Back To The Grind

Sometimes you get to ease back into work after a vacation, and sometimes you have to go right back to the grind. This week I had to hit it hard right out of the gate—starting with an 8:00 am conference call on Monday and working through dinner several nights.

Bitmoji desk


Putting my “you get to do this” face on my work week.

While I missed almost everything about The Grand Tetons, at least I had Starbucks to keep me going instead of the Keurig pod coffee we had in our cabin.

Back To The Grind

The weather this week was a grind, with record-breaking triple digit temperatures early in the week. Never mind that, I went to hot yoga on the hottest day of the week to use up the last class in my pack before it expired. 🧘‍♀️ By Friday, I had enough control over my work schedule to take a live class for my 1000th Peloton Run. By Saturday, it was temperate enough to take Scooby for a run.

Sunday: 45 min FB Strength + 25 min Peloton Ride
After a week without weights, my body was craving a solid strength workout. Jess Sims’ latest 45 min class hit the spot and was good enough to bookmark to take again. I was missing Hannah F too, so I hopped on my IC4 for a climb ride.

Monday: Core + LB Strength + 3.3 Tread Miles
It was in the upper 70s at 5 am, so I walked Scooby and then hopped on my tread for Camilla’s progression run—after a warm up, she cued three minute blocks of slightly increasing pace. It was a good class, but between that and the heat, it was one of those days when I was still sweating after my shower. 💦

Tuesday: Core Power Yoga
I got an email that my class pack was about to expire, but luckily I only had one class left so I sucked it up and set my alarm and went to a 6 am hot yoga class on what turned out to be the hottest day of the week (later reaching 102F). I liked the instructor, so I really should put yoga back in my routine …

While I waited for class to start I warmed up with a short Peloton yoga class. 

Wednesday: Flash 15 + 3.3 Tread Miles
It was in the low 80s at 5 am, which is just ridiculous!  In an effort to avoid post-shower sweating, I did an Arms & Light Weights class after my treadmill run.  It was a tough class that focused on smaller muscles that often get overlooked.

Thursday: Core + Peloton Rides
After walking Scooby and doing a core class at home, I drove to work to use the Peloton bike at my office gym. I paired Sam Yo’s grunge ride with a Lanebreak cool down.

Friday: Core + FB Strength + 4.5 Tread Miles
When Peloton told me I was coming up on my 1000th run, I eyed Andy’s live run at 7 am on Friday. I thought I could sleep in a bit, but work stress had me up at 5 am anyway, so I took Scooby for a walk and did some strength workouts to pass the time before I hopped on my tread @ 6:45. I didn’t get a shoutout, but Andy got me enough endorphins to make it through the day.

Saturday: 4.7 Scooby Miles
We finally had a break in the heat, but it was more humid than I expected. Scooby was panting hard, so I didn’t tack on my loop that would have rounded this run up to 5 miles.

I just noticed the Garmin “share your workout” feature.

A huge thank you to Deborah and Kim for hosting the Weekly Run Down link up.


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14 Responses to Back To The Grind

  1. Darlene S. Cardillo says:

    1000? Wow. Congrats.

    Yes this was a hot week.

    Hopefully things get better for running this week.

  2. This week’s weather was just obnoxious. When is October? Looks like you jumped right back into your schedule full on. Way to go on 1000 runs! Sorry you did not get your shoutout. I wonder what my run count would be after all these years? Running are the only classes I rarely do-I would still rather run with my group. Have a great week!

  3. Marcia says:

    Congrats on 1000 runs! Amazing! When you say low 80s at 5am I get Chicago Marathon 2007 flashbacks. That’s how hot it was at that time and that race was a debacle. At least this hot weather will make us feel like we had some summer, and we’ll look forward to fall. Your vacay pics are gorgeous!

  4. That’s crazy hot, even for you DC-area folks! Nice job on that Millenial Pelo milestone!

  5. Jenny says:

    You really tackled the week head-on, and I like the hot yoga class on the hottest day : ) Why not? Coming back from vacation is definitely hard, but sounds like you had a lot of endorphins and Starbucks to see you through!

  6. Susanne says:

    Congrats to 1000 Peloton runs! low 80s at 5 am is quite hot… reminds me of Italy when it’s “nice and fresh” in the morning when it’s like 82F at 8 am. You had a good week of different activities despite the hot weather. I’d love your hot weather at the moment… our summer is non-existing. Hopefully we’ll get some summer weather in Italy in September.

  7. Melissa says:

    Congrats on hitting 1,000!! We had a few hot days here and 80s in the morning too – but luckily it didn’t get too much hotter throughout the day. And I don’t mind the heat — long live summer! As always, love the Scooby run pics 🙂

  8. Michelle says:

    Big congrats on hitting run #1000!

    The weather this week was just ridiculous – the weekend has been a gift but unfortunately it’ll be short-lived.

    I hope work calms down for you soon!

  9. Debbie says:

    Congrats on hitting your 1,000th Peloton run, but bummer that you didn’t get a shout out. I hope your work schedule calms down a bit.

  10. Wendy says:

    Congrats on your millennial run! Too bad that you didn’t get a shoutout!

    I don’t remember you ever being this busy with work–has something changed?

  11. yikes on that heat! And you doing hot yoga during it 😉 Good job on getting right back at work after your vaca. My first two days back to work are usually putting out fires – and reading a billion emails.

  12. Catrina says:

    Yay for Starbucks! It’s funny how something seemingly small can bring a lot of comfort in a hectic workday.
    I have a work colleague who was on a sabbatical for 6 weeks. When she got back, she kept her “out of office” status for a week so that she could catch up.

    We should all have unofficial “out of office” days after a vacation!

  13. Jenn says:

    1000 runs is incredible! You should be so proud.

    It’s hard to come back and have to dive right back in. We had the same thing happen after our most recent trip, and I’m still reeling. Hopefully, you are able to get a little break, soon.

    PS – Hi, Scooby. I’m glad he is still able to get a little bit of walking in!

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