Thanks for sharing with Fitness Friday! xoxo
I suppose when I’m in the middle of a race and realize that I’m not going to reach the goal I’d set for myself, I don’t exactly cherish that feeling; however, I do cherish the satisfying feeling of a race well run especially if my aim was to have fun and enjoy the race.
I never thought of this before – what a good tactic to use. Hope you had a good birthday and it was nice seeing you!
Congrats on sticking with it. I love how you changed your outlook and love the distinction you made between PR and PB. There is definitely something to be said for giving your personal best on that day, based on your training and other factors contributing to your current situation. Enjoy your low-key off season!
I felt the same way! I knew I couldn’t match my pace from 2 years ago, but fought hard for what my body was able to give me. Congrats on your race and on staying positive!
Yeah. Me too. And it’s really motivating – to know that you’re not the only one in this world..
Happy for you and keep going!
Thank you for sharing this as a response to my blog question. I love getting others’ perspective on this. Congrats on that race too!
Thanks for checking it out – your topics were thought-provoking for sure.
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