Balancing Work And Yoga In San Francisco

Last week I ended up taking a last minute, overnight business trip to San Francisco. I booked my flights a week in advance and snagged a hotel room from the block reserved for my event. I was bit worried about security lines, but not too worried since I do have Global Entry/TSA PreCheck. As it turns out, those aren’t the lines that held me up!

San Francisco

Heading to my first flight out of DCA, I was through security by 7:00 am but didn’t get to my gate until about 7:25 because I stopped for a Grande Bold from the only Starbucks in the terminal. I had woken up at 4:30 am East Coast time, had to attend a reception from 6:30-9:30 in SFO (the whole purpose of my trip) and needed to work on the plane, so caffeine was a must. (As if I need an excuse to get Starbucks).

Here’s a look at the workouts I worked in around my trip for the Weekly Wrap Link Up hosted by Holly and Tricia

Monday: Orange Theory Fitness + 2 mile run

Orange Theory Fitness

This was a tough class. I did a quick warm-up on the rower, then weights, then treadmill, then weights, then treadmill. When I’m doing weights I try not to listen to what the treadmill workout is, because my first reaction usually is “not gonna happen!” but when I’m on the treadmill I realize that I can do more than I think.

Lincoln Memorial

I’m not sure I should run after OTF–and my legs sure weren’t sure they wanted to run any more–but since the class is so early, I have time. Plus, the weather was gorgeous on Monday, I just couldn’t resist.

Tuesday: 30 min strength workout at home (upper body and core) + Core Power Yoga in SFO

When I realized I would have a full afternoon in SFO with no work obligations, I looked up Core Power Yoga and found a studio about 1 mile from my hotel with a CPY2 class at 3:00 pm. I packed yoga clothes and a small yoga towel, and planned to “rent” a yoga mat until I saw this in my hotel room closet–thank you Kimpton!

Kimpton Yoga Mat

The walk and class were just what I needed to recover from my long flight and get energized for my evening of schmoozing. Our reception ended up being close to where the studio was, and between walking through the airports, to and from Core Power Yoga and to and from our reception, I got in over 17,000 steps–not bad for a day I spent 6 hours buckled into an airplane seat! 

Wednesday: Rest/Travel Day. With a 6:00 am flight home, there was no time to exercise before heading to the airport! I did take my dog for a walk when I got home, but my step count for the day was only about 6,500.

Thursday: 4.5 mile run.

Georgetown Waterfront Run

View of Key Bridge from the Georgetown Waterfront

The weather was gorgeous on Thursday–a taste of spring a few weeks late! I tried a different route from my office, heading over the Key Bridge, around Iwo Jima Memorial, past Arlington National Cemetery and then back over the Memorial Bridge. It was a nice route with only a few more traffic lights than my routes around the Lincoln Memorial or Tidal Basin.

Friday: 45 min strength workout at home (upper body and core)

Saturday: Lawyers Have Heart 10K! 

Lawyers Have Heart 2016

I’m still working on my recap, but I ran hard and am pleased with my time, although my pace wasn’t much faster than it was at the hilly Reston 10 Miler. The heat and humidity really slow me down!

[Tweet “Balancing Work, #Yoga, #Running and More! #weeklywrap”]

If you see a hard workout on your training schedule, does that freak you out or get you psyched?

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23 Responses to Balancing Work And Yoga In San Francisco

  1. Wow, great job on that 10k! You were fast!

    I just love SF! My husband and I had the best time when we were there in April. We just didn’t have enough time.

  2. Those one / two days trips are the worse. At least I don’t usually need to deal with time zone differences.
    Congrats on such a great race ! Your finish time is great. How is your foot feeling ? 100% better ?

  3. Carla says:

    hmmmm we could meet up in SF!!!!!
    (makes it all about her whilst wondering the same as Karen about your foot).

  4. Kelli says:

    Nice job on the 10K! Heat and humidity have a HUGE impact! Kudos to you for getting it done in SFO. Those east to west coast flights are killer and put me into survival mode. Coffee definitely a must! A lot of my friends were out in SFO this weekend for Escape from Alcatraz Tri. Good memories from last year for me.

  5. I have not been to SF in a long time. How cool that they lend you yoga mats. Nice job on the race look forward to reading your recap. Have a great week!

  6. Looking forward to the 10K recap. That’s a distance I want to start getting better at.

  7. Pam says:

    Nice job on that hot 10k. You always post really nice photos of DC, very pretty. A friend just took a job that will require alot of weeks spent in DC, and she might be looking for a running buddy occasionally. Let me know if you would be interested. As far as hard workouts, I try to forget about them until the day of, and not worry too much in advance.

    • Coco says:

      Give your friend my email! My schedule is pretty crazy, but other women in my MRTT group might be available too. They just met up with someone last week when I was out of town myself.

  8. They have yoga mats in the hotel? That is super cool! I have never seen a yoga mat in a hotel nor heard of one being in there ever! Great job on whoever thought of this!
    That is a great pace for you 10K yes the heat and humidity does do a number on those paces. I think running in the middle 10’s pace is gone for me until the fall! It is what it is I’m afraid I just need to live with it!

    • Coco says:

      Yes! I think Westin might have them too – or maybe upon request. Even cooler is that Kimpton rewtweeted my tweet about it. They are pretty good on social media. πŸ˜‰

  9. congrats on that speedy 10K!! WOW! I do admire how you always manage to get work and exercise in no matter where you are! πŸ™‚ Have a great week!

    • Coco says:

      This was the first time I took a class away from home. Since I’ve been to several CPY studios around here I figured it wouldn’t be that much different.

  10. HoHo Runs says:

    There is no justification needed to go to Starbucks. πŸ˜‰ Congrats on a great 10k race finish time! The yoga mat is a very nice touch . I wonder what other extras Kimpton provides? I have never been to SF. I need to do something about that! Thanks for linking with us Coco.

  11. Great job on the 10K run. The head and humidity is slowing us all down. I actually just emailed all my coaching girls and the title was, “Why Running in Heat and Humidity Sucks!”

  12. Great job with all of your workouts! OTF sounds so hard, I couldn’t imagine going for even more running! I really need to check out a studio. I couldn’t help but chuckle about the Starbucks line holding you up…I’m not a coffee person, so I just don’t get it! Oh, and congrats on your 10K! Heat and humidity are so tough, and I’m realizing I actually prefer the humidity!

  13. You always do a nice variety of workouts each week! Great job getting your workouts done while out of town. So cool the hotel provides yoga mats. Way to go on your 10K race despite the heat and humidity. My race times always suffer in the hot months.

  14. Oh man, hard workouts if I look at them too far in advance really freak me out. I psych myself out. I try to look the night before only & then tell myself that I have to try it, and if I truly cannot do it, I can adjust it, or take an extra break, but that I have to try.

  15. WOW!! 17000 steps! That is great for being stuck in an airplane seat for 6 hours. Way to go girly!

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