Notable November Coffee Date

Welcome to the November 2024 edition of the Ultimate Coffee Date! Pour yourself a cup, pull up a chair, and join the linkup Deborah and I host the first Friday of every month. This month we’re accepting birthday greetings and cake because both of us will be celebrating our birthdays later this month! 🥳
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Notable November Coffee Date

If we were having coffee, I might pretend it’s a notable one because of all the upcoming November birthdays, but we all know this is going to be a notable month for another reason.

I was able to vote in-person after my training last week

I’m looking forward to serving as an Election Officer for the City of Alexandria for the first time, although it’s going to be a looong day. Also, we have such easy early voting, I’ll be interested to see what the in-person turnout is like.

If we were having coffee, I would tell you that on my first trip to Chicago in October, I literally asked the taxi driver to stop the car! when I looked up and saw we were at the Starbucks two blocks from my desination.

OK, I actually said, “Do you mind if I get out here?”
when we were stopped at a light.

I had taken a 7:30 am Southwest flight to Midway, and there’s no Starbucks in Terminal 1 of DCA. 😱

If we were having coffee, I would tell you about my experience deciding not to get breakfast at the airport. I had given myself extra time in case my suitcase was still contaminated, but there was no line at the TSA checkpoint and my carry-on breezed through the scanner. I decided to order breakfast at a sit-down restaurant, but when I realized the only way to order and pay was via an app that required me to create an account and surrender my email address and other information, I decided it wasn’t worth the hassle—or the future spam.

If we were having coffee, I would tell you that this puzzle is going to be the death of me. Honestly, it’s not fun anymore, but finishing it is a matter of pride—or stubbornness. 😉  I’m down to looking for oddly shaped nubs or corners that might go together, and can only make progress in daylight.

So close and yet so far!

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Do you hesitate to create accounts in new apps? 

Have you voted yet?

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12 Responses to Notable November Coffee Date

  1. Farrah says:

    Happy birthday month!!

    I’m pretty apprehensive about the upcoming election but really, really hoping that things will turn out okay.

    I hate that it’s so hard to pay for things now or get coupons/deals without downloading apps/giving up emails + phone numbers! :[

    I hope you manage to finish that puzzle soon!

  2. iHanna says:

    Thanks for voting, I so hope this US election will be smooth sailing and end well for us all.

    The puzzle looks horribly boring to me, if you make it you get a gold star from me!

  3. Darlene Cardillo says:

    I voted early for the first time. I think so many people did.

    Happy birthday month.

    I hate when you have to install an app to pay or park or for anything.

  4. Marcia says:

    Happy Birthday month! Hilarious about the Starbucks and I totally get it. A terminal without one is just an outrage. So is paying via an app. What a pain. That puzzle is gorgeous though!

  5. Jenny says:

    Stop the car! I’ll bet that’s not the first time that driver got that request in front of a Starbucks.
    That puzzle… wow. I would frame the finished product, just for bragging rights.
    The election is basically a coin toss right now, and I’m pretty anxious. I managed to put it out of my mind for a long time, but now it’s excruciating. Well… it will be over soon, one way or the other!

  6. That puzzle does look challenging! I haven’t done one in a long while. November is always crazy busy for us with birthdays and Thanksgiving and this one is extra crazy for sure.

  7. Michelle says:

    I think that puzzle would have me pulling my hair out 🙂

    I love that you’re going to be an election official! I voted yesterday and it was a breeze…but I’m curious about election day turnout as well.

    Happy Birthday Month!!

  8. Jenn says:

    It’s so interesting to me how different every state’s Election jobs are! We don’t have “Election Officials” and I would love to hear more about your role! We have Clerks, Assistant Clerks, “Equipment Inspectors” (which are basically the people who do check in, hand out the ballots, help with scanning, and watch the “secure ballot intake box.”) and Poll Deputies.

    I worked early voting and will be working on Election Tuesday from 6AM to at least 8PM.

    In our primaries this year, we had about 23% turnout overall. Right now, we are 56.74%! They are expecting over 80% by the time Tuesday closes. Crazy!

    Be safe.

  9. Oh, that puzzle looks like a brain-drainer! It’ll look great when you have it finished, and hopefully the sense of accomplishment will be worth all the turmoil in getting there.

  10. Catrina says:

    Of course you had to ask the driver to let you out at the Starbucks, haha!
    You will feel so happy when that puzzle is finished. You’re nearly there, Coco!

  11. I hope everything goes well and thank you for serving as an election official. I’m very nervous but am trying to be hopeful.

    Great to see you in Chicago last week!

  12. Yay! November is a great month! :-).

    Was that the first time you went to the Chicago Roastery? I thought you had been there before. It is a cool place.

    I love breakfast, and I would have created an account.

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