Spectacular September Coffee Date

Welcome to the spectacular September 2024 edition of the Ultimate Coffee Date! Pour yourself a cup, pull up a chair, and join the linkup Deborah and I host the first Friday of every month.
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Spectacular September Coffee Date

If we were having coffee, I’m sure one of us would bring up the spectacular weather we had this week. I try not to complain too much when the weather is stiflingly humid or frigidly cold, but I am definitely that person who will say It’s so nice outside! I love being able to open the windows and enjoy a cool breeze. 😎

One of the spectacular pictures from my run on Wednesday—
which was spectacular.

If we were having coffee, I would tell you that my Aerogarden petunias are still looking spectacular. I can’t believe how long I’ve kept them going they’ve been growing in their little container.

If we were having coffee, I would show you the puzzle I’m working on and you would understand why it’s taking a spectacularly long time for me to finish it.

There’s a whole tray of nearly black pieces left to put together.

On the other hand, it is a pretty spectacular match to my running photo above. 😀

If we were having coffee, I would tell you my back has been spectacularly tight this whole week, and I don’t know why. Well, I’m sure long hours with poor posture in front of my computer was a contributing factor, but even after I took the weekend off and treated myself with hot yoga and lots of time with a heating pad, it’s still tight. It’s probably stress—this week immediately after a work meeting ended my Garmin flashed a message warning about my stress levels!

Honestly, most my days look like this:

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Do you have any spectacular plans for September?

Does your Garmin stress data have more blue?

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18 Responses to Spectacular September Coffee Date

  1. Deborah Brooks says:

    I definitely missed a great weather week sadly! Glad you enjoyed. I don’t look at the stress part of Garmin but do pay attention to it on my Oura. I vote for a nice long massage hope you get some rest

  2. Michelle says:

    The weather this week was perfection – I hope it lasts!

    Ugh on the stress levels – sounds like work is still pretty hectic for you 🙁 I hope you’re able to get a break soon. I think Deborah’s massage suggestion is a good one – I just got one yesterday and it made a world of difference.

  3. Marcia says:

    Our wicked storm aside, yes the weather has been pretty amazing. Love that puzzle, but yikes! Hope your back loosens up and cooperates! My outdoor petunias only lasted maybe half the summer this year, likely due to the extreme heat and then bugs. Yours really are spectacular!

  4. Jenny says:

    Oh sure- rub it in. September is our worst weather month- hot, steamy, and lots of thunderstorms. I dream of the day I’ll be able to open the window and feel a cool breeze!
    That puzzle… it’s a good one for you, but I think it would make me bonkers. And- come down to Florida! I’ll give you a good massage. : ) Hope the back feels better soon.

  5. Farrah says:

    Ahh, the petunias are beautiful! My tulips I think are definitely no more. :'( There as a bulb that started sprouting and gave me hope, but it was definitely a no-go after I came back from my trip.

    Hope things get less stressful for you + that your back feels better soon!

  6. Either I’m in denial, or my Garmin is misinterpreting my body’s vibes. There are days when I’m feeling care-free, and it tells me I’ve had a “particularly stressful day.” It makes me shake my head, because it’s always a surprise when I see it. That pic from your run is breathtaking!

  7. Debbie says:

    This week has been gorgeous! I’m torn, though, because I get cold on my early morning bike rides and sometimes have to wait until later to go out (when my schedule allows).

    It sounds like you have a very stressful job so I suppose that wasn’t a surprise to you to see your stress levels so high. I have an older very basic running Garmin that doesn’t track stress levels and I don’t wear my cycling Garmin’s chest strap except when I’m riding so it wouldn’t be gathering my stress levels (if it even does that).

  8. Darlene S Cardillo says:

    Love that photo!!!!!!!!!!!

    We are having great weather and I am currently very bummed to not be running. The bright side is that I am not working so can at least walk and enjoy the weather.

  9. We are getting a cool down for a few days. I’m feeling really lucky that it will be 50 degrees for my half marathon tomorrow!

    I hope that your work stress decreases! That chart doesn’t look good!

  10. Catrina says:

    I track my stress levels very carefully and what I’ve noticed is that the levels are high
    – after exercise,
    – when eating,
    – when drinking something hot like coffee or tea,
    – when drinking alcohol.
    – when exposed to hot temperatures,
    – when having a lively conversation.
    It would be interesting too see what you were doing when you were in the blue zone – possible sitting quietly in front of the computer in a cool office?
    Hopefully, you’ll be having less stressful days this autumn!

  11. I love that puzzle! I rarely look at my stress levels but now I am curious. I am sure it is high. 🙂 The weather has been great here – Fall is around the corner.

  12. Jenn says:

    Oh, that puzzle is so cool! I have a new one that I have tentatively started, but I’ve been busy so it’s neglected at the moment.

    Gorgeous petunias!

  13. Cari says:

    That puzzle! So rude, but so pretty.
    I feel you about it being so nice, but I will & do whine about the hunidity

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