One Of Those Weeks

It was one of those weeks. Nothing bad happened, but the hassles and stresses kept coming. I was exhausted by Monday, and still had a whole week to get through!

One Of Those Weeks

Two weeks ago one of our senior managing partners passed away unexpectedly—he had a heart attack after Shabbat services and didn’t recover. Stan was one of those rare leaders respected by everyone. He made difficult decisions with wisdom, fairness, and kindness. He was a brilliant lawyer who worked incredibly hard, but also was a dedicated husband, father, grandfather, great-grandfather, and leader in his synagogue and Jewish community. He lived his values, and modeled integrity. We were able to watch his funeral service on Zoom, but when a colleague mentioned the possibility of paying our respects to his family who were sitting Shiva in Chicago, I was on board. We booked a day trip to Chicago for Monday, and so my week began.

Our plan was to take a noon flight on United that would land at O’Hare at 1 pm, spend an hour-ish at his daughter’s house in the Chicago suburbs, and cross our fingers to catch a 4 pm flight home—otherwise the next flight wouldn’t get us home until after 9 pm. Everything was looking good when I left my house, but by the time I parked at DCA, our flight was delayed until 1:30 pm. It’s then I learned that it is possible to book a ticket on the Southwest app while you are walking from Terminal 2 to Terminal 1, add  your TSA number to your reservation, check-in for that noon flight, and pull up a boarding pass with TSA pre-check by the time you get to the security line. (It is a long way).

While we were waiting for our Southwest flight to board, we called United to cancel our (delayed) flight but keep our return flight. 🤞 With hurricane Debby disrupting flights all along the East Coast, it took a while to get through, but once one of us reached an agent, she was able to help us all. With that hassle over, we could relax and enjoy our flight to Midway. 😉

Our time with the family was nice. We traded stories, and they shared pictures of Stan zip-lining during a recent trip to Costa Rica with one set of grandkids, and told us he had been looking forward to an upcoming trip to Alaska with another set. (Did I mention he was 78?!) By the time we were ready to go, our flight home was delayed—which we actually welcomed this time. We finally took off @ 5:30 and I was home shortly after 8:00 pm.

And that was Monday.

Tuesday brought hassles at work with a new client billing system. Let’s just say it has a horrible user interface and tortuous workflow. After I review and edit a bill, it takes four clicks to “approve” it. Why??? I hope they can streamline the process, because I literally have hundreds of bills to review each month. 😩

Thursday brought the fun of taking Scooby to the vet. He is great with the vet and vet techs, but not so great in the waiting room with other dogs—and cats! I long for the covid days when they would let you leave and then check you out by phone or email. Instead, I had to try to keep Scooby calm while they annoyingly went over each line item of my bill and explained that if his tests were fine I would get an email but if there are any concerns the vet will call …. just let me tap my card and get him outside!

Friday’s hassle was short-lived as Debby moved through. I managed to walk Scooby during a break in the rain—although it was freakishly warm with an eerie light—but had to check the weather map when the tornado warnings got close. Luckily, no tornados materialized, our power stayed on, and the skies cleared up by the afternoon.

Weekly Wrap

While I kept up my Peloton streak this week, I gave myself some grace and cut back a bit. I wrenched my back Tuesday night hunching over my laptop trying to use our new billing software with tiny font, so that was another limiting—and aggravating—factor.

Sunday: Core + 30 min UB Strength + 30 min Peloton Ride
I did a little bit of everything, and finished with a 10 min stretch. I have no intention of doing the new barre program with Ally and Hannah C, but am interested to hear what Deborah thinks of it.

Monday: 4.4 Scooby  Miles
I was hoping for a nicer morning after Sunday night’s rain, but it was still pretty humid. I wasn’t going to try to get much work done before my flight to Chicago, so I let myself hit snooze a few times and tacked on an arms + light weights class after my run with Scooby.

Tuesday: 20 min FB Strength
Is this really all I did on Tuesday? 😝 Even Jess Sims joked how quickly her class went by.

Wednesday: 30 min Strength + 30 min Peloton Ride
I started Andy’s 3 Day Split program again, with a plan of doing the classes in order to get “credit” for completing it. Camilla’s low impact ride had a fun playlist and she always has fun energy.

I only took Andy’s class once though. 🧐

Thursday: Core + 30 min UB Strength + 3.3 Tread Miles
I forgot that  by starting Andy’s program midweek I’d be repeating the same upper body class I did on Sunday, but I got through it. I also got through Jess’s intervals on the tread. Phew!

Friday: Core + 20 min LB Strength + 3.3 Tread Miles
Andy’s program only has one “leg” day, but I found a good supplement in Matty’s new 20 min class. It has a simple format, with three exercise done in blocks, with 4 sets of 45 seconds work/15 seconds rest in each block, increasing the total weight load each round. I did 15/20/25/30 for the sumo squats and lunges and 20/25/30/40 for the deadlifts. Changing the weights each time added just enough variety.

Saturday: Core + 5.1 Scooby Miles
I hoped we would get some of that nice weather Marcia and Wendy had been enjoying in Chicago, but it was still humid. When we got home, Scooby sprawled on our cool kitchen floor like an Olympic track athlete after a race.😆

And that was my week!

A huge thank you to Deborah and Kim for hosting the Weekly Run Down link up.

Have you taken a day trip by plane before?

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11 Responses to One Of Those Weeks

  1. Darlene S Cardillo says:

    I don’t think I’ve taken a day trip by plane.

    I was getting stressed while reading your weekly recap.

    Hoping for a smoother work week. And cooler too.

  2. I am sure that your co-worker’s family really appreciated that you all made the trip to pay your respects. Those one day trips are exhausting. Way to keep up those Peloton streaks during a busy week

  3. Jenny says:

    Wow, that was quite a week! No, i’ve never taken a day trip by plane before. It sounds kind of stressful- but it all worked out, and I’m sure the family appreciated your effort to be there! Sorry about Stan- things like that are so sad.
    Glad to hear Scooby was inspired by the Olympic track athletes, lol. And, I hope your back is feeling better!

  4. That was a very ambitious feat getting to Chicago (and back!) in a day. It also was very thoughtful and I’m sure much appreciated by the family. I get so stressed flying, I would have been a basket case with all the details (in foot, none the less).

  5. Wendy says:

    I’m really impressed with your travel savvy!! I’m sure the family of your coworker was so happy you made the trek to Chicago.

    I feel you on the change in your system at work. My company is always updating our EMR and it seems like every other week or so I log and SURPRISE! everything looks different. Some of the changes are cosmetic and some are supposed to help us but of course, nobody asked us what we want, lol

  6. Catrina says:

    Oh wow, I’m impressed with your trip to Chicago! You need to be quick on your mobile phone these days when flying!
    What an impressive man Stan must have been. So good at his profession and also a very nice person. You can even tell by the photo!
    I’m amazed that he worked until 78 – he must have been very passionate about his work.

  7. Nope, never done a day trip by plane! That sounds like a crazy day of travel, but how nice that you spent time with Stan’s family. I’m sure they were touched.
    I’m that person with my scared kitties in a carrier while the dogs bark LOL

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