Hitting My Race Photos Price Point

We’ve all complained about how ridiculously expensive race photos can be, and I’ve certainly had buyer’s remorse after forking over $$$ for an official photo to use in a recap. Marathon Photo seemed to be one of the worst offenders as far as pricing goes, but they found my race photos price point with their “discounted” packages for the Army Ten Miler.  

race photos price point

I usually look at my race photos and then spend a few days deciding whether I really want them, but when I saw this pricing, I whipped out my credit card for the basic package.

race photos price point

I do believe that you should pay for race photos rather than using the “proofs” you might be able to clip from the photographers website. Even putting copyright law aside (yes, they own the copyright; no, it’s probably not “fair use” for you to use a photo on your ad-supported blog), race photographers provide an important service that can augment the race experience. It’s nice when race photos are free, but in those cases you usually have to scroll through a Flickr album to find your pictures. That might be manageable for a smaller race (like the Reston 10 Miler), but would be mind-numbing for a race like the Army 10 Miler with over 30,000 participants!

Still, I find paying $75 for a race photos package hard to swallow–especially since my race photos are rarely flattering. (Although I’ve learned to appreciate them for other reasons.) I have to swallow my pride and my frugality to click on the “buy now” button.  

On the other hand, I didn’t mind paying $29.95 for this package of Army 10 Miler race photos. 

This must be early in the race, since I am almost smiling:

2016 Army Ten Miler Race Photo

I call these Grimace 1 and Grimace 2 — that headwind!

Another grimace, but this is my Push To The Finish:


Dude, this is not the time to be checking your phone!

Still grimacing — are we there yet???


And here’s a picture I never would buy on it’s own. I guess I need to remember to cross the center of the finish line next year. 


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Do you have a price point for race photos?

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24 Responses to Hitting My Race Photos Price Point

  1. I have paid for my marathon photos–I just feel like it is such a monumental event in my life that I bite the bullet and do it. Other than that, if there is an exceptional shot, I’ll pay for one. Always the digital downloads.

  2. Steena says:

    When I know MarathonFoto will be there, I purposely make faces at the camera so I won’t be tempted to buy them. Ironman photos cost $30 each, OR, $100 for all 20 photos. No brainer to pay the stupid $100, and they KNOW people will buy them.

    • Coco says:

      I *think* Marathon Foto is different from Marathon Photo – if so, they need a good trademark lawyer. This price for all photos seemed OK.

  3. I have bought race photos once….and that was for my first-ever big race (a 20K). I do on occasion ‘borrow” the race pics,but I do give credit to the source (and their watermark is right there in full view). I know… my bad.

  4. I am SO with you on this! I’ve purchased a photo here and there if it was a really good one, but during races I try to take my own before and after pics. I love when races give free photos though and the Army 10 prices were phenomenal! The only time I’ve spent more is when I ran Marine Corps and purchased my whole digital package, 1st and only marathon and all πŸ™‚

  5. I have purchased some here and there and I agree that we should pay for them but sometimes they are ridiculously high. If they priced them more reasonably more people would buy them for sure

    • Coco says:

      Yes, I think it’s a catch-22, since they need to cover their expenses and make a profit, but supply and demand should work in our favor, right?

  6. Chaitali says:

    Yeah, I rarely buy race photos unless it’s a special one like my first half, the Disney 5k I did with my dad, or the RnR DC I did recently with friends where it was their first half. And I definitely wait for discounts πŸ™‚ And I agree that the free race photos are nice for smaller races but can’t imagine them for big races like this.

  7. Karen Bayne says:

    I love your approaching the finish pic – that is a game on face πŸ™‚ These are great shots…I am glad you made the point about crossing in the center. I always go off to the side usually because i am trying to pass people lol and weave…I need a good shot for my first marathon- I need to stay in the center.
    I agree most of my photos have been in the $80 range. UGH that is too high and I only purchased my half photos last year because it was my PR race.

    • Coco says:

      Thanks. I was really fighting hard to finish. πŸ™‚ I agree that $80 is too much. And $50. Really, I think $30 is my limit and I’d prefer $20 …

  8. I will only pay for photos if they turn out really well, but the package deals can be very tempting. I’m with you on the copyright issues though. Laws are in place for a reason…

    • Coco says:

      And we all want race photographers to be there – well, all of us except Mar πŸ˜‰ And when bloggers who are fighting for recognition of their own value don’t respect the value of race photographers, it’s hypocritical.

  9. I really think race photos should be included in the price of entry. The only time I purchased photos was when I ran The Dopey Challenge. It was stupid expensive, but I got a TON of amazing photos.

    • Coco says:

      The problem with that approach is that sometimes they don’t have any of you, or yours or horrible. Although, the ones where the photos are “free” probably do have them built in to the entry fee since the photographers must be getting paid somehow ….

  10. Egh, my official race photos always look horrible! Usually I’m making this horrible face and look totally unhappy. Some are good though, but I have a hard time justifying the cost – on very rare occasions, I’ve purchased them. I think you made a smart choice and I would have done it too! Well done Army 10 Miler! Sounds like a cool race all around!

  11. On the one hand, I wish that pics were included in the price of races, but on the other hand, I would be mad if they were and then they got terrible pics.

  12. Z says:

    Its my wish to be a runner, lovely pics!!!! Way to go! πŸ™‚

  13. I love races with free photos even if you have just a couple to choose from it is free! I have been to a couple races now where they have free photos after the race too- those are fun! I don’t mind paying $10 or $20 for a great course action shot but otherwise I am too cheap! πŸ™‚

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