The Hold Is Everything

When I dusted off my list of hip/glute PT exercises, I was struck by how many are moves I do pretty regularly. Clamshells are a staple in Hannah Corbin’s barre classes, and glute bridges show up in many lower body strength classes. So how could I benefit from doing more of them? As it turns out, the hold is everything.

The Hold Is Everything

I was reviewing some of my old posts about physical therapy—there are so many of them!—and came across one that reminded me of the importance of the hold. I can fly through clam shells and glute bridges without feeling a thing, but as soon as I add in an 8 second hold—yowzie, that burns!

To keep myself honest, I created a program in my interval timer app. This leads me through three circuits of 9 reps on each side with an 8 second hold. I do one circuit of glute bridges, one of clam shells, and one of prone leg lifts. You would think 8 seconds would fly by, but I often find myself checking the app to make sure I didn’t actually hit pause.

I also do a few sets of lateral steps and monster walks with a fitness band around my ankles. Those are real burners too!

Weekly Wrap

I kept up with my new routine, including going back to yoga, using a Peloton bike at my office gym, and doing those PT exercises Tuesday, Friday, and Sunday:

Monday: Bodyweight Strength + 3.5 mile Tread Run
Tuesday: Corepower Yoga
Wednesday: Core + 4.75 mile Tread Run
Thursday: Lower Body Strength + Peloton Cycling
Friday: Upper Body Strength + 3.75 mile Tread Run
Saturday: 8.8 mile Run with Scooby
Sunday: Core + Peloton Cycling 

Our weather continued to be crazy warm. Once again it was in the low 60s on Saturday, but slightly less humid than last week.

Don’t let that smile fool you, this run felt hard.

Peloton had two new Veterans Days runs, complete with a neat badge.

A cold wind was blowing Sunday morning, so I squeezed in Cliff’s latest English language Gospel ride before heading to church. I wanted to go for a ride after my run Saturday (while it was still balmy) but my legs felt so trashed during my run I held myself back.

A huge thank you to Deborah and Kim for hosting the Weekly Run Down link up.

Do you use a timer for any of your exercises?

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26 Responses to The Hold Is Everything

  1. Wendy says:

    I do use a timer for certain prescribed movements like Tabatas and of course running, lol. It’s nice to see you getting some big miles in again!

  2. Jenny says:

    Oh yes, I know what you mean. In some of Caroline Girvan’s workouts she’ll have a set of “half reps” which are super hard, and then sometimes she’ll have holds, that make me feel like I’m going to pass out. But it must be good for us! Glad to hear everything is feeling good and you got some nice runs in. It seems like most people are getting cooler weather (not here in Florida, of course, grr) so hopefully it’ll cool down for you soon.
    Scooby looks very proud and happy in that photo!

  3. Michelle says:

    Good point about the hold! I need to get back to more of my PT exercises – I may have to try your circuit. Your new weekly routine sounds like a good one – hope it keeps the glute/hip issues away!

  4. Slower = deeper, for sure!

    Our temps are plummeting and the S word is in the forecast for next week. But even with the wind, truly, the temps were pretty much perfect for my run today — didn’t need gloves, even.

    Hope that the longer holds do the trick for you!

  5. When I started my PT, almost three weeks ago, I was surprised that so many of the moves/exercises were what I’d been doing in the Barre classes. Thus, Barre has taken on a new significance, and the classes are a lot more fun due to the music and instructors “keeping me company.”

    • Coco says:

      There’s an HC class I don’t do very often that is just bridges, clamshells, and her prone leg lift (with bent knee) — I should do that at my slow pace!

  6. I use a timer for planks…

    Good luck with your PT… hope it heals things quickly.

    It was unseasonably warm but it seems to have cooled down. I’m not forward to breaking out the tights. I still wore a skirt today.

  7. slowing down the PT exercises does help and just making sure I am consistent with them. I try to do some sort of combo of them daily. It takes a lot to hold it together doesn’t it!? Have a great birthday week

  8. Catrina says:

    Oh, that’s a good reminder, Coco! My PT always told me to slow down… I must remember that when I do my Achilles exercises today.
    I feel like PT exercises will accompany me my whole life!

  9. Marcia says:

    Yes, slowing down and holding some exercises makes all the difference! Our 76 degree heat blew right outta here and now it’s a brisk 23. It sure was nice while it lasted though!

  10. Shathiso says:

    An 8 second hold would most certainly BURN!! This was a solid week Coco – and so happy to see you running longer again.

  11. Oh yeah, clamshells! I used to do those but have long forgotten to do them. Those are all great exercises. During my “down season” I need to get back in the habit of working on the glutes and hammies.

  12. Kim G says:

    I love that you created a program in my interval timer app for your PT exercises. I’ve been dealing with some minor aches and pains lately so I know that I need to do my PT exercises more regularly – especially the clamshells.

    I did the Veteran’s Day classes over the weekend but still need to do Matt’s outdoor run.

  13. Jenn says:

    I use the timer on my apple watch for my planks. I need to know how long I’m holding!

    I love glute bridges. I hold for 2-3 minutes, and it feels so good.

  14. Cari says:

    YES on the hold. Seriously, especially in clamshells.
    I can’t wait to be in a place with a long hallway for monster walks as they’re also so helpful.

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