Why I Love This Exercise Program!

BestBody Bootcamp Mid-Point Recap

I can’t believe that I am halfway through the summer session of Tina’s BestBody Bootcamp. I had heard great things about this exercise program, but I am still surprised at how much I am loving it.

Tina suggested that we do a fitness test before the session started, so we can assess our progress. These were my results at Day 0. I will do a re-test this weekend for the mid-point.

I Love This Exercise Program I set 3:00 as a goal for the wall squats and planks.
I might have been able to fight through for a bit longer but I doubt it!

Tina divides the BestBody Bootcamp exercise program into four phases, each lasting two weeks, and provides 5 days of workouts per week . For the program I am doing, there are three different strength routines (A/B/C) to be done once each week for two weeks (one phase), using heavier weights and/or doing more reps in the second week. The schedule includes specific amounts of cardio to be paired with specific strength routines (for a total workout time of about an hour), and longer cardio sessions on the other days. While you are free to chose your cardio workouts, Tina provides some great sample interval workouts.

Tina has done a lot of work to make this exercise program awesome:

For each phase, there is a detailed written guide that explains the routines
and gives alternatives to make each exercise easier or harder.

Exercise Program

Tina provides links to YouTube videos for each exercise,
and videos of her doing a few reps of each move of each routine,
so you can see how it all flows together.

Exercise Program

While I usually workout at home,
I was able to keep up with the program using a (luxurious!) hotel gym.

Exercise Program

So far the workouts in this exercise program have included supersets, drop sets, and circuits. Some have been full body, some have focused on upper body or lower body, and they all seem to hit core muscle groups. I love the variety of doing a different routine every time, and I know my muscles are feeling confused and challenged!

Do you workout at home or do you go to a gym?

Which do you prefer?

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7 Responses to Why I Love This Exercise Program!

  1. mommyrunfaster says:

    Isn't it the best? I've done BBBC a few times and have loved it- a great mix of workouts, and I definitely think my body appreciated the variety.

  2. notsosuddenlysusan says:

    I am hoping to get my halfway point checkin done this week – I am loving this program. I also actually really like when we go out of town so I can indulge myself in a better gym than I have at home 😉

  3. Carrie says:

    I need to do my halfway check in… but, considering I didn't do my week 0 until week 1, maybe I'll wait. Wow, I'm confusing.

    Awesome job on the 3:00 wall sit. That's badass!

  4. I'm so lame – I did the original test for the program but I was trying to finish up another workout program before I started and then I was over a week behind so I haven't started. I guess I will just save the workouts and do them later.
    Great job on the plank and wall-sit – can't wait to see what your new results are!

  5. christineyu69776410 says:

    I was actually really surprised that I loved BBB as much as I did. I only have had a chance to do one round but I love the mix of exercises and the support that Tina offers. And it's hard! I actually started doing some of the workout again as I've gotten back into the gym.

  6. jillconyers says:

    I love my workout room and the convenience of working out at home.

  7. Pingback: Hard Is Where It Happens (Best Body Bootcamp Workout Style) - Running With Perseverance

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