Whelp, my vacation vibes didn’t last long. Sunday afternoon I had to pick up an urgent work project, and when I had just about wrapped that up I got a distressed call from my secretary.
Rude Reentry To Reality
My secretary and I have been working together for over 20 years. No question she is an essential member of my team, but we also have a close personal relationship. She was calling me from the hospital. Her husband had just passed away. It was completely unexpected—some sort of heart attack.
In retrospect, there were warning signs—the vague symptoms we all know but probably would ignore/rationalize in the moment. He had complained of heart burn for several days, was feeling nauseated shortly before it happened, and also had broken into a cold sweat. My secretary suggested going to the ER, but he declined. He wasn’t a fan of doctors, and hadn’t had a physical in years.
It’s a little to early for me to start fundraising for the Lawyers Have Heart race in May that supports the American Heart Association, but February is Heart Health Month, so I will take this opportunity to urge you to learn the warning signs and don’t ignore them.
My secretary is an amazing person. She is always kind and willing to help anyone in any way she can. Everyone loves her, so everyone is hurting for her. On Monday, I had to break the news to over 20 people (individually), and that was hard.
Weekly Wrap
After all that, does it really matter what workouts I did this week? I guess it does matter that I continued to do what I can to keep my heart healthy. I think it also matters that Peloton makes it easy to stay motivated with such a variety of classes, instructors, music, programs, and challenges. And, I’m really glad my husband is enjoying the strength, cycling, and stretching classes because I want him to have a healthy heart too. Still, I’ll just share some pictures of Scooby to lighten the load of this heavy post.
Tuesday brought our second snowstorm of the year
with several inches of fluffy snow by morning.
The weather warmed up quickly,
so sidewalks were clear in time for my Saturday run.
The rest of the week I did my usual balance of classes — about 30 min strength + 30 min tread or bike. I took two classes with Ally Love because her playlists were on point — one R&B/Soul class and one HipHop. She is so sweet, but her programming was sneaky hard!
A huge thank you to Deborah and Kim for hosting the Weekly Run Down link up throughout the year, and to each of you for stopping by.
Do you get regular check-ups?
That’s so sad about your secretary’s husband! About 10 years ago, one of my coworkers’ husband passed away suddenly in the night of a heart attack. He was 41. So sad. I’m pretty sure he didn’t get regular checkups–at his age? But there was a family history…
My hubs and I get regular checkups–he’s the one with good genetics but is overweight, while I’m fit but have high cholesterol (thanks mom). I am on top of it all. How great that you represent the AHA so well. Keep on spreading awareness!
Wow, that is so sad. I’m so sorry. Yes, we need to do all we can to keep our hearts healthy. But it does sometimes seem if any of it really matters.
Thanks for sharing the signs to look out for again. It is really scary to think about so many people having heart attacks daily. It is so important to stay on top of your own health and do all that we can to prevent it. As you know, this hits home for me. Condolences to your friend and her family
Yes, I will never forget your own scare and glad you got everything checked out and taken care of! <3
So sorry for your tough week and your secretary’s husband passing. What a loss, for everyone, and an important wake-up call for us all. I love Ally, but her workouts do sneak up on you with the hidden intensity, LOL!
Oh that’s so sad! You didn’t mention how old he was- was this a “widow maker?” We know a few young-ish men who have died from heart attacks lately, and it’s terrible.
I can see how that would put a damper on your whole week. But it’s a good reminder for us to keep ourselves healthy and get regular checkups. Thanks!
Well, literally it was, but I don’t know if it was that specific kind of heart attack. 😉 She’s pretty sure he never regained consciousness and the EMTs/ER never got a pulse.
He was 58.
Oh my, how awful. There’s nothing that can even be said about how terrible that situation is. I really appreciate you posting the info about the warning signs. It’s very important. I hope all of her family and friends will be a comforting support for her in this time of need. This is also a good reminder, as you said, to continue to take care of ourselves as best we can. Hugs!!
I think we “know” the warning signs, but we need to not to hesitate about calling 9-1-1.
Oh, that is so sad. Sending thoughts of love and comfort to your secretary. She must be devastated.
I’m not great at regular check ups. My husband was until he wasn’t, and look what happened there. He was lucky that we were able to catch everything mostly in time.
Lots of hugs to you.
Very lucky! XXOOXX
How awful and sad about your secretary’s husband. When it happens so unexpectedly.. it’s the worst. I hope she has good people around her for support (she certainly does from work!). Sending hugs to them all.
I’m getting increasingly aware that I need to work more on heart health. I’ve never been good at cardio. At least I get some of it through Renegade rows and the like, and hill walking season will start soon.
That’s such a tough and heart breaking situation. I’m so sorry for your secretary’s loss—it sounds like she and her husband had a strong and loving partnership. And for you, having to break that news so many times must have been incredibly difficult.
Glad to hear you still found some balance in your week, and I hope your secretary is surrounded by support in the days ahead.
Oh gosh how devastating for your secretary…I’m so sorry to hear that.
What a tough week. Great reminder to keep up with health checks for sure. I’m all about it, but Dustin rarely goes to the doctor! I will nag him again to get a health check. Runners aren’t immune to heart issues!