I Sold My (Grocery Store) Soul For One Dollar

I usually am so good about ignoring “sale” prices on junk food. I basically stopped clipping coupons because I realized that I was mostly using them to buy processed foods that I don’t really want to be eating anyway. When the grocery store aisles are crowded with sale displays for chips and cookies, I usually shake my head and squeeze by, but last week I succumbed to crap that was on sale for $1–$1!

The first item I blame on my husband. When I asked him if there’s anything in particular he wanted me to fix for dinner, he asked for this by name.


The second one I blame on the combination of (i) a sale on Laura’ Lean ground beef and (ii) being desperate for recipe ideas besides taco salad and Manwiches.

 Hamburger Helper

For the third one, I have no one to blame but myself.

Hello Panda Cookies

Were there supposed to be two servings in that box?

Are you tempted by sale prices on junk food?

Do you clip coupons?

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10 Responses to I Sold My (Grocery Store) Soul For One Dollar

  1. MizFit says:

    those were my moms go-tos when I was growing up…

  2. i think we should not ignore sales product . Companies are giving offers than we should take benifits .

  3. I had a similar shopping trip recently – I went to the store so hungry after the gym and ended up spending a bunch on junkfood that was on sale. And most of it is still sitting in my cabinets because Chips Ahoy actually aren't that good, which is probably why all varieties were on sale haha.

  4. Christine says:

    ohmygosh! I love Pandas! There are also Koalas that are pretty cute but I haven't had those in ages. Because I know that I will be tempted by junk food, I try to avoid those aisles at the grocery store and stick to the store perimeter. That usually keeps me out of trouble…usually!

  5. I still clip coupons, but way fewer than I used to. And I no longer clip coupons for things I don't want to be tempted to buy. So even if there's a great coupon for sugar cereal/cookies/whatever else, I don't cut it so I'll be less tempted to layer a coupon and a sale price.

  6. David H. says:

    What's wrong with sloppy joe? Use turkey instead of beef and it's all good.

  7. I usually just stick to my list and don't even look at other things so they don't get me if something is on sale. HOWEVER if there are certain holiday things out (like candy corn) it takes all that is within me to not go after those. Let's just say if any candy corn exists after Halloween and it goes on sale…I won't be sticking to my grocery list that day.

    PS – I don't know what those Panda things are but they look strangely delicious.

  8. I hate coupons. My husband thinks he's helpful and he cuts them out every weekend and I never use them. I don't want to buy multiples of most anything.

    My son loves all those panda snack things. Although he probably would eat any snack food, so why compare to him?

  9. Pingback: Be Careful Saving Money on Groceries - Running With Perseverance

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