Is It Friday Yet?

I had visions of starting 2012 year with a nearly empty email in-box, a clean desk, and all of my papers and files neatly organized. I planned to work on one project at a time, and put everything away before moving on to the next item on my to-do list.

Instead, this is how I worked yesterday:

The screen on the right has a presentation I was finalizing. The screen on the left shows my email that pinged me with urgent interruptions all day. At one point the pile of papers in front of my monitor had three different layers of things I was working on. The empty cup had the Bai juice I was drinking to try to fight off a cold.

My desk isn’t any better. I didn’t even put the newspaper away after lunch!

As for that to-do list? I don’t even know where to start!

Instead of admitting defeat on my New Year’s resolutions for work, I think it will be better to admit that I didn’t even start on them yet. I’ve got 51 more weeks to get my act together!

Have you “broken” any New Year’s resolutions yet?

Are you going to recommit to your goals next week?

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3 Responses to Is It Friday Yet?

  1. Miz says:

    Im struggling–a lot–but Im stilling living my mantra so far.

  2. Carrie says:

    You lawyers sure love your paper (and really big books) ;-). Good luck staying on top of the mess and the cold.

  3. Steena says:

    Geeeeez, I get flustered if there's more than 2 stacks of papers on my desk. GET TO WORK WOMAN!!

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