Surrendering To Summer

August rolled in with another heatwave, and a cycle of steamy mornings, oppressive afternoon humidity, and late day storms. There’s nothing I could do but surrender to summer and do most of my running on my treadmill.

80F at 5:00 am!!

The newspaper said it was our 5th heatwave. At what point do we just call it summer?

Surrendering To What Is

“Surrender” isn’t a word I’ve associated with a positive outlook, but Jess Sims’s encouragement to “surrender to what is” helped me stay positive when I was dealing with my hamstring injury. When I surrendered to what is, I stopped wasting mental energy on wishing for what wasn’t, and focused on what I could do instead of lamenting what I couldn’t. Surrendering to what is doesn’t mean giving up on striving for more, but is a reminder to accept where you are now so you can progress from your starting point. To reach your goal, you need a plan to get there from where you are, not from where you wish you were.

Surrendering To Summer

With a hot morning forecast, I decided to surrender to summer and swap my Saturday morning run for hot yoga with my favorite instructor. I had to buy a new class package and was surprised to see that I qualified for the senior discount!

20% off is a good deal, so I surrendered to my “senior” status and signed up for the discount.

Surrendering to the A/C in my basement gym, I started Andy Speer’s 3-day Split strength program and celebrated two Peloton milestones—my 600th ride and 700th walk.

At the rate I’m going, it still could be a while
before I take my 25th Bike Bootcamp

I liked Andy’s classes a lot. They each focus on specific muscle groups, but he mixes up the moves so it’s not boring. The programming is challenging but do-able—especially if you surrender to where you are when choosing your weights. 😉

Here’s the play-by-play on how my week went down:

Sunday: 30 min Strength + 50 min Peloton Ride
I had put off all my weekend chores to Sunday, so I didn’t have time for an outdoor ride, but I started Andy’s program in the morning and then carved out time to take CVV’s latest 45 min ride before lunch. I told myself I would take it easy, but even doing the sustained pushes at a moderate effort got my heart rate up.

Monday: 4.0 Scooby  Miles
I knew it was going to be the nicest morning of the week, so I took Scooby for a run. It was warm, but there was still a nice breeze once in a while. They’ve finished the construction at the neighborhood school so I have my old loop back, but I’m still waiting for them to turn on the old water fountain again. 🤞

Tuesday: 30 min FB Strength + 20 min Ride
It’s hard to pick strength classes to do in between Andy’s program. This Jess Sims class from May was core-focused, but not without some of her favorite shoulder moves—at least I wasn’t doing Andy’s next upper body class until Friday.

Wednesday: 30 min Strength + 3.5 Tread Miles
I paired Andy’s leg day with Mariana’s HIIT run—what was I thinking? Her programming was more “intervals” than HIIT, with three blocks of: 1:30 jog/:30 sprint, 1:00 jog/1:00 sprint, :30 jog/1:30 sprint, with 90 sec recovery between blocks.

Thursday: 5 min Core + 45 min Bike Bootcamp
I was saving my 600th ride for a live class with Hannah F on Friday, so I found a Bike Bootcamp class that didn’t look too crazy. This class was challenging enough to be “worth my time” (as Jess often says) but didn’t leave me questioning my life choices. 😉

Friday: Core + Strength + 3.5 Tread Miles + 20 min Peloton Ride
I did a “normal” morning workout, pairing Andy’s “push” class with Camilla’s Kid Cudie run and later took a break from work to hop on Hannah F’s live ride @ 1:00 pm for my 600th.

As an app user in a bike class I wasn’t expecting a shoutout, but Hannah gave me a nice one in the middle of class. 🤩

Saturday: Core + 30 min walk + CPY
After taking Scooby for a walk, I did a 15 min core class before joining John Hosking’s live walk @ 7:00 am for my 700th. Again, I wasn’t expecting a shoutout, but he got me during the stretch at the end. 😍

I had just enough time for toast and coffee before heading to yoga. I guess I can’t complain about the heat in a hot yoga class, but by the end it seemed my mat was a pool of sweat. 💦

Is that sun or sweat in my eye?

A huge thank you to Deborah and Kim for hosting the Weekly Run Down link up.

What are you surrendering to this week?

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16 Responses to Surrendering To Summer

  1. Darlene Cardillo says:

    Got for you. You are so consistent with your workouts.

    I haven’t surrendered to the treadmill yet. I just skip it or walk or run very slow. This seems to be a tough summer for running or do I have amnesia.

  2. Well I surrendered to summer a while ago! I am enjoying doing more strength right now and getting in my cardio with less running. I cannot imagine taking a hot yoga class at the moment but good for you for getting your discount.

  3. Susanne says:

    Interval running mixed with leg & core strength sounds tough! How did you get on with it?
    I LOVE that concept of surrendering to what is. Such a healthy and positive mindset!

  4. Wendy says:

    Today was the day I surrendered to summer. I skipped my morning run in lieu of waterskiing. It just seemed more appealing than running in 99% humidity.

    Senior discounts? Heck, I’m letting my hair go gray, so why not? :p

  5. Melissa says:

    Ha, love the sentiment of surrendering to summer. I have been here too but I still will always say I prefer this heat to 30s! Even when running. I think my body is finally getting acclimated to the steamy, humidity. I also went swimming a few times which was great – gettin gin laps in 80 degrees was a perfect workout!

  6. I’ve been surrendering a lot this summer. Never thought I’d be running the pace I now run, but it is what it is! I agree, 20% is a pretty good deal. But still, pretty funny! 😆 Great workouts for you this week!

  7. I had a similar theme this week with “succumbing” 🙂 I think the positive thing about surrendering (or succumbing) is that we CHOSE to do so. Way to go on those Pelo shoutouts! You’re famous!!

  8. Jenny says:

    A while ago I decided to stop complaining about the heat. I think of it more of “acceptance” than “surrender.” but I guess it’s the same thing! Sounds like once you surrendered, you had a great week. And, you got two Peloton shoutouts AND a senior discount! Can’t beat that.

  9. Catrina says:

    That’s actually a very good expression, “to surrender”. During a hard workout, I usually tell myself “just roll with it”, or “go with the flow”, but “surrender” is more: you have to give up all inner resistance.
    It’s so nice that you have AC in your basement! Here in Europe, AC isn’t a thing, but fortunately, we have a much cooler summer that you are having right now!

  10. Jenn says:

    Oh what a week! And look at all those shouts outs!
    I don’t know if I’m surrendering to anything right now. It’s our last week of summer before school starts and we’re sitting at home while Hurricane Debby does her thing.

  11. oh, I miss Corepower! I used to be really into it back in the early blogging days…Glad you’re back at it!

    Full fun week- stay cool in that heat!

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