Five Annoying Things

I’m taking a break from my usual positivity to vent about five things that have been annoying me. 5 Annoying Things

1. Jeopardy, Jeopardize.I can never spell these words correctly on the first try. Or the second. I usually resort to typing j-, a few vowels, –p-, a few more vowels, –r– and –d-and let spell check sort it out. I even watched Jeopardy!regularly for years (although Wheel Of Fortune was my favorite game show back in the day).

2. Biscuits & Gravy, Loaded Hash Browns. I hate that these items are on the menu at our office cafeteria. No one who works in an office needs to start their day with biscuits and gravy, or have loaded hash browns for lunch. When I raised the issue with management in the context of our “wellness” programs, I was told that people can make their own choices. Understood, but do we have to make such unhealthy choices so easy?

3. Ineffective Unsubscribe Options.I do my best to “unsubscribe” whenever I get an unwanted email, but some companies make it nearly impossible. The worst was zpizza, who’s “unsubscribe” option took me to a “change your preferences” page that wouldn’t let me proceed unless I filled in even more personal information. πŸ™

4. Double Captcha. It’s no secret that I hate Captcha. The old-fashioned type-in-these-minuscule-distorted-numbers Captcha can be frustrating if I get the numbers wrong (is that a 7 or a 1?). The more popular check-the-box Captcha is a nuisance but I usually get that one right. What there is no excuse for is the select-all-the-images-of-X Captcha.


The pictures are not very clear,
and you have to scroll down within the widget to find them all.

I read your blog. I wrote a comment. I typed in my name and the URL of my blog. I checked the box. Do I really have to take a quiz?

If you have Captcha on your blog, please make sure it’s not doing this to your readers! 

5. Being Injured. You knew this one was coming, right? After a heatwave at the end of May, we’ve had the best running weather, and here I sit, icing my foot and waiting for the bone to heal! As I head into indoor cycling class, I am jealous of the runners who cross my path. As I look out my office window, I am jealous of the runners cruising by. As I drive home from work, I am jealous of the runners along the bike path. The pain in my foot tells me I still have a long wait ahead, but when I can run again I will be grateful for every mile!

I’m adding this post to the Wednesday Word link up. I hope it’s not too annoying if you’ve read it already. πŸ˜‰

Deb Runs

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Is there a word you always have trouble spelling?

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29 Responses to Five Annoying Things

  1. Andrea says:

    I am so with you on ALL these things!! I hate captcha and I almost always get it wrong! I also cannot spell surprise or surprised no matter what. And I can’t even start with the unhealthy cafeteria stuff. My cafeteria just got rid of the tiny quarter sized dark chocolates that they sold for 25 cents because they were “unhealthy” but you can still buy a cookie as big as your head that has 500 calories… how does that make sense? Hope you have a great Friday!!

    • Coco says:

      Oh my gosh, I would be so mad about the chocolate! There are days I NEED a piece of chocolate to make it through!

  2. Steena says:

    Ooooh, oh, ohhhhhh. I like to rant about annoying things too! I’ll have to DM you a rant later. πŸ™‚

  3. Ugh Captchas are so annoying! Especially the ones that make you pick a picture; I can never get it right! Sorry to hear you are injured- I definitely know how much it sucks to see other runners out when you can’t run.

  4. The worst part about captcha is that you don’t know it’s going to pop up. And you’re too passed to comment again to the person that they have it. Sometimes I think people don’t even know. :0

    Being injured sucks. Hang in there.

  5. I am SO with you on Captcha.

    Injuries suck. We love to complain about running in the heat, in the cold, in the rain . . . but then you’re injured & you see runners everywhere.

    • Coco says:

      So true! Maybe we all need to be sideline for a short time every once in a while so we don’t take it for granted. πŸ˜‰

      • I definitely prefer to take a running break in the winter to being injured. πŸ™‚ Which just means I run less & don’t do hill work or speed work, not stop running! Right now I’m taking a little running break (running less, no hill work or speed work) since I did 2 halfs in May. It’s kind of hard; I keep wanting to push it but I know my body will be happier in the long run.

  6. HoHo Rins says:

    I don’t like people coming to our office and bringing donuts and other sweets. All of the ladies in my small office are very health conscious, gym regulars, etc. We hate to be ungrateful but we’ve told the regulars “next time bring fruit”. Why are donuts considered appropriate as tokens of appreciation anyway? Bring a gift card!!!’

  7. It’s been a “is it a full moon?” kind of week so I wish we lived closer to get together for a gripe session πŸ˜‰ You know I’m so with you on the Captcha. Being injured just stinks – no two ways about it and I’m sorry you’re dealing with it. Hope you’re weekend’s a good one!

  8. Love the post! I hate captchas too ( and I probably can’t spell it either!) – I always get the ones to match up burgers or steaks, ok i don’t eat that! ugg, it is super annoying! Sounds like you are making the most of the run-free time, it will go by quick!

  9. ugh. in total agreement. captcha is AWFUL. so sorry about your injury πŸ™

  10. Ooh, I hate captcha too, though I feel like I see it less often than I used to. And the one above? I’ve never seen it but I would not be troubled to bother. What a pain. It’s like some people don’t want comments. Unless you’re a big blogger who gets lots of mean comments, I see no reason to make it more difficult. And keeping out the junk, that’s what the spam plugins are for.

  11. Oh no, I didn’t realize you were injured…hope you get better soon! I am SO with you on the Captcha…it’s a huge pain for me to jump through hoops, especially for blogs where I comment regularly!

  12. Ditto on the unsubscribe. Loved that your post stepped outside of the box. Very entertaining!

  13. Oh my gosh, I hate that CAPTCHA! I just walk away when I see that. I also hate pop up ads. Sometimes I can’t even read the blog post.

    • Coco says:

      If I knew about the Capthca in advance, I probably would click away. The problem is, once I’ve written out a comment, I feel too invested!

  14. I haven’t seen the Captcha with the images – ugh!

    Hope your foot heals quickly. Is it a stress fracture?

    • Coco says:

      Thanks. The foot is a hiking injury. I’m hoping the fact that it’s on the top of my foot means a speedier recovery for running ….

  15. Jennifer says:

    Ugh Captchas. You are right, I can never read the numbers. Some of them (not sure if Captcha or something else) has simple math problems.. that I do not mind..but in general I am not a fan.

  16. I wish companies would also make better choices for their employees. We are lucky in France, our cafeterias have a ton of healthy options.
    Sorry about your foot, hang in there !

  17. ugh – I feel your pain so vent away!! the Captcha thing drives me INSANE! and yeah, why do I have to match all the steaks, and ice creams. unreal this is a thing now.

  18. Captchas are horrible when there are like 4 of them. But THE WORST is the unsuccessful unsubscribe I shouldn’t have to give you my email address again for you to know I don’t want your crappy emails. The worst for me is when I write back and asked to be removed and then 2 hours later GET ANOTHER EMAIL! And being injured is hard but it makes us appreciate so much more our health.

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