Wrapping Up A Week Of Wonderful Weather

We finally got a week of wonderful weather and, wow! What a difference it makes! Morning temperatures in the upper 50s and low 60s and afternoon highs in the upper 70s and low 80s had everyone in a better mood!

Even at work, more people took walks over lunch and enjoyed our rooftop patio.

Wrapping Up A Week Of Wonderful Weather

Although the weather made me want to run every day, I held myself back. After my triple workout Saturday (tread + yoga + bike ride) and a long tread workout Sunday, my calves were complaining with lingering tightness. Instead of pushing through and regretting it later, for once I dialed things back and let them recover. Who am I? If I wasn’t running, I still started my day outside with a 20 minute/1-ish mile walk with Scooby. I even wore long sleeves!

Sunday: Core + 20 min UB Strength + 6.15 Tread Miles
I did a core + upper body workout before church, and then I braved a 60 min tread class. It was programmed as a walk + run, but I mostly jogged the walking blocks because I have a hard time switching gears like that. I did walk the cool down down walk I took, and thoroughly enjoyed Adrian’s new lower body stretch.

Monday: 30 min Strength + 20 min Peloton Ride
I took Andy’s Core + Legs class again and then hopped on my bike to relive the 80s with Leanne.

Tuesday: Core + Flash 15 + Barre
My right calf was really tight Monday night, so I dialed it way back on Tuesday, with a solid combo of core, Jess, and barre. 😃

Wednesday: 10 min Bodyweight Strength + 3.75 Scooby Miles
Taking it easy Tuesday paid off, and my calves felt so much better. I did a bodyweight workout to warm up and then took Scooby out for my 3.75 mile (?) loop.

We both enjoyed the cool weather!

Thursday: Core + 20 min Upper Body Strength
I tried RK’s new upper body strength class and really enjoyed it. I like that she gave options to take the class different ways — heavy weights with fewer reps or moderate weights with more reps. I chose the latter, but might try to up the weights next time.

Friday: Core + 5.1 Scooby Miles
The weather was still amazing and since I was working from home I took Scooby on a longer run than I usually do before work. I planned on 4ish miles, but it was so nice I stretched it to 5.

I really need to fix my hair before taking my post-run selfie 🤪

Saturday: Core  + FB Strength + 31.75 Mile Bike Ride
I took Adrian’s FB Strength class again, but cut down on the core moves and hit pause once to catch up so it wasn’t so hectic.

Later in the morning we rode to a local brewery for a “Pedals + Pints” ride, but when we arrived for a 9:30 start were told the ride really didn’t start until 10–the information on the webpage was wrong. Ironically, other riders there had tried to join a different group ride advertised for 9 am that actually started at 8:30. Organizers, update your websites! We didn’t want to wait around for 1/2 hour, so we rode off on our own and visited my Mom.

Photo-op with my Mom’s roses.

Summer heat will be making a comeback tomorrow, but I’m hoping for one more run in wonderful weather in the morning.

A huge thank you to Deborah and Kim for hosting the Weekly Run Down link up.

What’s your favorite thing to do outside besides running?

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11 Responses to Wrapping Up A Week Of Wonderful Weather

  1. Jenny says:

    Ooh, those temps- I’m VERY jealous. That’s like winter weather in Florida! Glad your tight calf loosened up- we don’t need any more calf injuries around here.
    I have to be honest and say I didn’t even notice your hair in the post-run selfie. Scooby gets all my attention, heh heh! He must have been VERY happy with the cooler weather.
    To answer your question… I guess I would have to say… sigh… that my “favorite” thing to do outside other than running, is walking. I wish I liked cycling!

  2. It was a gorgeous weather week and gave me hope that fall is near. Not this week though lol. Solid week of workouts! My favorite thing to do outside besides running is walking

  3. Melissa says:

    Hooray for wonderful weather! We had cooler temps here, too and I’m not ready for it! Yes it’s nice for running but I love summer too much and am not ready for fall.
    My favorite thing outside is also walking. I’m not a cycler or really anything else-er. I do enjoy a good leisurely walk!

  4. Jenn says:

    I hate when the times are wrong on events. It’s so annoying.

    That being said, you had a great week of workouts, and I’m so glad you had some decent weather, too. We had one slightly less-lava feeling day, and it was heavenly. I am so excited for fall!

    Hi, Scooby!

  5. Darlene Cardillo says:

    Yes. Weather makes a big difference. My run yesterday felt so much easier than last weekend..

    It looks like it will warm again here too. Then rain.

  6. That would be super annoying to have those meet-up times wrong…for group events, nonetheless! I’m glad you guys finally got a (short) reprieve from the heat 😉 I need to try the RK upper-body workout (from Aug. 22) – thanks for the rec!

  7. Sounds like great running weather but look at you being all smart and not overdoing it 🙂

  8. Michelle says:

    The weather last week was amazing – I just wanted to bottle it up, especially since the humidity is making a comeback this week.

    Sorry to hear about your calf – hope it calms down soon!

  9. Catrina says:

    I bet your Mum was happy to see you!
    The irony that the organizers got one time too late and one too early – looks like someone didn’t do their job.

    Do you foam roll your calves? I find that enormously helpful when I get tight calves, I have a special mini roller that is very effective.

  10. My running did improve with the cooler temps! And then, hot, hot, hot again! Glad you listened to your body and took it easy. That’s not an easy thing to do sometimes! Hope that calf loosens up some.

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