
Last September I had an unfortunate run-in with our coffee table that necessitated a painful “procedure” at the podiatrist’s office that resulted in the loss of the toenail on my big toe. (We’re you reading this while eating? I’m sorry!)

I recovered in time to run the Army Ten Miler a few weeks later and finally was able to get a pedicure this summer, so I thought all was well.

A few weeks ago, though, I noticed that my toenail was tender–any pressure was uncomfortable–so I started Epsom salt soaks and hoped for the best. Although the soaks helped temporarily, the overall situation has gotten worse–even the pressure of a snug-fitting sock can be uncomfortable. 🙁

I finally broke down and called the podiatrist this week. As it turns out, he is on vacation, so it will be another week before I get it checked out.  (Since there is no swelling or redness in my toe, the nurse thought it would be OK to wait).

I think I dread the podiatrist more than the dentist–and that’s saying something. I will try to put it out of my mind until my appointment August 15. At least for now it doesn’t bother me when I’m running–that would be a real emergency!

Have you ever been sidelined by a silly household accident?

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9 Responses to Dammit!

  1. MizFit says:

    household? NEVER!!!
    Picking up the STACKS of husbands drycleaning and slinging over my shoulder the "wrong" way (who knew there was a right?!)? hell yes.

    sidelined. sidelined.

  2. David H. says:

    I fell down stairs one morning three summers ago in the middle of training for a half marathon and hurt my tail bone. It messed up my running for a couple of weeks. It was this throbbing, need-to-throw-up kind of pain the first few times I tried to run.

  3. That stinks. Glad it's not interfering with running. I've never been to a podiatrist, I think I might be more scared than a dentist, too.

  4. Unfortunately yes. I've broken toes twice. And then a couple of months back I stubbed one again and it was at least badly bruised. So clumsy. Sigh.

  5. Ah many times…my big toe ended up cracked into the TV once it was a floor TV and it won. My big toe was so bad, had to wear a walking boot for a few weeks.

    Hope your pain diminishes soon, foot pain is no fun!

  6. FindingMyHappyPace says:

    Ack, I read this on Friday & haven't had a chance to comment until now, I'm an awful friend, huh! 🙂 I dread the orthodontist, so maybe you can visit my orthodontist and I'll visit your podiatrist? No? Oh. Icky, sorry to hear about the big toe!

  7. Lisa says:

    I have been sidelined by a stupid home accident…I was in the hospital very very sick for a week. When I got home I was weak and could barely walk. I was walking down the stairs in the house and fell. I sprained my ankle so bad I eventually had to have surgery on it!

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