I was on my way to Starbucks when I got the email, and stopped in my tracks to do the math. I knew that Starbucks was considering revising its rewards program to take into account how much you spend in a given transaction, but the structure of the new Starbucks Rewards program was not adding up.

1. It’s a dollars-based program, not a transaction-based program. Under the current program, you earn one star per transaction, no matter how many items you buy or how much money you spend. For people like me who usually order a tall brewed coffee in their own cup, that means you can earn a star by spending as little as $2. Under the new program you will earn 2 stars for every dollar you spend. Starbucks promises to keep track of “partial stars” but may not count taxes, tips, etc.
2. You will have to spend $62.50 to earn a reward item. Under the current program, it takes twelve stars to earn a reward item. Under the new program, it will take 125 stars to earn a reward item. At $2 per star, that means we all will have to spend $62.50 to earn a reward item.
3. One day a month will be a Double Star day, The day will change from month to month, so you will have to sign up for Starbucks Rewards emails to know which day your dollars will earn four stars instead of two.
(click here for more information on the new program)
4. The value of Starbucks products sold in grocery stores will change. While I only spend $2 on my nearly-daily cup of coffee, I do spend $6-9 on packages of Starbucks ground coffee at the grocery store. Once the new program starts, the Star Codes on the 12 oz. packages of coffee sold at grocery stores will be worth 10 stars.
5. The new program starts sometime in April. When the new program launches, existing star balances will be converted to new star balances by multiplying by 11.
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I understand that the new program is more fair, and it certainly makes more sense from Starbucks’ perspective, but it will take me much longer and cost me much more to earn a reward item. Of course, none of this is going to stop me from getting my daily Starbucks fix, and maybe that’s the real math that matters to Starbucks.
Do you care about any of this?
Can someone figure out if I should redeem my stars before the switch or let them roll over?
The new program actually works well for me. I’m not a coffee drinker really, but will occasionally stop by Starbucks for whatever reason, usually with other people. My average order is about $30 or so. I only have 14 stars that took me a year to earn and include a ton of bonus stars from Christmas (I think I’ve only earned four from actual purchases)! I know for the more frequent Staebuchs Goer, the new program might hurt tho!
Gosh, as expensive as Starbucks is, it would be hard to spend $30 on a regular basis!
I’m not thrilled about the new program. Like you, I rarely spend more than $3 at a time at Starbucks. It’s going to take a lot longer to get rewards now.
And twice as much for you – $62.50 instead of about $36.
Glad to have read this. I didn’t even know about the rewards program till this past Christmas so I hadn’t been using it yet! I hope to though!
It has some great features – like a free item for your birthday and free refills on brewed coffee. 😉
I’m bummed about the new program, too. It’s going to cost me more to earn a free item. But it probably won’t impact my Starbucks spending too much, and as you note, that is probably what they care about.
I am not sure about this at all! I get a latte so it’s $3-4 per trip but sounds like it’s going to take me a lot longer to earn a free drink!
I have a system. I load my Starbucks card with $25 per week. That’s all I will spend per week. Often, its less. I love the new system even though it means it will take longer for me to get my free drink. But, Starbucks will not be getting any additional money from me.
That’s a great system. I, on the other hand, have my Starbucks card on auto-reload. 😉
I don’t go to Starbucks much anymore. My parents usually give me a giftcard every year for Christmas and once that’s done, I don’t go back until after the next Christmas 🙂 I have a rewards account but never use it. It just seems to take so long to get a reward. Maybe I’ll try again sometime.
I can’t imagine spending $62.50 lol I rarely go…now Panera for breakfast, I do use my rewards 🙂
Hah! I do like Panera, there’s just not one near work.
lol, I do not care about any of it but it does sound like it’s harder to gain rewards under the new program. 🙂
Glad you posted about this. I plan to too.
I am addicted to Starbucks. I work across the street.
I’m not sure if it will make a difference.
Before if I ordered 2 lattes – I got 1 star. So I had to order seaprately.
Not it will make up order something for $5.05 rather than $4.95 to get the extra star.
I think they will keep track of your exact spending, so you can just order what you want without worrying about the stars – which probably is better in the long run!
I only drink Starbucks during the holidays when they have the Creme Brule…so it would take me forever and a day to earn a reward! lol!!
I guess it makes sense…for Starbucks!
Yeah I wasn’t so sure about this when I got the email. Mostly I’m a $2 cup girl too. Although there are times I’ll take the kids and friends for fraps and end up spending $30. But that’s not too often. So if I buy a $10 mug, I’ll get 20 stars??
Yep, I think that’s how it works. I might start buying coffee beans there since I will get more credit than I would at the grocery store — but the grocery store has been having good sales lately.
I am def one of those $2 Starbucks girls too…unless I buy my girlies the occasional snowman cookie!
I’m still annoyed about the last Rewards change they made–you used to get free soy milk in espresso drinks, and, as someone who’s very allergic to dairy, I was a big fan of that. (It’s been a few years, so I should maybe get over that one by now… 🙂 ) But I’m not thrilled about this newest change either, though–I usually stick with a $2-$3 drink whenever I buy Starbucks.
I don’t believe in any reward programs. Their goal is to make money on you, not help you save money.
Will non-coffee purchases count toward reward dollars? I’m like you – most trips, I’m just getting brewed coffee so my stars are “cheap.” We’ll have to see how that adds up in the new system.
I drink a $3 unsweetened iced tea. I get a free unsweetened iced tea when I redeem my reward. I don’t drink sugary drinks and have never developed a taste for coffee. So the new rewards program is ridiculous for me. I was angry when the app didn’t allow me to order a plain black iced tea. After emailing back and forth with customer service, it became clear to me they didn’t want my business. The new rewards program has made me an ex-customer. I have $14 left on my gold card and am going to ask for my money back. I’m looking forward to saving money!
Yes, I’m sure we aren’t the customers Starbucks really needs to keep, although they are still making money on my $2 coffee!