Hectic Travel: DCA – MDW – BOS – DCA

This week was the most hectic week on my fall travel schedule, but I made it where I needed to be on time, and managed to get the last standby seat on an earlier flight home.

Runrise view of Boston

Hectic Travel: DCA – MDW – BOS – DCA

My hectic travel started on Tuesday, with a 7:30 am flight to Chicago for a few hours of meetings at our Chicago office. I got to the airport early in case there were any hassles with my suitcase, but it made it through the scanner without being flagged. Phew! With all the construction on the highway between O’Hare and the city, I had opted to fly into into Midway for a change. That meant the route into the city was along Lakeshore Drive. It was a beautiful morning—too bad I had no time for a run on this trip!

View of the Lakeshore Trail from my taxi

From Chicago I flew to Boston for a few days of client meetings. Wednesday I had a hectic morning schedule with an in-person (hotel) breakfast meeting at 6:45 am followed by a 7:30 am conference call, so I only had time for a short hotel gym workout.

When I got there, I had the space to myself.

It got busy quickly, and I was amused to share the weights
with someone else doing a Peloton workout.

Thursday morning I had enough time for a run along the Charles River. It was a lot brisker than I’m used to, but another gorgeous day!

I had one last meeting in Boston on Friday morning and then took my 1oth Uber ride of the week to Logan airport. I got on the standby list for an earlier flight, but it wasn’t looking good. I had given up when the gate agent called me up and gave me a boarding pass. I had to gate check my carry-on, but figured getting in 2 hours earlier would make up for the time I’d have to wait for my suitcase at DCA. It was a positive way to end my hectic trip!

Weekly Run Down

That’s that highlights. Here’s the details.

Sunday: 5.5 Scooby Miles
I warmed up with the Coretober class of the day and took Scooby out for a run. The weather was fantastic—finally feeling like fall!

Monday: Core + 20 min LB Strength + 15 min Peloton Ride
I knew I wouldn’t do much strength on the road, so I opted for a 20 min glutes + legs class. The 15 min ride made me “late” leaving the house—I did not beat the school bus, but it pulled over and let me (and others) pass after its first stop.

Tuesday: Scooby Walk + Airport Walk
I took Scooby out for a dark o’clock walk before my husband took me to the airport. When I was back at Midway for my flight to Boston, I walked from one wing to another with Jess Sims while scoping out my “dinner” options.

Wednesday: Core + 10 min UB Strength
I warmed up with a walk on the tread, then knocked out the Coretober workout of the day. I still had the weights to myself when I started RK’s strength class, so I used 10s and 15s for the different moves. I can’t do lateral raises with 15s yet. 🥵

Dark, dark, dark at dark o’clock!

Thursday: Core + 5.5 mile Run
There were no mats in the hotel gym, so I did my Coretober classes in my room—and also made up for the class I missed Tuesday. It was a good way to warm-up for my run.

My hotel wasn’t near much, but it was near a bike/running path along the Charles river. I was glad I had packed my headlamp because it was only sporadically lit. Boston is a big running city, so there were lots of other runners out—and people heading to boathouses for rowing.

Friday: Core + 30 min Tread + 20 min FB Strength
I did my Coretober class in my room and headed to the hotel gym for some time with Jess Sims—I needed to get going before daylight so I opted to run on the tread vs. outside again.

Saturday: Coretober + 5.5 Scooby Miles
Back home for a run with my buddy! The Coretober class of the day was one of RK’s Standing Core classes. They aren’t my favorite, but they are good as running warm-ups.

My shirt tells you where I’m going next week!

So, I made it through my hectic week. Next week I’m going to Chicago again, but only Chicago. I should have time for some runs but also plan to pack my Tiems for the Peloton bike in the hotel gym.

Speaking of Chicago, good luck to everyone running today!

A huge thank you to Deborah and Kim for hosting the Weekly Run Down link up.

Are you enjoying fall running weather where you are? 

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13 Responses to Hectic Travel: DCA – MDW – BOS – DCA

  1. That is a busy week but easier without a lot of time change. That’s what usually gets me. Way to stick to your schedule with a hectic work week.

  2. Jenny says:

    Wow, you did have a busy week! Nice job getting all those workouts in. I’ve discovered the key to standing core workouts- they have to include dumbbells. Otherwise I feel like they don’t do anything.
    Glad you were home for a run with Scooby at the end of the week! Have fun in Chicago coming up- hope you get some great runs in.

  3. You were definitely on the move last week, and not just in terms of fitness! CoreFession: I’m just following the scheduled classes verbatim, but am subbing-in other core workouts (on occasion) to at least keep up with the daily core aspect of the challenge. Works for me, LOL!

  4. Wendy says:

    I’m amazed at your ability to squeeze in fitness, especially with all the traveling you do! Hopefully this week won’t be so crazy.

  5. Debbie says:

    You certainly had a busy week! Hope this week is calmer since you “only” have to travel to one city. Enjoy Chicago and I hope you fit in a run along the lake front.

  6. Susanne says:

    Nice work squeezing in your workouts! That hotel gym looks good!
    What exercises do you do for Coretober?

  7. Jenn says:

    That’s a super busy week! I do love travel, but it can be quite exhausting.
    The more Chicago is mentioned, the more I want to go back. I’ll have to see when we can squeeze in a visit.

  8. Catrina says:

    Having a 6:45am breakfast meeting would be enough for me to cancel my morning workout… you are so disciplined, Coco!
    I don’t like the process of travelling, but I do enjoy seeing new places.
    All the best for your week in Chicago!!

  9. Melissa says:

    Nice job fitting in the early morning workout – i’m the same way, especially on work trips. No matter how early I’m meeting, I always try to fit in a quick workout to at least start my day off right. How funny to see someone else doing a Peloton weight workout 🙂

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