Terrible Tuesday: Two Things We Don’t Need

A true breakthrough in convenience foods! Why did it take so long for someone to figure out how to package a potato into a single serving size?  Brilliant!


 That’s right. Champion thinks we need to have “smooth tummy, hips, and thighs” and “smooth curves” when we are working out. And you thought Spanx® was just for special occasions! I permanently un-liked them on Facebook after I saw this ad in my July issue of Self Magazine.

What’s the worst new product you’ve seen lately?

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13 Responses to Terrible Tuesday: Two Things We Don’t Need

  1. Tina @ Faith Fitness says:

    I've seen those packaged potatoes before and never quite understood the purpose of them. It actually used to drive me crazy that at one time my grocer ONLY had sweet potatoes packaged like that. Why couldn't they have NORMAL sweet potatoes??? Luckily it was only for a few months, but it drove me batty.

  2. Miz says:

    the worst Ive seen is a VITAMIN WATER ad which read:
    wearing spandex is a privilege not a right.

    niiiice VW

  3. FindingMyHappyPace says:

    I love my vitamin water! I don't drink it for whatever they say it does, I drink it because I like the flavor. Yeah, shape up clothing makes me laugh. Then I see people wearing shape up clothes to McDonalds.. then again, what am I doing at McDonalds!

  4. SuperBabe says:

    I'm with you on the potatoes and the "vitamin water" being useless. But I do love the "shape up" workout stuff! 😉 Especially the running tights!!! I can't think of anything else that is useless right now… but only because it's too early… but I know I've seen plenty! 🙂

  5. Similar to that potato, I have heard that shrink-wrapped bananas are coming to the market. It's too bad they don't have their own peel covering them, which can easily be discarded.

  6. T says:

    If you look closely that woman only has curves because of her perfectly positioned shadows! 😉 I hate advertising!

    Ditto on the shrink wrapped sweet potatoes. They also charge you extra for the BPA enriched plastic.

    I've always hated pre-sliced apples that are oxidizing before you buy them! We do eat them to help with oxidation in our own bodies, not add to it. Plus, I wonder how many preservatives they've added to them to make them last.

  7. I recently bought the shrink-wrapped potatoes…because I don't really know how to make potatoes and Tim loves them. I thought they'd be fool-proof…and they were!

  8. Oh yes, the pre-sliced apples are a JOKE! Really?? You can't wash & slice your own apple? Or even just grab it and bite into it? (I prefer mine sliced due to a fussy permanent retainer, but I'll slice my own, thankyouverymuch!)

  9. Erm, does normal water have calories I don't know about? That's just ridic. The items in this post make me worry about people.

  10. Wow, that is crazy although sometimes I wish I had those control top pants on when running and my skin is hanging over.

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