Yay For Rain

Just last weekend I was complaining about the rainy Saturday forecast. We had plans with friends to go for a bike ride and have brunch at microbrewery. Other plans kept us from rescheduling to Sunday, and we all were busy for the next few weekends. “I don’t have time for rainy weekends,” I complained to a friend, “It’s the only time I can play outside!” 

rainy weekend

I don’t ride in the rain but I will #bikeforbeer

A break in the clouds enticed us out to the bike path, and since the rain was light we decided to brave the weather for an easy ride before enjoying our beer brunch.

Yay For Rain!

Although last Saturday’s rain frustrated me, this weekend’s rainy forecast was a relief. I was trying to get my head in the game to do that hilly bike ride again, and wasn’t being very successful. I was on the verge of deciding that my husband was right–I don’t have to do this–but I knew I’d be disappointed in myself if I bailed.

By Thursday the chance of rain for Saturday was still at 90%, and on Friday afternoon Conte’s Bike Shop posted this welcome news notice on its Facebook page:

I wish I could say I was disappointed, but instead I have to admit I wasn’t ready to face those hills again. I’m also off the hook for next weekend because I’ll be doing the Colfax Urban 10 in Denver, so Memorial Day weekend is my next chance to choose that challenge–or pray for another rainy weekend. 

Weekly Wrap

I’m linking up with Holly and Tricia for the Weekly Wrap and joining Courtney‘s Training Recap link up.

Monday: OTF 
I surprised myself by holding a 7.1 mph pace at 6% incline for one minute. This week marks one year since I joined OTF and it’s amazing to see the difference it’s made.  

Tuesday: Fully body strength routine at home plus a core workout from Quick Strength For Runners (<<Amazon affiliate link — check it out!). 

Wednesday: 6 mi run
A mid-morning meeting close to home meant I had time for a longer run. 

Mrs. Frog says “Happy May!”

Thursday: Indoor cycling
My Vivosmart HR didn’t work correctly last week, so I linked my OTF chest strap heart rate monitor to my Vivoactive and used that at Revolve. I love how the intervals and climbs are reflected in my heart rate. 

The “valley” marks where we break for upper body weights.

Friday: CPY2 at Core Power Yoga

Saturday:  9 mile run
When my alarm went off at 6 I could hear the rain, but by the time I got up at 7 it had seemed to stop, so I decided to head out for a long run. It was great running weather–cloudy and in the 50s.

My flowers are enjoying the rain!

Sunday: 22 mi bike ride.
Sunday was a gorgeous as Saturday was gloomy. It started off in the 50s, but was in the 70s by the time we finished our ride at noon. The bike path was busy and the pollen was back out already, but it was great to be outside!

Mother's Day Bike Ride

My workouts this week were solid, but my eating has taken a turn for the worse. I had to test out my new oven and made cookies for the open house we held in our new kitchen, and I sampled too many before, during, and after the party. 

Butter spritz cookies and oatmeal chocolate chip cookies

Butter spritz cookies and oatmeal chocolate chip cookies

Not to mention that my son is home for a few weeks and also enjoying the new kitchen–and fixing delicious dinners like chicken alfredo, pasta with meat sauce and a tomato, basil, mozzarella salad, and ribs. Instead of stressing over it–or skimping on my servings–I’m savoring his cooking–and his company–while I can.  

Happy Mother’s Day!

Happy Mother's Day

I hope you had a good Mother’s Day. Like so much else about parenting, I’m struck how this day changes as our children get older. When my kids were little,  I wanted to have a break from mothering–or at least from the chores of mothering–on Mother’s Day. Now that my kids are grown, I relish the opportunity to do whatever mothering I still can! 

Did a rainy weekend forecast interfere with your plans?

Did you get to what what you wanted on Mother’s Day? 

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32 Responses to Yay For Rain

  1. Haha on the relief that it was raining! I don’t blame you tho.

    Mother’s Day sure gets bittersweet as the kids grow older, doesn’t it?

    • Coco says:

      I think it means even more when your kids spend it with you now. And, I’m glad I was able to see my Mom today too.

      • Carla says:

        YESSS I can so so see that too.
        Mine was stuck with me yesterday. it was fine but had it been her CHOICE? much more of a big deal πŸ™‚

  2. Marcia says:

    I ‘d totally feel the same way about that rainy ride cancellation! How nice to have your son home and I’m impressed how well he cooks! Fun! You are a beast with your OTF workouts and wow they pay off. Well done!

    • Coco says:

      He’s become quite skilled in the kitchen! OTF has made a huge difference — I remind myself every Monday with that 4:14 am alarm.

  3. Coco says:

    He really has some skillz in the kitchen! On OTF, it’s the lengths I have to go to get my HR up!

  4. I was disappointed that hey had to cancel the ride again. I have not done it for a month now and feel like maybe I will be starting all over again! My eating was not great this weekend too many celebrations

  5. Kimberly G says:

    You rocked your training this week, especially that awesome OTF workout!!

    I hope that you had a great Mother’s Day yesterday πŸ™‚

  6. I’d pray for rain, too, if it meant skipping a hilly bike ride LOL Yes, Mother’s Day does change….though, I did wake up to a text from the Pennsylvania daughter, and the other two kids wished me a happy day first thing int he morning. SO, it’s all good πŸ˜‰

  7. Happy Mother’s Day! All those cookies look delicious.

  8. Gotta admit that Mother’s Day was pretty grueling for us, but then again, how many more of them do I have? Probably not many.

    Sometimes I really need time to just psych myself into something. Hopefully that will be the case for you and the hilly rides.

    I tried to work around the rain last week. It wasn’t easy, but I was mostly successful.

  9. Your OTF workouts are awesome!

    How nice that your son’s been home and cooking!

    Glad the rain gave you a reprieve on the hilly ride πŸ˜‰

  10. Great job on your 22 miler bike ride. I am not much of a bike rider. I teach spin classes though and that is enough for me. Those cookies look so delicious!

  11. It’s funny how my little boy who is only 6 is so interested in helping me in the kitchen! My Mother’s Day was a little sad due to my daughter injuring her knee at her soccer tournament Saturday. I am thankful we were all together as a family. Hope yours was very special!

  12. So funny about being happy that your ride was canceled due to rain…that was me and softball a couple of weeks ago!

    All the sweets look so good! I hope you’re not feeling guilty about all that sampling, I know I wouldn’t, haha!

    Happy belated Mother’s Day!

  13. Lesley says:

    My mom’s a couple hours away, but my parents will be down in a week and a half, and we’re celebrating Mother’s Day on Memorial Day weekend.

  14. We’ve had a tone of rain lately that I’m so looking forward to any sun we get!
    Happy Mother’s day!

  15. Life is to short, eat the cookies! πŸ™‚ I bet that new kitchen is getting a great workout and I know you are happy to have your son home for a bit! Enjoy every last minute of it and quit worrying about the hills……you got this!

  16. Rachel says:

    Sometimes I pray for terrible weather so I don’t have to run. πŸ™‚ We all have our reasons. Haha.

  17. I wondered what your angle was when you said, “Yay for rain.” LOL

    When our sons were little, my husband would take them on a bike ride on Mother’s Day so I could have the afternoon free and now I love that they come visit on MD!

  18. Haha! Rain is the best excuse, but you’ll crush those hills the next time you face them.

  19. Your desserts look soooo yummy!! I’ve fallen off the eating wagon for the past 2 weeks and I’m struggling to get back on it πŸ™

  20. Karen says:

    What a week! You are doing some great work outs πŸ™‚ That is hard to hold any pace at a 6% incline.
    I always get bummed when it rains all weekend. We had some very long stretches of heavy rain here in the last month.
    I would love to turn back the clock and Mother all over again…those younger days were fun πŸ™‚

  21. Farrah says:

    hehe, I’m glad you were relieved by the rain! You can have ours!? I’m tired of walking to/from work in torrential downpours!

    P.S. Those cookies look so good! πŸ˜›

  22. I can only imagine how bittersweet Mother’s Day gets as kids get older. With my little one only 16 months old, I’m trying to soak in as much as I can with him every day of the year, not just on Mother’s Day.

  23. HoHo Runs says:

    I was happy to spend with all three of my sons and my two grandkids for Mother’s Day. My middle son sometimes cooks and — I agree — just enjoy it! I still can’t believe as much as you like your OTF numbers, you don’t track HR while running. Even though the group ride was cancelled, it looks as if you got a great ride in on a beautiful Sunday! Thanks for linking, Coco!

    • Coco says:

      Ah, see, at OTF I push myself to get my HR up. If I were doing normal HR training I’d have to slow down to keep my HR lower, and that doesn’t appeal to me. πŸ™‚

  24. GiGi says:

    I adore rain. I welcome it with open arms. Cloudy days make me happy. HA! Probably because I rarely see them and I associate them with comforting and cozy!

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