Setting Fall Priorities

Fall?! What?! I know it’s only mid-August and I’m still hoping to squeeze in a beach getaway, but this is the right time of year to be setting fall priorities. If I want to do well in my fall 10 milers, I need to start training now. 

Yep, you read that right–If I want to do well in my fall races. I’ve started getting emails about the Reston 10 Miler (September 24) and the Army 10 Miler (October 8), but I’m not sure I’m ready to make running a priority again–especially since we are eyeing a full century ride in October. 

Setting Fall Priorities

I made cycling a priority this summer to get ready for the Farm To Fork Fondo, which meant giving up my weekend long runs for another day of cycling. Looking over my Garmin data, the longest run I’ve done this summer is the 9 mile run I did in San Diego in June. My longest run in July was 6 miles, and I’ve been doing shorter weekday runs (~3 miles) so I have time to do some strength training afterwards.

I like my current workout schedule, but even if I don’t plan to set any new personal records in my fall races, I need to figure out how to work in some longer runs. Otherwise, I will be really miserable after mile 8. I was able to fit in a long run this week, and I’m eyeing Thursday as a possible long run day in the week ahead. If I can manage to work at home once a week, I might be able to pull this off!  

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Weekly Wrap

Monday: OTF + strength training
This week my heart rate was back to its usual annoying pattern–staying just below the “orange” zone even when I was running at 8.0 mph/level 3 incline. I did like the structure of this class with single blocks at each station instead of multiple changes. 


After OTF, I did a few rounds of Workout 3 from Quick Strength For Runners (<<Amazon affiliate link — check it out!) at my office gym. This strength training program really paid off when I did it last winter, so I am doing it again.

Tuesday: 8 mile run
I took advantage of a working-at-home day to go for a long run. I expected cooler weather after overnight rain storms, but the air was thick with humidity. Between that, this being my longest run in a month, and the hilly route I chose, this run was difficult.

Wednesday: Indoor cycling at Revolve
There’s a bit of drama going on with management trying to force convince instructors to lead a certain style of classes. I was glad to see my favorite Real Ride class still on the schedule, although now they are annoyingly calling it a Real Ryde.  

Do you remember what I thought of Soul Cycle?

Thursday: 3 mile run + Workout 4 from Quick Strength For Runners 
I think windshield wipers is the ab move I hate the most. 

It’s getting hard to catch a sunrise on my runs!

Friday:  Yoga
My favorite CPY2 class with my favorite instructor in my favorite Athleta tights. They are the perfect weight and length to provide traction for crow and hurdler poses. Otherwise, my sweaty skin is too slippery!

Do you think others notice I wear them every week?

Saturday:  30 min treadmill workout + strength training
Overnight rain storms made me reluctant to do the Conte’s hill ride, and left the air too muggy to want to do a long run. I debated taking a full rest, but after a cup of coffee I was itching to do something. I decided to do a heart rate-based interval workout on my treadmill, sort of duplicating the Orange Theory clinic I attended a few weeks ago.  

After a 5 minute warm up, I did intervals aiming for 1 minute in the “orange” zone with a 1 minute recovery of at least 30 seconds in the “green” zone. After a few intervals, it took longer recovery intervals at a slower pace to get my HR to drop to green, and by the last few I had to walk to get it down. It was a tough workout, but the 30 minutes went by quickly.

After I had cooled down, I did another session of Quick Strength For Runners, combining exercises from Workout 3 and Workout 4. 

Sunday: 42 mile bike ride. 
We signed up for metric century in two weeks, so I figured we should do a long ride this weekend. Plus, another round of overnight storms finally brought the humidity down, so it was a perfect day to be outside. 

The weather was amazing for mid-August!

Thanks to Holly and Tricia
and this week’s guest host
Michelle @ Running With Attitude for
the Weekly Wrap link up.
It’s a great way to stay motivated and
support other active women.

Have you set your fall priorities? 

Do you have a favorite item you wear week in and week out?

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41 Responses to Setting Fall Priorities

  1. I love how much you are loving cycling lately! It is the perfect time of year to cut back on running it’s been brutal this summer.I think you will be surprised how well you do on your Sept runs.

  2. Sara says:

    Great job with your workouts this week! I’ll need to pick up a copy of that book you mentioned. I’m starting to get bored doing the same thing at the gym and I’m struggling to find the time to actually sit down and think about what exercises I should be doing and when. With how fit you are in general, it should be easy to pick up the running if you choose to!

    • Coco says:

      It’s a great program although I do make some modifications. I like how it is tailored to runners and focuses on core strength.

  3. Fall priorities this year will include some longer runs–I’ve got at least 2 and maybe 3 halfs planned, depending on how I feel.

    My favorite running gear includes several of my Inknburn outfits. I love that stuff!

  4. Marcia says:

    I’ve been so consumed with rehabbing this injury in time for Berlin, that has been my only priority. I’ve got RnR Vegas in November but that’s really it for fall. Yikes on the humidity. Knock wood, its been really nice here (now that I can’t run). :p

  5. I think it’s great that you’ve been enjoying your cycling so much! I’ve really got to get to DC to take advantage of all of the great 10-milers you have. Hopefully, you can swing the work-at-home day – sounds like a good plan.

  6. As you know, my fall priority is making a full recovery. I have my eye on a 5-mile race and a 5K (mid October), and then the R’n’R in Vegas a month later (and possibly a 13.1 a few weeks after that)….but everything’s contingent on my recovery. Boring, huh! But it certainly has me focused on the big picture and not all the little things I’m NOT doing at themoment

  7. Kimberly G says:

    Congrats on another great week of training! I think it’s great that you are already looking ahead to Fall.

    My huge fall priority is to PR at the Chicago Marathon and run the NYC Marathon “for fun”.

  8. Rachel says:

    Your rides have been great and it sounds like a solid week. You’ll find the answer for your fall training soon, I’m sure!

  9. HoHo Runs says:

    I’m right there with you! I haven’t run anything over 6 lately (and that was 3 weeks ago). Training for a century ride is very time consuming. I thought I could do that and start half marathon training too — I don’t know. I love your cherry blossom T-shirt! And I’m very jealous of the nice weather for your long ride! πŸ˜‰

  10. Though I have a fall race (Sept 15/16), I’ve yet to think past that date for anything else. It’s such a busy time of year. I usually run a race on (Canadian) thanksgiving weekend but haven’t put much thought into it!

  11. Lesley says:

    I have the RnR Vegas 10k, and training starts after Labor Day weekend. I’ll have to look at my guide, but I think after shifting my runs to Monday/Wednesday/Saturday, my training may start on Labor Day.

  12. Normally I have races on the schedule for fall but I’m starting to wish I had time to take a few weeks off of running. I’ve been training non stop for big races since last December! It’s kind of getting to me. Hopefully I can make it through the remainder of this training cycle without losing my mind.

    A century ride is amazing! Great job taking on that beast! I can’t imagine being on a bike that long…during my first and only tri so far all I wanted was to get off the bike and we only rode 11 miles!

    • Coco says:

      I think the focus on cycling has been a nice break from running. There are days when my long rides seem long, but 40 miles ticked by quickly last weekend!

  13. steena says:

    this is where thinking like a triathlete helps, your cycling cross-training is going to help and keep you ready to do those 10 mile runs in fall. Maybe shoot for time instead of mileage, if you can fit in weekly 60-90 minute runs you’re fine! It may just be a matter of re-adjusting your finish time expectations.

    • Coco says:

      As long as I don’t have to swim! It is all about priorities and expectations. If I get back to almost-weekly 8 milers, I’ll feel better.

  14. You’ve really been enjoying your bike rides this summer! I think you’re gonna have such a strong base going into training his fall for your race!

  15. You had a fantastic week of workouts! It’s crazy to think about the fall, but it really is almost here! I’m sure with all your cycling and consistent working out that you’ll be able to slide into training mode no problem!

    I have some yoga tights I really like that I have to be careful not to wear too many times in class because they stand out so much haha!

  16. Debbie says:

    When I read your posts about cycling it really makes me want to get back on my bike! It’s been gathering dust for a couple years!

  17. Jenn says:

    This is a great post.

    I have had to do a lot of adjusting of my priorities and I am tossing around a post about what’s been going on with me and my training. I should get on that πŸ™‚

    I was hoping to do a long ride in September, but I’m having a schedule conflict and really haven’t been able to train accordingly. I will have to get it sorted out.

    Fall is right around the corner so I’m glad you are getting your plans in place.

  18. Those tights are super cute! Love Athleta! And so is that cherry blossom race tee.

    I have a half the beginning of Oct, and probably some shorter races that month, but then it’s time for a little off season!

    And I have many things I love to wear. Many, many things . . . #thestruggleisreal

  19. Zenaida says:

    Fall? But it is still summer. πŸ™‚ I love running in the fall too. I don’t have any fall races (yet) but don’t mind just running for fun.

    Hopefully one day I can run the Army 10 Miler.

  20. I think you will surprise yourself with your ability to run the 10s with all of this cycling you have been doing. Still training all those muscles in different ways!

  21. WTG on the cycling miles!!
    Cycling is amazing for running (wonder why it isn’t the other way round) and you’ll surprise yourself.

  22. Congrats on a great week of training! It’s so hard in the heat and humidity. My hat’s off to you!

  23. Chaitali says:

    Sounds like a great variety of workouts this week! I work from home one day per week and it really does help with fitting things in πŸ™‚

  24. I have lots of clothes but I only wear a 1/4 to what I have even for the season. I just tend to wear what I’ve just washed ya know. So the cycle is never ending.
    I am thinking of Fall and running in this mess is what makes Fall racing so great, won’t you agree? We just need to make it a few more weeks/months!

  25. Karen Bayne says:

    You are crushing the rides πŸ™‚ That is RIDE lol the things folks pick at lol ryde…
    Your legs should be feeling super strong after all your riding miles πŸ™‚
    You are so right though about the longer runs, right about mile 9 or 10 the steam completely runs out of me if I do a race w/o getting the longer runs done.
    Enjoy those tights, it isn’t always easy to find perfect gear!

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