Wrapping Up February

Now that February is behind us, I’m taking time to look back on what I accomplished during the shortest month of the year, and looking ahead to what I want to do in March.

March started with a pretty sunrise.

Wrapping Up February 

My Garmin numbers aren’t very impressive, but I like the variety of my activities.

I only used my Garmin one day of our ski trip.

 I ended up with 46.5 running miles (most on the treadmill) and 104.5 cycling miles (100% on my Peloton). I don’t use my Garmin to track strength workouts, but I found this monthly data on my Peloton bike:

That 10 hours down from January is due to
3 fewer days in the month plus our vacation.

The “other” is mostly cycling plus a bit of stretching. In January I logged more cycling than running—I definitely was playing with my new bike then.

In February I hit my 1700 day Peloton streak

And just this week I took my 700th Peloton ride.

Looking ahead to March, my focus is going to be gearing up for the Lawyers Have Heart 10K in May. I’m already at 6.5 miles for my weekend “long” runs and have been playing with my pace on my weekday treadmill runs. My goal is to have a strong race without getting injured. I also should get back on my outdoor bike before I forget how to ride it! 

Weekly Wrap

The weather flipped from winter to spring, but I still opted for my treadmill most days.  It is still dark at dark o’clock, and I’m more comfortable walking Scooby in the dark in case we encounter our neighborhood fox and deer than risking it when I’m tethered to him by the running leash. He barely reacts to the deer anymore, but the fox still gets him riled up.

Sunday: Core + 6.4 Scooby Miles
It was still winter, so I layered up for my run, but it was sunny, so I almost felt overdressed.

Monday: 20 min FB + 30 min Peloton Ride
I did a short FB strength class so I had time for a full 30 min Peloton ride and a stretch.The PowerZone rides show me that I really don’t like riding easy. I’ll tolerate Zone 2 but have no use for Zone 1. 🫣

Tuesday: Core + LB  Strength + 3.5 Tread Miles
Alex K has been a Peloton rowing instructor for a few years, but this week was his premier on the tread. I was surprised by his deep voice and amused by his dorkyness. He basically constructed an entire script around pithy sayings and laughed at himself for it. 🤓

Wednesday: Core + UB Strength + 30 min Peloton Ride
If I’d planned a little better, I could have made it an all hip hop day, but the core  and stretch classes were not music-based. I knew I’d have company in Hannah F’s recent 30 min PZ ride for my 700th, and got lots of high fives for my milestone.

Thursday:  Core + LB + 3.5 Tread Miles
I doubled up on Adrian Williams braving one of his glutes + legs classes before jumping on the tread. Most instructors cue 2-3 min recoveries between tread intervals, but you’re lucky if he gives you a full 60 seconds! 🥵

Friday: Core + FB + 30 min Peloton Ride
I knew Cliff would have a great Kirk Franklin (gospel) ride and that it would be challenging—he cues high cadence which is something I am working on.

Saturday: Core + 6.6 Scooby Miles
It was 50F but a bit nippy. I wore shorts but definitely needed long sleeves. We had a nice run and Scooby didn’t seem to notice the deer right in our neighbor’s front yard. 😳

This week I have my first trip to Chicago of 2025, and hope to get out for a run on Tuesday.

A huge thank you to Deborah and Kim for hosting the Weekly Run Down link up throughout the year, and to each of you for stopping by.

Did you check your February stats? Do you have new goals for March? 

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16 Responses to Wrapping Up February

  1. Catrina says:

    I really like how you’re easing back into running, gradually adding a 6-miler to your shorter indoor runs. Staying injury-free is my top priority too—better to be slightly undertrained than to push too hard and end up with the dreaded DNS!

    Hope your Chicago trip goes smoothly and isn’t too stressful!

  2. Wendy says:

    I wish we could meet up this week, but alas, I work all week. We would have A LOT to discuss. Have a safe trip!

  3. Darlene S Cardillo says:

    You’d think with a half marathon in Feb, my miles would be be high… Nope.

    I’ll blame in on the weather.

    Enjoy your trip to Chicago. There’s quite a few bloggers who live there.

    Speaking of bloggers. Hope we can connect between March 14-16.

    I know nothing about the city. I’ll FB you my phone number.

  4. Our little warm up this week was nice-whew it’s back to cold out there. Looks like you are really enjoying your Peloton bike-knew you would. I’ve been neglecting mine lately and opting for more strength and hikes. Guess I should get back on it! Have a great week

  5. Jenny says:

    You really get in a great variety of workouts! And Scooby’s such a good boy- leaving the deer alone so you can enjoy your weekend runs : )
    Great job on the streak (1700 days- whoa!) and your 700th ride. And- I hope your trip to Chicago is fun!

  6. That is some great variety with your workouts! I’m always in awe of the stacks you create…and I’m totally jealous my mornings are so rushed (I’m in the car and driving to work by 6:30 on the weekdays, whomp whomp).

  7. Debbie says:

    Good job on your workout variety! Let me know if you want to ride together sometime this spring/summer. Do you think we could get Deborah back outside on her bike, too?

    Enjoy Chicago!

  8. Melissa says:

    Nice job getting in all those workouts and such a variety too. It’s always so inspiring to see what you get in. Glad you’re staying injury free!

  9. I never thought about how it would make a difference if you were holding a lease or tethered to it, but yeah, that could be a bit iffy if he took off fast!
    I probably won’t get my bike outside until late April, but I am looking forward to it.

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