Sign Of The Cross

I used to have a few cross necklaces—a simple gold cross, a small silver cross with colored stones—but the only one I can still find is the one I call my blingy cross. It’s big. It’s shiny. It’s sparkly. I love how it looks with certain tops. But I rarely wear it because I worry about the message I might send with the sign of the cross.

I started this post before the Supreme Court issued it’s ruling in 303 Creative LLC v. Elenis which underscores the struggles I write about here.

The Sign Of The Cross

It’s been a while since I’ve written about my faith, so for those of you who are relatively new around here, let me start by explaining that the church I belong to proclaims that love is love, ordains gay priests, and celebrates gay marriages. We believe all people are created and loved by God. We believe Black Lives Matter—and recognize the need to address systemic racism, unconscious bias, and pervasive socioeconomic divisions. We believe life begins at conception, but also in a woman’s right to choose. We understand it is human nature to draw lines and emphasize distinctions, but God calls us to love all our neighbors—and doesn’t recognize our limited conception of “neighbor.”

Yet, I am reluctant to wear my cross necklace because being “Christian” has come to be associated with the opposite of nearly all my core beliefs as a Christian.

I am reluctant to wear my cross necklace, because I don’t want people to take it as a sign that I don’t support gay marriage, or LGBTQ+ rights, or Black Lives Matter, or a woman’s right to choose. Or worse—to take it as a sign that I want to proclaim an anti-LGBTQ/anti-choice viewpoint. On the other hand, I hate to cede Christianity to the haters.

Whatever happened to Christians being known for love?

Maybe I need a blingy rainbow cross necklace?

Do you make assumptions about someone wearing a cross?

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4 Responses to Sign Of The Cross

  1. Jenny says:

    I make no assumptions! We’re not Christian, but my son goes to Baylor which is a Christian university. Religion really is interwoven into the school, but everyone has been completely accepting of the fact that my son is agnostic (of course this only comes up if he’s asked, and the response is always, “Oh! Okay.”)
    The faculty and staff are all sincerely kind and generous, and my son loves it there. Proof that there are plenty of GOOD Christians out there. I say, wear your cross proudly!

  2. Jenn says:

    Thank you for sharing. I am deconstructing from a little religious trauma, and I live in an area where so many churches are not super welcoming or loving. I have distanced myself because of it. While I want to support everyone in their beliefs, I struggle when there are people who use their faith to oppress and be cruel. It really ruins it for the people who are living the true spirit. 🩷

  3. Darlene S Cardillo says:

    I do not make any assumptions..
    Although I am Jewish and my hubby is Catholic, we have both distanced ourselves from organized religions for various reasons.

    I do not judge.

    Everyone just needs to be kind to each other. Unfortunately too many people are not.

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