(Almost) Wordless Wednesday (The Runderful Christmas Edition)

(Books from my Mom and sister-in-law.
The the title of the second one is “Once A Runner.”)

(My mother-in-law’s sense of humor.)

(My husband gets the prize for most awesome running gift!)

Did you give or receive any cool fitness-related gifts?

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2 Responses to (Almost) Wordless Wednesday (The Runderful Christmas Edition)

  1. FindingMyHappyPace says:

    Hope you read Mile Markers first! I can't wait to hear what you think of it, I really think you'll devour it. I read the last 3 chapters the week leading up to Chicago Marathon, it helped keep me peaceful, if you can believe that.
    I'm jealous of your front door mat. All I got was a tube of Bio-Freez.

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