Training Log: Cherry Blossom 10 Miler (Week 3)

I was afraid that the switch to Daylight Saving Time would make it hard to get up for my workouts last week, but for once I didn’t struggle with the time change. With big deadlines at work my adrenaline was surging as soon as my alarm went off, and since I was facing long hours in front of my computer, I really did not want to miss my exercise time–I knew my well-being depended on it!


My workouts did get lighter as the week progressed–and work stress mounted–but I pretty much stuck to my plan every day.

AM Dog Walk: 1 mile
Weights: ITB Rehab Routine, core program from my Cathe XTrain DVD

Treadmill: 50 min, including 30 min of 2/1 speed intervals
@ 6.5 or 6.7 mph with recovery @ 6.2 mph

AM Dog Walk: 1 mile
Weights: ITB Rehab Routine, supersets strength routine, planks

AM Dog Walk: 1 mile
Elliptical: 30 min
Since I had barely gotten 5 hours of sleep, I thought the treadmill might be too much to ask of my body. I thought of doing a Rodney Yee program, but I really wanted to move to counteract (at least mentally) the extra hours I was spending sitting at my desk.

AM Dog Walk: 1 mile
Trampoline/weights intervals and plank intervals.

Trampoline Weights Intervals

For the trampoline/weights intervals, I alternated 1 min of bouncing (jumping, jumping jacks, twists, etc.) with 1 min of an upper body exercise. It was a fun way to cover the basics.

AM dog walk: 1 mile
Long run: 8.75 miles, 1:21:20 (9:18 pace)

March 16 Garmin
Not as fast as last week, but between the hills and my exhausting week, I was really proud of myself. Plus, it was a great way to shake off the work stress and kick off the weekend!

Am Dog Walk: 1 mile

Have you adjusted to the time change?

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6 Responses to Training Log: Cherry Blossom 10 Miler (Week 3)

  1. Miz says:

    I got up this morning and bounded out of bed.
    It took me far longer this year, too.

    • yumyucky says:

      Is it our age, Miz? I'm 40 now, and still trying to find my "bounded out of bed" since the time change.

  2. yumyucky says:

    I'm still struggling with the time change. It's affected my workouts, but I plan to return to a state of purified homeostasis very soon. ((winks))

  3. amcfadin says:

    The time change KILLED me. It was pretty tough. But, way to go on the mileage and workouts this week! I'm sure DC is a gorgeous place to run. πŸ™‚

    Don't forget to grab a button from Jen or myself! πŸ™‚

    Ashley @ The Preppy Runner

  4. Jen says:

    Nice week, thanks for linking up πŸ™‚ I struggled with the time change all week, ugh!

  5. Jess says:

    That sounds like a pretty good week. It's not just daylight savings time that I struggle with but winter in general. Getting up on cold dark days is extremely hard, but you have to do it. More days tend to be missed in the winter though I have to admit.

    Keep up the good work and glad to see the dog is benefiting from your routine too. πŸ˜‰

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