Tiger Lilly Protects Us From Santa Claus


Merry Christmas!

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6 Responses to Tiger Lilly Protects Us From Santa Claus

  1. PrayersNApples says:

    I LOL'd when I saw that third pic chewing on the Santa hat haha.. hope you and your family are enjoying Christmas! 🙂

  2. Yum Yucky says:

    1st photo: big steak not visible in the pic.

    2nd photo: big steaks inside stockings.

    3rd photo: big steak in the Santa hat.

    Poor Tiger Lily. If she only knew you accused her of prowling on Santa…

  3. Coco says:

    Of course no Santas were hurt in the making of this card!

  4. Coco says:

    I'm glad you got it!

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