Running In Boulder, Biking In DC

I missed last week’s Weekly Run Down because I was helping my daughter move to a new place in Boulder, Colorado. Since I love running in Boulder, I packed my running gear and got out for a short run–even though I was pretty tired from all the packing and cleaning.

running in Boulder

Boulder Creek

Truth be told, I crashed at 8 pm Saturday, and was well-rested when jet leg and daylight woke me up early Sunday.

Running In Boulder

I usually stay at the Millenium Harvest House in Boulder. The website says it’s “highly rated for location,” which is true. The grounds are lovely and back up to Boulder Creek (and the Boulder Creek Trail). The rest of the hotel …. let’s just say the $99 rate was more of a fair price than a bargain.

It’s about 2 miles from my hotel to a park that spans the creek, and I took in my favorite views along the way.

running in boulder

I alsoย  admired some patches of wildflowers.

running in boulder

And had to get a picture of this street art.

The trail crosses the creek at my hotel–perfect stopping point and photo opp.

running in Boulder

Weekly Run Down

The highlight of this week was our July 4th biking adventure. And will you believe I didn’t go to any studio classes this week?

Monday: Rest/Travel Day

Tuesday: 4.25 Scooby Miles

Wednesday: Strength Workout

July 4th: 36 mile bike ride
I wanted to do something different, so I had the brilliant idea that we should ride from our house, through D.C., and up to Bethesda, Maryland (and back). It’s a great route, but maybe not the best idea on the hottest, most humid day of the year.ย  We spent the rest of the day recovering!

ย Frances Scott Key memorial
Oh, say, can you see ….?

We even ran into Deborah who was doing her annual July 4th MRTT run!

Friday: 4 mile run
I did my usual Reflecting Pool loop before work. There was still fencing up–and guards around–the Lincoln Memorial, so I had to take a bit of a detour. There were tons of fireworks shells on the sidewalks and roads behind the Lincoln Memorial, but it was kind of fun to be able to run in the street while Memorial Bridge was still closed.

Of course I wore my Lady Liberty top again!

Saturday: 17.7 mile bike ride with the Arlington Conte’s group.
For this ride, I did everything I should have done on Thursday–used my inhaler, took plenty of breaks in the shade–and rode 1/2 the distance. ๐Ÿ˜‰

If we rode around the block before stopping,
we could have hit 18 miles….ย 

Sunday: 5 Scooby Miles
When I let Scooby out I thought it felt less humid than it has been, so I decided to go for a run. It turned out to be plenty humid but we made it 5 miles.

Can you see how sweaty my shirt is? ๐Ÿ˜›

After church, I raced through the grocery store to get home in time to watch the World Cup live– Go USA!

Thanks to Deborah and Kim for hosting the Weekly Run Down link up for recapping our workouts and staying accountable and motivated.ย 

Did you celebrate the 4th with a race, run or ride?ย 

Did you watch any of the World Cup games?

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34 Responses to Running In Boulder, Biking In DC

  1. Cari says:

    Looks like a gorgeous trail in Boulder. You certainly had a busy week. Must have been fun to run amid the post-fireworks stuff. Did it smell smokey with the humidity making it linger? We had some of the hazy fireworks here too

    • Coco says:

      Boulder is so lovely for running! The trail is right through the city but also right next to the creek so it’s pretty.

      It was overcast and humid on Friday, but not really smokey.

  2. The humidity has been something fierce the past week. It’s so draining! I am going out to Colorado in 2 weeks cannot wait to get some cooler air and hiking in. Looks like another active week for you!

  3. That is shocking that there were no studio classes! But those photos from CO sure look beautiful.

    Isn’t funny how sometimes we take it into our heads that it’s a great idea to get outside & moving on the hottest, most humid days of the year?

  4. kookyrunner says:

    What a great week of workouts for you! And I absolutely love that Ink Burn shirt.

    I don’t like heat or humidity but I can almost deal with the heat if the humidity is low. The high humidity just zaps all of my energy!

  5. I ran/walked 4 miles on the 4th. I haven’t watched any of the World Cup Finals until the last game today. Woo hoo USA!!!

  6. Kim at Running on the Fly says:

    We played hooky from church this morning to watch the World Cup (#ourbad LOL). The humidity has been crazy in Iowa, too (though probably not quite as extreme as you have in DC). Even with the cooler temps for yesterday’s run, the humidity still made for a steamy morning.As usual, I love all our DC pics, Coco ๐Ÿ˜‰ Thanks for linking!

    • Coco says:

      Lucky for me I didn’t have to choose between church and soccer. Our services are at 8, 9, and 5, and the game was on at 11 here. ๐Ÿ™‚

  7. Marcia says:

    I love your pics of CO. We’re thinking of moving either there or Utah when Thing 2 heads to college. I traded my planned 5k for a bike ride on the 4th and I think it was a wise choice given our heat. I watched the final 2 games of the World Cup. So exciting!

  8. How fun that you helped your daughter in Boulder! Well, maybe not exactly fun since it is exhausting too. I’ve been once to CO (Denver) and I could not deal with the altitude.

    I celebrate the 4th with a race. I’ve been doing it since 2013 and I always have fun.

    Unfortunately I did not watch any of the games and now regret it.

  9. Wendy says:

    I’ve heard so many good things about Boulder. I guess I won’t stay at that place, tho? LOL. Nice week and you remind me that I need to get back on my bike.

  10. Laurie says:

    Boulder is an amazing place to run! So happy you are going to get to visit on a regular basis. My oldest lives in Colorado too (Steamboat Springs), so we have visited Boulder many times. Love your patriotic singlet! ๐Ÿ™‚

  11. So fun that you saw Deborah out running.
    The Capitol 4th display looked amazing, from what I saw on TV. I bet it was neat to be there the next morning when everything was calm.

  12. Darlene says:

    Nope did not race on July 4 but I did run on Sat. Holy humidity!!!! I have a race this Sat. Hope it won’t be as bad.

    We were on our boat during the World Cup. I cheered for them virtually.

  13. Laetitia says:

    Ah ah! I wore the same MEOWMERICA shirt basically all week as well (washed it every time of course)

  14. runnipt6 says:

    Ugh. I’ve been trying to get my dog trained to run with me but those first 10 or so minutes are brutal! She’s just so excited that she nearly pulls my arm off!

  15. Chaitali says:

    That trail in Boulder looks beautiful! And Sunday did feel better as far as the heat and humidity. I’m not sure that will last long but a little break did feel good ๐Ÿ™‚

  16. Organic Runner Mom says:

    I celebrated the 4th with a race. I love Boulder. So jealous that you got to go and run there. The views were beautiful!!

  17. Such a great week! Boulder looks beautiful. That 4th of July ride sounds like a great course but I bet it was a tough one given the humidity! I just love that InknBurn tank!

  18. runswithpugs says:

    I have never been to Colorado and I would love to go. The scenery is just so incredible and I bet the running is amazing. <3

    No studio classes? You still got in a ton of miles, both on foot and on your bike. Great week, in my opinion.

    • Coco says:

      If you’re checking off iconic road races, Boulder has a 10K around Memorial Day that’s pretty “famouse” too. ๐Ÿ˜‰

  19. Wow, that sounds like such a busy week! It looks beautiful in Boulder, I would love to take a trip there.

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