Sleeping It Off

Ya’ll, I am still fighting off whatever non-covid virus caught me last week. My symptoms have changed every few days so my main hope for recovery has been sleeping it off.

Sleeping It Off 

My symptoms started last Thursday with a tickly throat and cough. On Saturday I had a bit more energy, but my cough was persistent. Sunday hit me like a truck. I got up at 7:30 and took Scooby out, but then went back to sleep until noon, and after that just sat on the sofa and watched football until 3:00 pm without moving much. Monday my nose turned into a faucet and my cough got deeper so I turned to NyQuil and DayQuil to get through the next few days. By Thursday my nose was dried out, but my sinuses felt clogged up. Since then I’ve felt a bit better every day, but my respiratory function is still not 100%.

Thanks for rubbing it in, Garmin

I honestly can’t remember feeling this bad for this long—or maybe I just never gave myself  this much time—or this much extra sleep—to recover.

Weekly Run Down

I let Scooby be my alarm clock and slept until 6:30 or so all week. I kept up my Peloton streak with our morning walks, but didn’t do anything else until Thursday.

Scooby loves leaf piles!

Thursday: Core + 10 min ALW + 10 min Barre + 10 min LB Strength
By Thursday I was itching to do something and stacked a few 10 min classes. Hannah C’s new barre class was underwhelming so I added JJ’s strength class, which I’ve taken before.

Friday: Core + 10 min Bodyweight Strength
Friday I was going into the office for the first time (mainly to get some papers), so after letting myself sleep in I didn’t have time to do much else. I had this old bodyweight class bookmarked and it was a good one.

Saturday (My Birthday!):
Core + UB Strength + LB Strength + 20 min Peloton Ride
I browsed the live schedule for birthday shoutouts, but knew I wasn’t up for running yet. I briefly considered the live 120 min Powerzone cycling class, but decided to try an easy 20 min ride instead—that proved challenging enough. 😉

My low-impact birthday stack

A huge thank you to Deborah and Kim for hosting the Weekly Run Down link up.

November has hit me hard, but I’m counting on it ending better than it started.

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13 Responses to Sleeping It Off

  1. Wendy says:

    I’m so sorry to hear that you caught the ick that is going around! I’ve seen so many patients with something similar and I have nothing to offer except empathy and tincture of time. I hope you’re on the mend!

    Happy birthday!

  2. Catrina says:

    That sounds rough!
    I’m glad the extra sleep helped. Having a clogged up nose feels awful and I can see how running was out of the question.
    I had to smile that you considered a 120 min Powerzone cycling class when you are recovering from a week of illness! Always ready for a challenge, right? 😂

  3. Darlene S. Cardillo says:

    Ugh. Sorry to hear. Maybe your body needs to slow down.

    Hope you feel better soon.

  4. Debbie says:

    Oh no, that sounds like a miserable virus. One of my clients missed a week after testing positive for flu type A. She continued to feel crappy for at least another week. I hope you’re finally on the road to recovery!

  5. Jenny says:

    Wow- the November woes just keep coming. Sounds like a miserable week. I hope you were able to do something fun on your birthday!
    Feel better. <3

  6. Taya says:

    Oh man, I had some non covid bug about a month ago that just stink… Really gets in the way of running and life. I hope you’re feeling better soon!

  7. It’s never fun to be sick on your birthday! Hope you are feeling better by today. Hey the month has to end better than it started for you!

  8. Total bummer on the week of yuck. I hope you’re feeling better. At least you found some good low-impact classes to keep things in motion by the week’s end.

  9. Another birthday blogger week member! Sorry you are feeling sick. Please get out there and celebrate when you are feeling better!

  10. Jenn says:

    I am so sorry you haven’t been feeling well and I do hope you are on the mend. It’s such a bad time of year and it’s so easy to get run down. Please take care of yourself.

  11. Susanne says:

    Happy belated birthday! I’m sorry you’ve been under the weather. It’s definitely the time of the year for such things, and it sucks. I got some virus this week too, but only with sniffles and I hope it remains that way.
    Get well soon!

  12. Melissa says:

    Man, sounds like you had it rough – definitely give yourself time to recover! Tis the season for all the ickiness and I’m not ready for it. Happy belated birthday!

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