Braving Chicago Weather

Last week I had my first trip to Chicago of 2025. It was a short one, but my schedule had room for a run if the weather would cooperate.

Would you have headed out?

Braving Chicago Weather

I stalked the weather when I was packing, and it looked dicey. The forecast called for rain, but temps in the 40s tempted me. I packed outdoor running gear—including a light rain jacket and hat, but also packed clothes for the gym. 

Would there really be a break in the rain between 6 and 8 am?

When I woke up Tuesday morning and checked the weather, it didn’t look good. (See above!) The hourly forecast said I might have 1/2 hour before it started to rain again, and I really wasn’t in the mood for the hotel gym, so I put on my running gear and headed out.

I think I made it 15 minutes before it started sprinkling, but it was so windy I didn’t feel like I was getting wet. By the time the rain picked up I was fully invested in my run, and not minding the conditions. I saw one other woman out running and thought—She looks soaked!—and then realized she probably thought the same about me! 🤣

By the end of my run, my socks were wet and I was getting chilled, but my Grande Americano from the Starbucks by my hotel warmed me up quickly.

Weekly Wrap

Nothing was as exciting as Tuesday’s run. I did get out with Scooby yesterday, but a nagging ache in my right leg has me thinking I jinxed myself talking about being injury-free last week. 🤨

Sunday: 45 min FB Strength
I had a busy day, but carved out time for a solid 45 min with Jess Sims after church. Yes, I reached back to a class from 2022 I hadn’t taken yet.

Monday: Core + UB + 30 min Peloton Ride
My flight wasn’t until 1 pm, so I had time for my usual workout and then some—although I did work from home before heading to the airport @ 11. Hannah was all decked out for her Raye ride, and I enjoyed the playlist so much I chose Olivia’s Raye run on Tuesday.

Tuesday: Core + ?? Chicago Miles
I’ve given up trying to track my miles in Chicago. I ran for about 50 minutes with only one photo stop.

Wednesday: Core + Bodyweight Strength
I had an early flight but woke up even earlier, and had time for two short Peloton classes before checking out @ 5:00 am. Yes, I woke up that early!

Thursday:  30 min FB + Tread Miles
I paired another fun strength class with Katie with a tread run with Jon. I cut it close with my morning routine, but still made it off my street before the school bus came through @ 7:15.

Friday: Core + ALW + 30 min Peloton Ride
I haven’t taken a CDE ride in a while, but I couldn’t resist this playlist, and it was a good class. She alternated intervals at high cadence or moderate resistance (keeping about the same effort) with a sprint at the end of each interval.

Saturday: Standing Core + 4.0 Scooby Miles
I did RK’s latest standing core class as a pre-run workout, and it was great for that. She alternated farmer’s carry blocks (marching holding weights) with great pre-run moves like standing bicycles, lunges, and multi-directional single-leg squats. The weather was great for my run (low 40s) but I was “feeling” my right calf, so I cut my loop short and did 4 miles instead of 6. 🤷‍♀️
A huge thank you to Deborah and Kim for hosting the Weekly Run Down link up throughout the year, and to each of you for stopping by.

So, what is going on with my leg? I really don’t know. It’s not in my calf, and it’s not shin splints. It’s not knee pain, but it’s sort of below my knee towards the outside. Dr. Google hasn’t been any help, but thinking back I wonder if I pulled something a week or so ago, when Scooby unexpectedly lunged after the fox on one of our morning walks. The pain goes away 100% with meloxicam which makes me optimistic that if I take it easy it will get better sooner rather than later. 🤞

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11 Responses to Braving Chicago Weather

  1. Darlene S. Cardillo says:

    Oh no. I hate hearing about leg pain. My Achilles is tight now in the morning. I seem to be able to run pain free.

    Glad you were able to squeeze in a run during your work trip. I feel that way about nyc though there are many photo stops.

    Looking forward to chatting in person.

  2. Jenny says:

    That was a quick trip! Your run in Chicago does sound like an adventure (but those are the best kind!)
    Sounds like a great week EXCEPT for the pain in your leg. I hate having to cut runs short (and I hate nagging pains.) lIke you said- hopefully with a little rest it will resolve itself.
    That standing core class does sound like a great run warmup!

  3. Debbie says:

    Kudos on going on that outdoor rainy run in Chicago! Funny how the rain doesn’t seem as bad if it starts during our run as it does when you have to step out into the pouring rain.

    Hope you can figure out and your leg pain and send it packing quickly.

  4. Catrina says:

    Smart call to cut back on the running—it’s funny how even the smallest niggles can make us so paranoid. I’m exactly the same!

    You’ve got the Garmin map of your Chicago run, so you should be able to check your miles, right? Or did you decide to just enjoy the run after the photo stop and not worry about tracking? Either way, 50 minutes in the rain sounds like a solid effort—well done, Coco!

  5. You’ve inspired me to try a standing core class for my pre-Pi warm-up this afternoon 😉 That was a quick trip to Chicago! Looks like you got a lot done, including the run and other fitness stuff!

  6. I always find it is much colder in Chicago than I think it will be when I run there. Last March, Wendy and I were freezing at the Shamrock race mid march. Still a great city to run in. Hope your calf feels better. I don’t normally like the standing core classes, however, I also really like Rebecca’s newest one

  7. Wendy says:

    That radar map you posted? That is what it looked like when I headed out on Wednesday, lol! It was like the eye of the storm. Glad you got your run in, but sorry you were soaked. It has been a wild season so far. I’m not even sure what season we’re in!

  8. Melissa says:

    Ooof running in that weather– I’ll bet you were soaked. I need to try some standing core activities again.

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