A Day In My Life

My favorite part of blogging is getting to know other bloggers, and learning how much we have in common, even if we come from different backgrounds, have different perspectives, and live different lives. While I enjoy learning what others think about “big” issues, I also love getting glimpses into others’ daily lives. In that spirit, I am joining with other bloggers to share the minutiae of a typical day in my life.

A Day In My Life

My alarm goes off at 5:00 am and my day starts by taking Tiger Lilly for a walk.
Our usual “around the block” loop is 0.9 miles.

day in the life - tiger lilly

Are you done taking pictures? I’m ready for breakfast!

After I feed her, I head out for a run or down to my basement for a workout.

day in the life - weights

It’s not fancy, but I have everything I need for a good workout at home!

Once I’m showered and dressed, I have breakfast while I browse Facebook and the blogosphere.

day in the life - breakfast

I am up for 2.5 hours before I head for work, but that “me” time is an oxygen maskthat gets me through the rest of my day.

Yes, I’ve had a cup or two of coffee at home,
but the first thing I do when I get to work is head to Starbucks for one last cup!

day in the life - starbucks

I love my Starbucks ceramic cup even though
it was at the root of a months-long saga!  

The next 10 hours of my day look a lot like this:

day in the life - work

 I’ve told you that I sit too much! 

I do have my lunch over by the window so I can enjoy this view!

day in the life - office window

Did you see the year’s worth of pictures I made into a calendar

I usually don’t get home until 7, so dinner has to be fast.
Last week I made a vat of pork stew in the crockpot and ate that most nights.

crockpot pork stew

Before I “close” the kitchen, I pack my lunch for the next day.


That old salsa jar is the perfect size for my overnight oats,
but I try not to think of salsa when I’m eating them. πŸ˜‰

I spend the last few hours of my day watching T.V.,
and catching up on Facebook and blogs.
Last week I also started to re-learn how to knit.


I should go to bed by 10, but usually it’s 11. πŸ™

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To see how others spend their days, check out the other posts in the “day in a life” link-up and add your own!

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28 Responses to A Day In My Life

  1. Fun! Somehow I missed out on this…I may have to put together a blog post tomorrow to link up!

  2. Dawn says:

    I love that you have a window with a view. I have a window but they keep the blinds closed and even if I could look out it would be the parking lot πŸ™

  3. Ooh, fun knitting colors! My crocheting basket stares at me every evening but it’s been a few years since I’ve touched it!

  4. I sometimes feel that I should do something with my spare time besides blog, read, or watch tv. Like learn to knit. It’s probably not going to happen, but I admire people who do it.

    I love these posts. So much fun learning a little more about you.

  5. Carrie Skoll says:

    There’s no way I could stay up that late – let alone knit at the end of an exhausting day. YAY for an awesome home gym.

  6. Carla says:

    I knew it
    we could live together πŸ™‚

  7. AmyC says:

    I love how we all work in time to blog πŸ™‚

  8. I just heard about this so I think I will do it for next week. Always fun to see what others are up to for the day! You do pack in a lot in one day

  9. You do have a busy schedule. I’ve been told knitting is very relaxing – are you teaching yourself?

    • Coco says:

      I knew how to knit easy blankets in college, so I dusted off those brain cells with a “learn to knit” book from Walmart. I was amazed that my fingers remembered what to do before my brain processed the directions!

  10. Kerri Olkjer says:

    I SO agree about the early morning me time!

  11. Love the home gym – looks pretty legit! I need to start building up a gym at our place too, especially since I don’t get much time to workout these days.

    Love your lunchtime view πŸ™‚

    • Coco says:

      I’ve learned that a gym membership just doesn’t work for me, and since we use the equipment, it’s been a good investment,

  12. MCM Mama says:

    Love your view! I used to have a nice one when I worked full-time. I’m sort of afraid to go back to work now since I likely would not even have an office now. ;o)

    Totally LOL at you and your coffee.

  13. Kim says:

    I’ve had so much fun reading all of these posts today!!! I think your home gym is awesome! And, you look so great all dressed up for work – fun to see fitness bloggers in “real” clothes:)

  14. TigerLily is so cute. Awesome that you wake up early to work out.

  15. Elizabeth says:

    I have never been able to master knitting, but I enjoy crocheting, just don’t do it often enough!

  16. GiGi Eats says:

    Ugh, sitting for 10 hours must be torturous!! I have been using a stand up desk for the past 3 years and I have to say it helps SOOOOO much! πŸ™‚

  17. Pingback: Things I Won't Be Doing On Vacation - Got2Run4Me

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