I thought “Beat The Deadline” was a cute name for the 5K put on by the National Press Club to support the National Press Club Journalism Institute. We all know that journalists have to get their stories written in time to meet their publication deadlines, but did you know that lawyers live with deadlines too?

In my work as a patent attorney, I often have to make sure a patent application is filed before my inventor’s work is published in a scientific journal, so I have my own publication deadlines to meet. On Saturday, I proved that lawyers can beat the deadline too!
(Thanks to Natalie DiBlasio from RunHaven–who won her age group!–for inviting me to participate in this event!)
The race started and ended at the National Press Club in downtown D.C.
I’ve been to the NPC several times,
but this weekend I noticed the beautiful architecture!
Since my husband started the long weekend camping with his buddies, I had to be my own sherpa. I wasn’t sure how early parking meters are enforced on a Saturday morning, so I decided to take the easy way out and park at the Ronald Reagan International Building (also known to lawyers as the International Trade Center), which was barely 2 blocks away. Spending $13 at a garage to avoid a $30 parking ticket is part of the cost of living in this area!
Can you believe he’s 57?!
Tony Horton–honorary race martial for the event–led us in a fantastic warm-up with cycles of 6 counts of running in place alternated with 6 counts of different stretches. Here’s what I can remember:

As we crossed in front of the Capitol, I saw a group of my MRTT friends out for their MCM training run. It was so fun to see them–hopefully I’ll be running with them soon.
Most of the route was very flat, except for that obligatory hill at the end!
Now, I told you I wasn’t going to race this race, but I was feeling pretty good after my track workout on Thursday, where I accidentally ran laps at an 8:30 pace. (I was aiming for a 9:30 pace–clearly I need to brush up on my track math!). After the downhill start I saw 7:30 on my Garmin, and slowed down. I settled into an 8:30 pace and held that pretty well.
I was pleased with my time, but even happier that my foot felt fine the whole time. Really, I didn’t “feel” it at all!
After the race, there was a pancake breakfast at the National Press Club. It felt odd being in sweaty post-race mode at such a lovely place, but that didn’t stop me from enjoying a pancake with bacon and fruit. I’m glad I hung around because this happened:

As part of the race events, I also was invited to a “Tweet Up” with Tony Horton on Thursday, and participated in his P90X boot camp. Of course I’ve heard of Tony Horton and P90X, but I haven’t tried his workouts. That will be changing soon, since we were given the P90X3 DVDs at the Tweet Up!
I was impressed how nice Tony was–both at the Tweet Up and during the boot camp. He was really motivating and funny–but I am a sucker for corny jokes. I like his “do your best–and forget the rest” approach, and think I will enjoy his workouts.
[Tweet “I Beat The Deadline #NPC5K”]
Now that my comeback 5K is in the books, it’s time to figure out how to get my training on track for the Army Ten Miler in October. I need to build up my mileage and add in some hill work … all without getting injured!
What was the highlight of your Labor Day weekend?
Congrats on your 1st place AG finish!
Congrats on your AG award! That’s amazing!
PS – Are you sure that Tony Horton is 57?!? He most certainly does not look that old!
That’s what he says – and it’s in his bios on line too … 😉
Congrats on your AG award! So cool that Tony was there. P90X was the very first program I used when graduating from couch into a fitness oriented lifestyle. And he totally does not look 57. I didn’t realize you were a patent attorney. I am a manager in R&D so my group works with our attorneys very frequently on drafting patents and all other aspects of IP strategy.
Awsome! Patents are very import to R&D. 😉 You can follow my patent blog too ….
Seeing Tony H in person sounds cool. Congrats on a great race. That smile on your face was priceless!
Great job and congrats on that first place AG finish! Very cool that you got to meet Tony Horton! He’s proof that exercise will keep you ageless.
Seriously! He proves that there are no excuses – but he’s surprisingly nice about it.
Congratulations on your AG win! It’s wonderful that you didn’t feel your foot. You are back on track, literally and figuratively 🙂
Way to rock your comeback race! How cool to meet Tony Horton. The Caveman actually went to college with the founder of Beachbody. Really? You have $13 parking garages? In Chicago the garages are $30+ and the parking tickets are $50+. Keeps me from running much in the city.
The $13 was a special weekend rate in a part of town that’s mostly offices – although it is quite close to the national mall for museum visiting. But, yeah, we usually go into the city on Sundays (no meters) or park at my office.
Congrats on the AG win! I had no idea Tony Horton was 57 – looks great.
Congrats on your award! Wow, Tony is my age. He does look great. I’ve never done the workouts either, but I hear they’re really good (and challenging).
congrats on that finish- you are fast! It is cool when you get to meet people like that in person and they are actually nice! Looks like a great event!
I felt the same way after meeting Jillian Michaels, but I had more of a (negative) expectation of what she’d be like – and she was really nice and supportive.
my highlight was I actually got comments on my blog, it’s the little things. Good job on your race. Have a great Labor Day
It is fun to hear from your readers – check out next month’s coffee date link-up (October 3) for more!
I didn’t know you were a patent attorney! So was my Dad. Who worked for IBM for almost 40 yrs.
I, OTOH, had zero interest in becoming an attorney of any kind (left that to my brother, who is a labor relations attorney).
Always wanted to try P90X but never have.
Congrats on your AG award!
Hah! My mom’s a “regular” attorney, but I had no interest in that. I sort of backed into law school. Very cool that you Dad worked for IBM.
You very recently tweeted at me about being discouraged at your coming back pace. You got over that quickly! Nice!
That pace came out of nowhere! We’ll see what happens when I “just run” tomorrow. 😉
Congrats! Way to place in your age group!
Congrats on the AG win! That’s awesome! And so glad to hear that your foot is feeling fine now.
It’s a little bit cranky today, but I’m still optimistic …
Congrats on your AG!! So happy to hear that your foot didn’t give you any trouble.
Congrats on a great race and your 1st place AG finish!! Such a fun way to start the week!!
That is so awesome that you got a copy of the P90x series!
Tony really doesn’t look 57 at all – guess P90x really works! 🙂
yay on the AG win! i debated doing this race but decided to just run my 10 on my schedule with my training group instead.
You want hills? Maybe you should come back to the Ragnar team 😉 Bad bad girl for racing!! And very cool that you got to meet Tony Horton and how cool to get his DVD’s, those aren’t cheap! Congrats on the AG award too!
I don’t want hills. I need them for ATM. I think they will hurt ….
Congrats on your AG award! Leaves me speechless. And he can easily pass as 40.
Congratulations to you on your finishing place 🙂 I’m moving up to the 45 age group here in the UK after Christmas and it’s so competitive, it’s scary – and the ladies are soooo fast! Hope the speed spree lasts for you 🙂
There are a lot of fast older women around here (ok, that sounds bad!) but every once in a while they don’t show up for my race. 😉
Wow, congrats on that Age Group finish and on the foot feeling good 🙂
Congrats on your comeback 5K and so glad to hear that your foot is not giving you much trouble! The tweet meet up with Tony Horton looked like a blast. What a cool opportunity!
Thanks! It was really great – there were just a few of us!
I’d love to meet Tony Horton! I owe all of my strength training “love” to him for what P90X did for me 🙂 And, congrats on the 1st place AG!!!! That’s a great comeback!
So glad you are feeling better and back to being able to run the way you want.
Late to the congratulatory party (did I spell that right?) – but sounds like a great race. Report back on those DVDs, that sounds like a fun workout.
I love love Tony! Years ago I started my health and fitness journey by waking up with him [and P90X] every single day. He’s been a part of my life to varying degrees ever since.
Thanks for sharing with the fitfam and Fitness Friday! xoxo
Congratulations! I’m sure it feels great 🙂 It sounded like a great time.
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Congrats on the AG win. I’m speechless.Sounds like a great race.
A reliable lawyer and legal expert has undergone the best legal training and course in their career.
Oh I saw that building while in town for the Cherry Blossom race & wondered what it was. Gorgeous.