I’ve been trying to notice and appreciate the many reasons I have to be grateful. In the process, I’ve found that I am stressing less over life’s minor annoyances. They really do pale in comparison. When life gets rough, I am particularly thankful for my faith, and for my friends–including the friends I have made through blogging. That’s why I decided to participate in the Holiday Giveaway Blog Hop, and join 24 other bloggers who each are hosting a giveaway to show appreciation to our readers.
Please accept my thanks and enter my giveaway below, and then “hop along” and visit the other participating blogs.
To keep the appreciation theme going, I thought I’d share five ways we can support our favorite bloggers. I’ve been thinking about this for a while and was taken aback when Nellie wrote a great post on the same topic, but I’m going to put my own spin on it and hope she trusts me that I didn’t copy her idea.

- Leave a comment. Google Analytics may know whether you read a blog post, but the blogger probably won’t know unless you leave a comment. I know it really means a lot to me when someone comments on my posts, and I love comments that keep the conversation going, share a similar experience, or offer a different perspective.
- Click to Tweet, Pin, and share. If you enjoyed a blog post and think your friends or followers might too, take a few seconds to Tweet, Pin and/or share the post on Facebook. Not only will that help the blogger by exposing the post to a broader audience, but it will help you diversify your own social media content.
- Like and comment on Facebook. Speaking of Facebook, Facebook continues to make it harder for non-promoted posts to show up in Newsfeeds. If you happen to see a blogger’s post in your Newsfeed, clicking “like” tells Facebook that that’s the type of content you want to see, which makes it more likely that you (and others) will see a post from that blogger in your Newsfeed again. (Leaving a comment earns even more goodwill in the Facebook algorithm.) Even if I’ve already read a blog post or article I see on Facebook, I will “like” the Facebook post to remind Facebook that, yes, I do want to see posts from the pages I follow.
- Subscribe. I can’t always read my favorite blogs every day, so I use Bloglovin’ as an easy way to catch up when I have time. Subscribing to a blogger’s newsletter, signing up for their posts by email, or following them on Bloglovin or another reader, shows that you enjoy reading their posts on a regular basis.
- Enter giveaways. (Hint, Hint) It may sound counter-intuitive, but the best way to show appreciation for the effort it takes to design and run a giveaway is to enter early and often–if the giveaway rules permit!. Of course, the more times you enter, the more chances you have to win, so even if you’re not feeling altruistic you can help a blogger out this way!
[Tweet “Show your favorite blogger some appreciation (giveaway) #blogging”]
To show my appreciation to you, I am giving away a $20 Starbucks gift card.
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Giveaway ends December 6, 2015 at midnight EST. All entries are subject to verification and invalid entries will be disqualified. Winner will be selected via the Rafflecopter app and notified by email. Winner will have 48 hours to respond before a new winner is selected. Winner may choose between me mailing a $20 Starbucks Gift Card (U.S. address only) or emailing a $20 Starbucks Gift Card (may require Starbucks account to redeem). Facebook, Twitter and Bloglovin are in no way associated with this giveaway.
Once you’ve entered my giveaway, hop along to the next one:
How do you like to be shown you’re appreciated?
How sad is it I do not know??
Ive been thinking lately about precisely what my love language is and these days Id say it is simple.
just a thank you.
I am thankful for you!! For me, I think that it’s just a kind word here and there, whether it’s on a post or FB or wherever. I appreciate it all. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!!
Isn’t it amazing how much a few kind words can mean?! xxooxx
What a nice post! I am grateful for all the support you’ve shown me on my blog! It’s a blog eat blog world, and I’m grateful that we have such a supportive little group of fitness bloggers.
As I blogger, I love to get comments. It makes me know that people actually appreciate what I’ve spent time on to post! I always try to show support to fellow bloggers by leaving comments on tweeting links to their posts.
My favorite way is to thank people, sometimes the little things like some baked goods or a flower make a big difference.
I like to be shown that i’m appreciated by talking to me and looking at me and not talking down to me.
nice post. just a simple phone call is enough sometimes or treat me to Starbucks LOL
I am not a big fan of Starbucks but I do like going there over the holidays to get their speciality drinks.
Who doesn’t love a little extra caffeine this time of year?!
Baked goods!
I think my favorite way to be appreciated is simply being told I am doing a good job.I am big on affirmations.
Thank you for hosting such a fun giveaway! I’m off to check out everyone else.
I like not only to be loved, but also to be told that I am loved. – George Eliot
I think we all like to be told we are loved and appreciated. With that being said, I appreciate you and all of the other bloggers for doing this giveaway. Thank you so very much! 🙂
Thanks for hosting such a great giveaway! I always appreciate getting kind words and thank yous. As a blogger, comments are my biggest jam!
I just like hugs!
My favorite way to be shown that I’m appreciated it is a dessert surprise or flowers!
Great giveaway!
Hugs! They are the best for me. =)
I recently joined the blogging world and definitely appreciate the comments I’ve received from the very few readers I have. Learning more about blogging everyday. Thanks!
i like it when someone recognizes me with a little token of appreciation!
A heartfelt Thank you is perfect for me 😉
I think a kind word of appreciation is usually enough for me!
I always appreciate gift cards or a card.
All great suggestions – I’ve always been so grateful for how supportive you’ve been to me 🙂 In general, I think a kind word goes a long way – sometimes everyone is so caught up in their own thing that we forget how important and powerful it is to just say “Thank you.”
Aw, thanks, Michele! I really hope we can meet in person soon. I’m sure we’d get along like we’ve been friends forever!
A simple thank you, works for me!
I love just hearing thank you and a genuine appreciation!
A simple thank you goes a long way!
Handwritten note!
Great giveaway! I love how supportive the blogging community is.
I think all the ways you mentioned are great ways to show gratitude to bloggers! Can you believe I just started going to Starbucks this fall? They just built one near my running trail. how convenient!
Thoughtful notes are always appreciated!
This so great. I know I love when I get comments from readers and fellow bloggers. Creating conversations leads to lasting relationships!!
It’s really how we get to know each other!
My favorite is when someone does something thoughtful. Like when my husband messages me and says, “don’t worry about supper” and brings home takeout. Or does a chore I hate but normally take care of….
Lately I’ve been really appreciating all the love I get on instagram! Just knowing people are paying attention to my page makes me feel great.
The best way someone can thank me is with a sincere thank you.
I am thankful for everything I have I always appreciate those who do good to others
My favorite way to be appreciated is with a smile and a thank you. By the way, I love Starbucks and would love to win your giveaway, one of the best I have seen!
Hah! I hope you win – or at least that someone who really likes Starbucks wins!
A thank you is the best way to show appreciation for me. By the way, thank you for your blog and this giveaway!
You’re very welcome. Thank you for stopping by and entering. -:-)
when people thank me
When my boyfriend notices all the chores I have done each day and offers to help with dinner or dishes to give me a break
That is the best!
A simple hug says so much!
An unexpected note from someone goes a long way!
My favorite way to be shown I’m appreciated is just a few sincere words from the heart of someone.
Kinds words and a hug.
Kind words or simple gestures mean the most to me.
I just like hearing about it from friends and co workers.
All I expect or want is a simple thank you and the person to act like it is really appreciated.
Just a thank you or kind words go a LONG way with me. As a blogger, I love your ideas! Happy Thanksgiving! I am grateful for the monthly coffee date. The next one is on my birthday! 🙂
Thanks! I look forward to having coffee with you on your birthday!!
I don’t usually leave comments on blog posts, because I feel like I’m just one in a thousand. I never thought that it would mean a lot to the blogger.
I think I started reading your blog because you are a runner, around my age, and seem to like Starbucks as much as I do!!!
Everyone who knows me would know that they could show their appreciation by giving me a Starbucks gift card!!
Comments are the best! And I appreciate every one. I’m glad to know you’re a kindred spirit with running and Starbucks. 😉
Just a hug will do 🙂
I like to get a hug
I like being told thank you.
To have someone write or talk with me
I love GC to DD or Starbucks as a symbol of appreciation
Just a kind, simple thank you can mean so much!
I love to get comments on my blog posts. In real life, just a thank you is most appreciated!
I am very happy with a simple verbal thank you. It’s very nice to be appreciated. : )
My favorite is a small, thoughtful gift and a hand written note.
Ohhh, great giveaway! Are you sure you can part with it 😉 The peppermint mochas are back and I could use one!
Commenting and sharing are both great. I don’t comment nearly enough on posts I enjoy. Sometimes it’s just when or how I’m reading it, but I like to try and comment to let people know I enjoyed reading.
Simple kind words.
I really appreciate just sincere conversation with equal give and take.
Thank you for joining us and this is a great reminder. I simple thank you goes a long ways 🙂
I really just enjoy someone’s time with me.
I like when my husband does something for me that he knows I might not have time for or when I’m tired, like doing the dishes or running an errand for me.
A simple thank you is all I need 🙂
I love hand written cards.
A “thank you” or “I appreciate it” works for me. My of my kids always thanks me after a meal. Love it! Your giveaway is the best! 🙂
It may seems strange but I love getting anything homemade especially from my kids. When someone takes time, which in this day and age is precious, it really shows they care. Baking a cake or making cookies is a way that I show people appreciation.
I really like acknowledgment and just a simple person saying, Thank you. .
Anything simple, like someone telling me that seeing something made them think of me or something like that.
I love notes and massages!
a simple “thank you” works best for me!
i just like to hear it… although i wouldn’t say no to a starbies gift card :))))
My favorite way to show I’m appreciated…by my family…is a hug!
Thanks for participating in the hop!
I just appreciate a heart felt thank you!
I’d say a verbal thank you is the best way to let me know I’m appreciated 🙂
I’m realizing that’s the case for me as well. On the other hand, when I don’t receive even a thank you, I can get resentful even if my effort wasn’t that great.
I am so thankful for my friends and family. They have done so much to me.
My favorite way to be shown appreciation is a nice hug.
Just give me a hug and say thank you! Having your work be noticed and appreciated is enough 🙂
I like to hear a kind word.
A real tangible note card sent snail mail will make my day every time!
A simple thaank you is great, but I love a handwritten thank you note & flowers from my hubby!
My favorite way is just saying thank you and a smile 🙂
Just words alone “I appreciate you” is enough for me.
Pingback: The Hectic Holidays Ultimate Coffee Date - Got2Run4Me
A sincere thank you with a smile is more than sufficient.
I like to be appreciated with a hug.
A thank you or kind words is the best way to show me that I am appreciated.
I like to hear someone tell me. I also like to receive a handwritten note.
Your post is so insightful. Before I started blogging, I had no idea what pageviews or analytics even were. Thanks for the reminder that I can help other bloggers, too!
i like hugs
I like hugs for close friends and simple thank you from colleagues.
I love it when people just say a simple thank you.
I like to be shown that I’m appreciated saying thank you.
A card is always nice to receive as a token of appreciation.
I am a chocoholic so anytime I receive chocolate candy I know I am appreciated.