I have said before that I’m not great at setting goals, and this year’s Cherry Blossom race was no different. When Facebook reminded me about last year’s PR, I spent a few days stressing over how I would be able to match that (barely) sub-8:00 min/mile pace. After visiting the expo on Friday, I was pumped with energy and convinced that I could do it. I started Saturday full of excitement, but several Cherry Blososm Festival traffic jams later, I was just plain tired. Sunday morning I went through the motions of my pre-race routine, wondering if I was in the mood to put in the effort it would take to match last year’s PR. Shortly before the race started, they announced that the course had to be shortened because of an emergency along part of the route. That took the pressure off, and I decided to enjoy the glorious weather and the gorgeous blossoms. Then I ended up at the front of my corral and ….

Here’s my race weekend recap in pictures, with more on the race below.
First traffic jam of the day, heading to the airport to pick up Margarita.
Maple bacon donuts from Sugar Shack,
because her flight got in too early for lunch.
Healthier fueling at the CUCB VIP Dinner.
Lining up at the second mat before the starting line.
Yes! Hains Point was lovely. But it is still a long 3 miles!
Wishing I’d worn my sun glasses for this post-race medal shot.
Here’s a close-up of the pretty medal–and some blossoms!
Sucking it up in my first ice bath of 2015.
So, how did this PR happen? My plan to meet last year’s pace was to find a pace between 7:45 and 7:55 that I could settle in at and use my Garmin to keep on track. I did a pretty good job except one too-fast mile and that last full mile where I was wishing this was a 15K.
7:53, 7:49, 7:51, 7:33, 7:52, 7:55, 7:54 7:55, 8:02, 7:50
The first five miles were a comfortable effort. Approaching mile 6, I started psyching myself up for Hains Point. The three miles of Hains Point were hard but I was reassured when my Garmin showed that I was holding my pace. By the last full mile I was ready for the final countdown. I definitely earned this finish, but I think working for a goal makes it all the more satisfying.
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If you ran Cherry Blossom and are writing a recap, be sure to join the Cherry Blossom Race Recap Link Up on the Credit Union Cherry Blossom blog.
Maple bacon donuts–yeah or nay?
What an incredible PR! Nice job. This race is on my bucket list… looks beautiful! I love the medal 🙂
Thanks! It is a great race!
WooHoo – great job on that PR!!! I have no doubt that you could have kept it up for another 1/2 mile!!!
No thanks on the maple bacon donuts or the ice bath!!!
Congratulations Coco, that’s an amazing pace and time! And you couldn’t have had a more beautiful day. I’ve run that race when it was freezing cold and no blossoms to be found. Glad you had such a great day!
They said it was the first time since 2007 that the blossoms were out for the race!
Awesome job on your PR!!!
Congrats on a really well run race! I had a surprisingly good day, too, so I think maybe it was just one of those perfect, unexpected days. I have been in a fabulous mood all day just from being down there in all that beauty. I will link up tomorrow!
Great. Can’t wait to hear about your fantastic race!
Wow that’s really impressive! Nice job! Enjoy 🙂
Congrats! Looks like such a pretty race! And the medal is great too.
They do a t-shirt/medal design contest every year, and I love seeing what people come up with. I think this one is so pretty!
Nice job – congrats! I agree that the half mile reduction took the pressure off beating previous PRs. It was such a pretty day too, and I made sure to enjoy the beautiful blossoms in Hains Point!
I shall toss donut shaped confetti even through EW ID PASS 🙂
You are one speedy lady 🙂 Congrats on a great run!!
Wow, such an amazing time. Very inspiring! Congratulations!!!
dang – great race! what a day, right??
Thanks! Yes, it was gorgeous! Glad you had a great race too!
congrats and very inspiring! Love the pics! Your medal and my lego land medal look just a tad different- LOL!
Wow you rocked the CB10 well 9.5. Hans point is far prettier at cherry blossom time than it is during MCM, isn’t it? Congrats!
Hah, that I would never know since I am not a marathoner!
Great run–Looks like you are pretty good at picking goals to me. Beautiful pic of Hains Point! Pro Maple Bacon.
Thanks! Have you been to Sugar Shack? It’s becoming a “thing” around here. 😉
Congrats on a very well run race and new PR! My DIL ran CB yesterday, and told me about the shortened course. What a bummer.
Well, since you asked, I’d say nay to maple bacon donuts…
Rockstar!!! You did awesome!!!!!!
I’d definitely try that bacon donut… 🙂
Super speedy! Congrats on a great race!! It was beautiful out there.
maple bacon donuts… I just don’t know! lol congrats on a speedy race and PR!! Awesome! It looks like a beautiful race. My hubby and I are hoping to come up next year from NC to race in DC for the RnR marathon series. And you are so right…hard work makes that pr seem even sweeter. Congrats again!
Congratulations!! You did an incredible job! The Cherry Blossom was a fun race, I really enjoyed running it for the first time! I bet that ice bath felt awesome!
Major congrats for your PR! And such a beautiful medal! We don’t have fancy ones like that over here in Belgium.
About the doughnut? Nay. Not for me.
Glad you enjoyed. It was the perfect day for the run!
Congrats on the PR!!! That’s so fantastic!
Yay! Congrats on the hard earned PR and the sweet pace! I would love to run this race one day.
Wow! Way to go! And this race sounds awesome. We have been wanting to check out the Cherry Blossom Festival. It’s definitely on the to do someday list 🙂
Nice job! Such a beautiful morning and that donut looks so good. Thanks for hosting the linkup again, really enjoying all the recaps this year.
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