My Review Of The Peloton Strength For Skiers Program

With a ski vacation coming up in February, I decided to buckle down and do the full Peloton Strength for Skiers program this week. I’ve done many of the classes as stand-alones, but this week I added the warm-ups, stretches, and mobility classes, and did them all in order to get the badge.

All classes are taught by both Andy Speer and Matt Wilpers

The Peloton Strength For Skiers Program

The Peloton Strength for Skiers program is a 5 day program meant to be repeated for a few weeks to get you in shape for skiing. The warm-up, mobility, and body weight strength classes can be used before/after/between a day on the slopes. 

Day 1 has a 5 min warm-up, 30 min full body strength class, and 15 min stretch. The Day 1 strength class is the “heaviest” of the program, with three main blocks and a “finisher”:

  • weighted lunges + single-arm shoulder presses (3 rounds)
  • weighted squats + renegade rows (3 rounds)
  • triceps kick-backs, plank with dumbbell pass-through, side planks with twist (2 rounds)
  • weighted push press + swing clean (90 sec AMRAP)

Day 2 is a light day with a 20 min mobility class. The mobility classes are a cross between a warm-up and a dynamic stretch class, and include upper body and lower body moves.

Day 3 has a 10 min warm-up, 30 min full body strength class, and the same 15 min stretch as Day 1. The Day 3 warm-up is my favorite, and would be great before hitting the slopes—or as a pre-run warm up. The Day 3 strength class uses weights but has a more functional focus than Day 1 with unilateral work and some plyometric moves:

  • single-leg dumbbell deadlifts + single-leg squats + overhead press (2 rounds)
  • pogo hops + drop squats (2 rounds)
  • skater hops + starter drill (2 rounds)
  • lateral lunges (2 rounds)
  • single-leg dumbbell deadlifts (3 rounds)
  • prowler push-ups + plank shoulder taps (90 sec AMRAP)

Day 4 is another (different) mobility class.

Day 5 is similar to Day 3, but with a bodyweight strength class. If you doubt a bodyweight class can be effective, the squat series will show you how wrong you are! 🔥

  • lunge matrix (front/lateral/reverse/curtsy) + T push-ups (3 rounds)
  • squats (3 90 sec rounds)
  • push-ups + spider lunges + superhuman holds (3 rounds)
  • side planks with leg raise + windshield wipers (2 rounds)  

The bodyweight class is probably my favorite, and definitely could be a strength for runners class.

After doing all the classes in order, I was rewarded by a badge.

Not sure I would have chosen that graphic, but …

All the Peloton Strength for Skiers classes are taught by both Andy Speer (playing the role of strength coach) and Matt Wilpers (playing the role of skier). My main complaint is that sometimes their chatty banter feels excessive, but I’ve learned to add in extra bodyweight moves when there is both a rest and a demo before the next set. Moving forward, I’m likely to take the 10 min warm-up and all the strength classes again, but skip the others.

I’m really glad Peloton put this program together, and am sure my quads will be stronger on the slopes. ⛷️Hearing Matt talk about skiing also gets me more excited for my own ski trip. 🎿

Weekly Wrap

It was another bitter cold week with no snow but lingering icy sidewalks. Monday I waited until broad daylight to walk Scooby and still got taken down by a thin patch of ice I didn’t  notice. 😩 Between that and morning temps in the teens the rest of the week, I cut dark o’clock Scooby walks out of my morning routine. (Scooby got his walks later in the day.)

Sunday: Core + Upper Body + Peloton Rides
Sunday I warmed up with some strength workouts and then hopped on one of Hannah Frankson’s 45 min Powerzone Endurance rides to finish my pledge miles for Pelofondo.

My 2-day total

Monday: Strength for Skiers + 5.6 Tread miles
I started the Peloton Strength for Skiers program and also stacked two tread runs to get > 5 miles in. Any 15 min stretch class tests my patience, but this one is extra annoying because Andy and Matt chat between stretches—just give us something else to do and then share your wisdom! That said, it is a good full body stretch class.

Tuesday: Mobility + 30 min Peloton Ride
I took the first SFS mobility class and then hopped on my bike for a 20 min ride with Hannah followed by my favorite Lanebreak ride.

Wednesday: SFS + 3.5 Tread Miles
Another long SFS stack, which I broke up with an intervals tread run with Olivia.

Thursday: Mobility + Core + Arms + 20 min Ride
I did the second mobility class of the SFS program and then a core and upper body class before hopping on my bike for a short ride. Jess King’s Sweat Steady rides are similar to Powzer Zone endurance rides without the zone call-outs— a/k/a a steady burn.

Friday: SFS + 3.5 Tread Miles
I made it to the last day of the Strength for Skiers program! Once again, I broke up the three classes by hopping on the tread before taking the stretch class.

Saturday: Core + Arms/Shoulders + 30 min PZ Ride
I had a church vestry meeting at 9am, so I only had about an hour for my workout. I chose Tunde’s class for the playlist and wasn’t disappointed.

With our deep freeze finally over I’ll be back to my “normal” routine next week, but having a break from walking Scooby made it easier to fit in all the Strength for Skiers workouts and still have time for a daily dose of cardio.

A huge thank you to Deborah and Kim for hosting the Weekly Run Down link up throughout the year, and to each of you for stopping by.

Do you train to get in shape for an active vacation? 

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21 Responses to My Review Of The Peloton Strength For Skiers Program

  1. Catrina says:

    That’s an awesome way to gear up for your ski trip! Those squats will definitely pay off when you’re carving down the slopes.
    Haha, I’m not sure I could handle that much banter either, but hey, if the workouts deliver results, it’s worth it!

  2. Marcia says:

    Sounds like the Peloton Ski training came at the perfect time for you! Sorry you were taken down by ice. This weather has been absolutely nasty. But it’ll feel that much nicer when spring finally arrives!

  3. I am trying to get my husband to do the ski workouts before our trip in March. We did the first day and will see how that goes. There are so many new programs I have FOMO!

  4. Jenny says:

    Sounds like a great program- and I can see how “strength for skiers” could equally apply to running. Your review is good- the excessive banter would be annoying.
    Hope it warms up for you this week so Scooby gets his morning runs again!

  5. Susanne says:

    Those workouts are not for the faint-hearted! Single leg deadlifts?!! I like it! I’ve meant to try the plank with dumbbell pass-through for some time. I did the side plank with a twist some year ago, I should try to get back to them. I remember they were really tough.
    With all that training you should be in peak form for skiing in February!
    I hope you get some more humane weather next week.

    • Coco says:

      I love plank pass-throughs. 😉

      Single-leg deadlifts are easier for me than single-leg squats or your favorite Bulgarian split squats!

  6. Jenn says:

    This was a super smart way to get ready for you ski trip!
    I’m sorry the cold has been keeping you inside, but it sounds like you are very ready to get back to it!

    I’m sure Scooby is ready for some warmer days as well!

  7. Nice week! Those ski workouts really sound intriguing (I know I said that before, LOL). I just need to figure out a way to work them into my routine…maybe in the evening? My 10-ish work days are killing my fitness availability with leaving the house at 6:30 every morning, and the bitter cold of winter makes me want to stay in once I get home and veg on the couch with Max.

    • Coco says:

      I’d suggest doing the individual classes from the strength and stretch libraries. The full program is a bit much with the 15 min stretch class three times …

  8. Wendy says:

    It sounds like that ski workout would be good for non-skiers too! We do a lot of those moves at CrossFit. It’s always a good idea to mix it up.

    Congrats on finishing the Pelofondo!

  9. Michelle says:

    Great way to prep for your ski trip! And thanks for the review – I’m a big fan of Matt’s but not so much Andy, so I was wondering how that combo would play out.

    Hope it warms up for you this week – it’s been rough up here!

    • Coco says:

      Andy has grown on me, and he’s one of my favorites. I think his coaching skills really come out in this format — from time to time he comments on Matt’s form and makes suggestions, etc.

  10. Melissa says:

    Great job this week. Ski-strength workouts sound so interesting and definitely good for more than just skiiers! Hope you get warmer this week too – we were in the negatives for a few days but 20s today, which was great!

  11. I really think the skiers workout that my husband and I have been doing really helped us on our recent ski trip! I’m sure you will see results from yours too. This is the first time I’ve done any ski specific workouts, but of course these are good moves for runner strength too.

  12. Debbie says:

    What a great workout program to get you ready for your ski vacation. I would definitely do something similar to that. Hope everything is okay from your fall on the ice.

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