New And Improved! Friday Five Link Up

This week’s Friday Five link up theme could not have been more perfect for me. This month I will be celebrating four years of blogging, and I have some new things in store that I am pretty excited about.  

New And Improved!

1. New Blog Header. I love the blog header that Rita at Blog Genie made for me, but after three years I am ready for a change. So many of the blogs I love have more personal headers, and I’ve been wanting a fresher look. I’m not quite ready to part with my cherry blossom runner girl since she really does mean so much to me, so I’ve incorporated her in my new design. 

Got2Run4Me Blog Header

I may keep playing with it, so let me know what you think! 

2. New Blog Series. After four years of blogging and reading blogs, I’ve collected some tips and tricks that I think are worth sharing. I’m going to tell all my blogging secrets in a Blog Tip Tuesday series throughout August. Stay tuned!

3. New haircut. Talk about perfect timing! I got my haircut yesterday. My daughter thinks I need to cover up that gray streak, but I like to keep it to remind her and her brother of all they’ve put me through. πŸ˜‰ 


4. New running skort. I won’t buy running shorts unless they are compression shorts or have a gripper to keep them from riding up. I lucked out when I found this Athleta Contender Skort on sale. The shorts have silicone leg grips which really do keep them in place. I wore them on a sweaty 5 mile run and never had to make any adjustments.

Athleta Contender Skort

 5. New excitement about running. I am surprised at how excited I am about being on a Ragnar team and training for the challenge of running three times over 36-ish hours. Between that an the fantastic weather we’ve been having, I have a new-found excitement about running that I hope will carry me through the dog days of August! I’ve added a new menu category for Ragnar-related posts to make it easier to keep up to date on this adventure. 

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Find out what else is new around the blogosphere and check out the Friday Five link up with Eat Pray Run DCMar on the Run and You Signed Up for What!

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22 Responses to New And Improved! Friday Five Link Up

  1. Love the new header and the new do! I’m looking forward to reading your blogging series. Being a newbie, I’ll take all of the tips I can get!

  2. Liking the new header! Look forward to your blogging tips! So exciting about Ragnar!! I want to do one, one of these years πŸ™‚ congrats on 4 years!

  3. Steena says:

    The new header is great! Just wish your face wasn’t so dark on it!

  4. Tamara says:

    The new header looks great! I’ve been having the same discussion with myself about mine. Still love caricatures and avatars but thinking pictures are more current too!

  5. April at RunTheGreatWideSomewhere says:

    I love everything about this post! Your grey streak is gorgeous! And I’ll be looking forward to the blog tips and following along on your Ragnar journey. I’m hoping to run Ragnar in 2016!

  6. Congrats on 4 years of blogging! I am looking forward to reading your new blog tips and I love the new header design.

  7. Great new header! Love how the cherry blossoms are in your personal pic as well as the cartoon pic πŸ™‚

  8. you know i’m totally a fan of blog tip tuesdays! can’t wait to see your tips πŸ™‚

  9. I like your new header ( liked your old one too). We really need to freshen ours up too!
    Love the cute haircut, and so funny about keeping the streak as a reminder!

  10. Love the new haircut! And I’m so excited to follow your Ragnar training and experience. It’s going to be amazing!!

  11. Pingback: August Virtual Coffee Date - Got2Run4Me

  12. Nicole says:

    I love changing my header too. And I like what you’ve done with it. I like that the blossom thing is visibible in both pictures. It ties it all together.

  13. So many fun new things going on!! I’ve been having a similar conversation with myself about changing up my blog design. I think that we all get a little bored sometimes and need something new! I’m so excited that you are on the Ragnar team too (I always want to say Ranger haha!)

  14. I’m liking the new header! Congrats on 4 yrs of blogging! I’ll be interested in reading your blogging tips πŸ™‚

  15. Jennifer says:

    Oooh I look forward to your Blog Tip Tuesday series!

  16. Kim says:

    OH – I’m late but I love your new header and your new haircut!!!
    So happy for you that being on the Ragnar team has given you some new running excitement!!!

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