A Jumbled Weekly Run Down

I felt all over the place this week. My work schedule was jumbled with a few doctor appointments; my workout routine was jumbled by a jacked up back. It was nice to be home after a week away, but I also had to plan for my business trip coming up this week. One thing that remained consistent through it all—my morning date with Peloton.

I took my 6000th Peloton class on Friday!

A Jumbled Weekly Run Down

Another reason I’m feeling jumbled is that I’m missing the structure of the monthly Breakthrough Crew challenge, but this month’s focus on lower body workouts isn’t a good fit for me and my hamstring. Also, with a few late nights of work I forgot to stack my workouts for the next morning, which left me randomly selecting classes in the moment.

Sunday: Core + Upper Body + Peloton Rides
I had a lot to do around the house so I opted to workout in my basement instead of going for a bike ride. I knew this Cody + Emma class would be a fun one, but forgot how hard Emma cues things. I definitely needed that cool-down ride!

Monday: 45 min Strength + 10 min Hike
After very little strength last week I was craving a solid strength workout and Jess Sims’ 45 minute classes are my favorite. I don’t know if that class (which had a lot of swing moves) or the hike (with steep elevation on the tread) aggravated my back, but by the time I was done my back was flaring..

Tuesday: Jumbled mix of light classes
My back was better but not better so I randomly chose some easy classes. Adrian’s mobility class was really good and would work well as a pre-run warm-up.

Wednesday: Core + 4.5 Scooby Miles
My back felt 100% better and I was glad to be able to run with Scooby—the weather was amazing — in the low 60s!

Thursday: Strength + 30 min Peloton Rides
I hadn’t been to my office gym in ages, but I was missing the Peloton bike. I still did my strength workout at home because the trainer has been seeing clients at 6 am, and the weight area is really too small to share.

Friday: Core + Full Body + 3.5 Tread Miles
I was craving a tough tread workout and Alex gave me that for sure. I started with a jumbled mix of 10 min strength classes, and then hopped on my tread. I was cautious with the pace pushes but ecstatic that my hamstring let me go pretty hard. I felt it a wee bit towards the end, but it was so quiet after my shower I forgot my plan to ice it.

Even Prisma can’t hide that sweat!

Saturday: Core + 5.1  Scooby Miles
The weather was nice, but my legs were tired from Friday’s workout and my body was tired from working late, so this run felt hard. I’m not complaining though. 😉

A huge thank you to Deborah and Kim for hosting the Weekly Run Down link up.

Do you have a consistent routine you cling to when life gets jumbled?

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14 Responses to A Jumbled Weekly Run Down

  1. Melissa says:

    Yes! I feel this way. When life gets crazy and pt of routine, I’m so grateful to have running to keep me grounded and sane. Hope things calm down for you and your hamstring feels all better soon!

  2. Darlene S. Cardillo says:

    I know what you mean. I’m glad to be home all week.

    I’m trying to figure a routine. It’s whatever I can fit in.

    Hope your hammy stays quiet.

    Where are you off to next?

    I’m back to nyc next Sunday. But only 3 days.

  3. Jenny says:

    Yeah, funny how after an injury, you’re so grateful for every run- even if it’s hot, even if you’re tired, you’re still so happy to be out there. Maybe we just need these periodic “reminders.”
    Glad your back thing was short-lived! I realized I have to be careful with strength- deadlifts were really irritating my low back. Undoubtably, my form is poor, which is probably what caused the problem.
    Congrats on your 6000th class- that is A LOT!

  4. Having more of a workout schedule and routine has always been my thing as well. The last 2 weeks I felt uninspired this past week too. Join JJ’s strength 3 day w me

  5. My strength work has been a bit all over the place recently, kind of by design and kind of due to my schedule. My early mornings aren’t as flexible these days, due my commute, but that’s my reality. Alas, my strength workouts have not been very consistent or lengthy. I’m thinking of joining Deborah for some fun with JJ…

  6. San says:

    Oh, I cling to my workout routine for comfort + stability for sure when life gets crazy. Good workouts this week.

  7. Wendy says:

    My workout routine is the one consistent thing in my life, lol. It’s going to be really hot this week, so I’m hoping to be able to stick to it. I may have to get going earlier in the morning.

    Glad your back and hammie are feeling ok!

  8. Wow, 6,000 classes! That’s great! Glad the hamstring was quiet and didn’t need icing. I hope you are having a good business trip!

  9. Debbie says:

    Sorry to hear that your back has been jacked up. I have a 3-minute core routine I do every morning as soon as I get up and before I go to bed to help with my back. Between strength training and my cardio workouts I have something every day which keeps me on track and happy.

  10. Catrina says:

    It’s funny how your back was suddenly acting up! There’s always something, right?
    But I’m glad that your hamstring is staying nice and quiet. Amazing how well you recovered from that.
    My week has been very jumbled up, too. We went for a 5-day hike and now I have a lot of catching up to do!

  11. Jenn says:

    I’m sorry your week was so jumbled! I struggle when my routine and my schedule are off. I thought I would have so much more time this week with A out of the house, but honestly, it’s just more navigating everything.

    I hope next week goes more smoothly.

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