Unexpected Company For Coffee

Welcome to the August 2024 Ultimate Coffee Date! Pour yourself a cup, pull up a chair, and join the linkup Deborah and I host the first Friday of every month. The more the merrier, we always say, even when we have unexpected company!
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Unexpected Company for Coffee

I’ve already shared about our hiking in Grand Teton National Park, but I didn’t yet tell you about the unexpected company we had while we were enjoying our coffee on our last day.

My husband was looking out the window, enjoying his coffee and the view, when he noticed crowds gathering and looking right at him.

They saw what he hadn’t—an elk munching the greenery right outside our cabin!

I snuck out the backdoor and around front to get a better look!

Don’t worry, I wasn’t really this close!

We marveled at his fuzzy antlers!

After he had his fill, he strolled away down the road.

Having an unexpected visitor for coffee was such a fun way to end our trip!

If we were having coffee, I would show you the silly sign in the bathroom stalls at some of the hiking trailheads. I understand that different cultures “go” differently, but am surprised it’s such an issue that the National Park Service has to install signage.

If we were having coffee, I would tell you that our travels went smoothly, even with having to change planes in O’Hare. That said, both coming and going our gates were as far apart as possible.

At least the United app gives you a handy map to follow.

If we were having coffee, I would tell you it was weird to be traveling through O’Hare instead of heading into Chicago for work. I’ll get enough of that this fall—have I told you I have three trips to the Windy City in September and October and one more in December?

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Do you have anything fun on tap for August?

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13 Responses to Unexpected Company For Coffee

  1. Marcia says:

    What a gorgeous elk! How fun e came to your cabin for a visit! Haha! That bathroom sign is nuts. Who knew that was such a prevalent problem? Oh yes, gotta love O’Hare. At least I never connect there. Ha!

  2. Jenny says:

    I love it when you see signs like that- is this really that much of an issue that they have to instruct us? Apparently, yes.
    That was an unexpected visitor! I’m heading off on a trip of my own, but I won’t be seeing any elk in Waco. Luckily I’m flying home through Austin instead of Dallas- I’ve also had an absurdly long hike through the Dallas airport. I guess it’s good to get some steps in before sitting on an airplane though!

  3. Michelle says:

    Your photos of the elk are amazing! How cool to see him up clos like that.

    I don’t know what to make of that bathroom sign LOL

  4. That Chicago airport is huge and always seems to require lots of walking! What cool pics you got of the large Elk! How weird are those signs in the bathroom?

  5. That elk is amazing! It’s great you were able to capture that moment. I have had numerous fast-paced hikes through big airports (I’m looking at you Minneapolis) where I’ve had less than an hour to trek from the arrival gate to the next flight’s departure (at the absolute farthest point possible). It’s a good thing I have long legs & a decent power walk pace!

  6. Wow on the elk! Hope you saved him a cup of joe!

    Yay on visiting Chicago! I hope we can connect for a run, walk, coffee or dinner!!

  7. Catrina says:

    I love how calm that elk was and how respectful everyone was of the animal!

    Ha, we have those bathroom signs in touristy spots in Switzerland, too. I always wonder how on earth you can aim for the toilet bowl if you’re balancing on the toilet seat… I’m tempted to try it out one day!! 🙂

  8. Farrah says:

    Ah, that elk is gorgeous! :] So nice that you got to see him and glad your travels went smoothly!

    Some signs definitely make me wonder about people and why they do the things that they do, haha.

    Am trying to link up for the coffee date this weekend but my internet is spotty at best and really slow, haha. 🙁 I guess that is to be expected on a boat tho. I’m surprised it’s still letting me comment!

  9. Cari says:

    Those bathroom signs were ridiculous. It would be one thing if you were teaching an eastern bathroom to us, but every person with the means to travel to Yellowstone/GT has seen a western bathroom on their modes of travel.

    <3 <3 the elk pics and have been waiting for this since the sneak peak

  10. How awesome that you saw that elk! I dislike O’Hare Airport and avoid it as much as possible. Hopefully, we can meet up next time you are in town.

  11. Jenn says:

    I would have loved to see that elk. How fun and amazing!

    I’m so glad you had a great time!

  12. Renée says:

    Wow! Those elk are amazing!!

    So it does seem that a lot of folks from Asia/ India do tend to stand o the toilet seats. And I bet they LOVE going to the US National parks! My husband works with a lot of Indian colleagues and they have this signage at the office as well…

    I feel like I’m always flying from the very last gate of any airport! Haha!

    Too bad I have exactly zero trips planned to Chicago this year. Boo! One of these days the stars will align!!

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