Running In NYC Again

Work took me to New York City for the second time this year, but this time my hamstring was healthy enough for running! The city was bracing for a heatwave, but I wasn’t going to let that stop me from running in NYC again. Luckily, it wasn’t too bad at 6:00 am.

The Jackie O’ Reservoir in Central Park

Running In NYC Again

I had two mornings in NYC. The first morning I did my “usual” run from my hotel up 5th Avenue to Central Park. I wanted to at least make it to the reservoir. Once I got there, I couldn’t resist running around it—who knows when I’ll have the opportunity again? Garmin tracked 7 miles, but it had me running through some buildings on 5th Avenue, so I didn’t run quite that far, but it was still my longest run in a while.

Sunrise from the East River Esplanade 

I wanted to do a shorter run the next morning, so I decided to venture over to the East River Esplanade. I used to run there before I realized how close my hotel was to Central Park, but I haven’t chosen that route in years. After revisiting it this week, I remember why. The section near my hotel has segments along the river with pretty views, but also cuts between buildings with freeway views. 🤣

Here’s my weekly wrap:

Sunday: Father’s Day Bike Ride (25 miles)
We got early out to beat the heat and chose a hilly but shady route.

Monday: Core + PT + 3.75 Scooby Miles
D.C. was bracing for a heatwave, but it was still cool on Monday morning—or at least not humid.

Tuesday: 30 min Upper Body
I got up early to squeeze in a workout before heading to the train station. I’m joining Deborah in revisiting JJ’s three day split program—although I’m just doing his two upper body-focused days. This class was as hard as I remembered!

Wednesday: Core + 7(?) NYC Miles
I did a core class in my hotel room to warm up and then headed out for my run @ 5:30. I’m always impress by how busy the park is at that hour of the day—so many runners, walkers, and pelotons of cyclists whizzing by as they do laps around the park while the roads are closed to cars.

View from the “far” side of the reservoir

Thursday: Core + 4.75(?) Miles
I got up and out the door @ 5:30 again, and headed over to the East River. The run to the river is downhill, but luckily didn’t feel too bad on the way back.

View across the East River

Friday: Core + Upper Body + Glutes
Back home and time to get back to JJ’s program. After taking his 30 min upper body class, I added a 15 min glutes class from Logan. This is a really good one for pre-run activation or pre-hab, with good mornings, curtsey lunges, hip bridges, and donkey kicks.

Saturday: 4.5 Tread Miles
The temperature wasn’t too bad when I took Scooby out for a walk, but it was too warm to take him running. I warmed up with a short body weight workout and then hopped on my tread for a HIIT workout with Andy.

A huge thank you to Deborah and Kim for hosting the Weekly Run Down link up.

Is summer heating up where you are?

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16 Responses to Running In NYC Again

  1. I had forgotten how sore the JJ classes got me. It’ s funny bc I have been so consistent in my workouts. Just goes to show it is always good to mix up our workouts. I am also really into starting Andy’s new density program but will have to wait until we get back from traveling mid July. It’s been pretty challenging this week way to get it done! Running in NYC is always fun

  2. Debbie says:

    It’s great that you were able to run on this trip to NYC, and on beautiful mornings at that! Hope everything continues to feel good as you increase your running distances.

  3. Catrina says:

    YAY for running 7 miles in Central Park! Nicely done!
    So do cars actually cross through the park?!

  4. Jenny says:

    Your description of your NYC runs (and the photos) made me nostalgic. I feel like I didn’t truly appreciate running in NYC when I lived there, but it’s amazing. SO glad your hamstring is feeling good! And- weirdly our temps were “cooler” than usual this past week, which was amazing because we had guests in town. This week looks like it will be hot and steamy, more like usual.

  5. Marcia says:

    Yes the heat is on here as well. We go between stifling heat and vicious thunderstorms. Your CP run sounds so nice. Glad your hammy was happy with 7 miles! This reminds me that it’s been 10 years since I last ran in CP and that was for the marathon. Time does fly!

  6. Ha!! You & I are both following Deborah’s example and revisiting JJ 🙂 That Day-1 is tough! I think it’s the hardest one in the program. My shoulders were sore for several days (this time and especially last time),

  7. Wendy says:

    Beautiful photos of NYC! I’m so glad you got to enjoy the city in your running shoes this time around!

  8. So nice that you were able to run in NYC! It’s always so nice to sight see while running around the town. NYC is still on my bucket list. Maybe this will be the year I get there for a visit.

  9. San says:

    Oh man, a run in Central Park – that’s on everybody’s bucket list, right? So cool that your work takes you to NYC occasionally.

  10. Jessie says:

    Looks like some really nice runs in NYC! Glad things are feeling pretty good now, so you can get back out to explore on work trips!

  11. Jenn says:

    It’s just so hot!
    How far of a train ride is it from DC to NYC? I never made the trek between the two when I lived up there.
    Love all the city views. I really do love the Central Park runs: it’s so cool with so many different things to see.

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