Enjoying November Morning Daylight

While many people grumble about the change to Daylight Saving Time, it may be my favorite week of the year. I love that it’s easier to get up when my 5 am alarm goes off, and I love that I can chase the sunrise and enjoy a bit of daylight on my morning runs. Sure, it’s dark before dinner time, but I never understood the big deal about that.

Gratuitous picture of Scooby
almost camouflaged by the fall leaves.  

Enjoying November Morning Daylight

OK, I’ll admit I woke up at 4:30 am on Monday, but that just meant I could squeeze in my full stack of strength workouts before taking Scooby out

Peloton workouts

I wasn’t planning to run the day after my 10 mile race, but my legs felt good and my Achilles felt fine, and I couldn’t resist a weekday run in daylight.

Scooby selfie

It was Tuesday when post-race DOMS set in. I took Scooby for a walk and then tried to workout the kinks with a bodyweight strength workout and low impact Peloton ride.

Peloton workouts

I knew I was in for a late day at the office on Wednesday, so I started the day with a 5 mile run chasing the sunrise. The path along the river is still under construction, so I ran around the Kennedy Center and enjoyed the outdoor sculptures.

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By Thursday my legs were recovered enough for a lower body strength workout and a fun Peloton ride.

Peloton workouts

Peloton offered a number of Veterans Day classes I hope to catch up with in the coming days.

I was dealing with some stress and drama at work, and decided I needed a Jess Sims dose of endorphins to get through Friday. I only increased my treadmill incline 1/2 as much as she called for, but this bootcamp still aggravated my Achilles—nothing dire, just a reminder that it’s not 100% healed.

Peloton workouts

My Achilles felt fine Friday night, but I hedged my bets Saturday and taped it up before heading out with Scooby. A mile into my run it wasn’t making itself known, so I opted for my 8 mile loop. It was a gorgeous November day, although the sunshine that lured me out the door at 7 was hidden by clouds before I completed my first mile.
Scooby runMy view on my run!

I eased into Sunday with core, barre, and a short yoga class, and then took Marcel’s Veterans Day run outside. Every song on her playlist was by someone who served in the military—I thought that was a really cool way to honor Veterans Day and remind us of the diversity of those who have served.

Peloton workouts

Scooby selfie with fall foliageit was much colder — in the 30’s — but felt fantastic, and I really enjoyed seeing the neighborhood trees in their peak fall colors

A special birthday shoutout to Deborah and thanks to her and Kim for hosting the Weekly Run Down link up.

Did you enjoy the morning daylight this week, or were you more disappointed by the early evening darkness?

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26 Responses to Enjoying November Morning Daylight

  1. I don’t mind the time change either. Like you, I’m happy to have a tiny semblance of a sunrise for a short time. Impressive week! Great job on the 8-miler! Our fall colors are still looking nice, but all the wind is probably gonna crash that party soon.

  2. jenny says:

    I totally agree with you- I would much rather have it light earlier in the morning. Having it dark by dinner time feels cozy to me.
    You had some great runs and workouts this week! So glad your achilles is feeling good! It was obviously the shockwave 🙂

  3. It gets dark here around 4:30 or so, and once it’s dark, I become a pumpkin! So not a fan.

    Sounds like you had a really good week, Coco! Way to recover! Hope the Achilles feels better soon.

  4. Lisa says:

    I definitely enjoy the daylight in the mornings, but I still dont see much of it on my runs (I need to be done around 5:50 during the week). I dont mind the darker evenings, but it does make me want to go to bed earlier!

    • Coco says:

      That would be rough if you don’t get to be out in daylight on either end of your day. I honestly don’t get much daylight time on weekdays, but I wouldn’t get it in the evening either.

  5. Wendy says:

    I’m with you on the daylight in the morning. But we are morning people here, lol! I definitely don’t like the early darkness, but it’s a trade off i can live with.

  6. I agree I’d rather have the morning light! It’s great that your Achilles continues to cooperate – you logged some nice miles this week!

  7. therightfits says:

    Scooby had a great week of running 🙂 You too. Glad the Achilles is behaving. I felt like i had prolonged improvement from the shockwave therapy over time.

    Great photos- esp camo Scooby!

  8. Ha!! I agree about the timr change. It makes me happy and I don’t mind abiut the dark at night.
    Looks like a good week!! Nice job on the long run!

  9. deborahbrooks14 says:

    I also like the lighter mornings it is easier to get up and out. Thanks for the birthday wishes and right back at ya! This really is the most beautiful time of the year

  10. Because I’m home from work by the time it gets dark, the evening early darkness doesn’t bother me and I enjoy the morning light earlier.

    Gorgeous view on your run. I do love this time of year!

  11. I also love the early morning sunrises! It’s so nice to get sunrises in my pictures again instead of running in the dark. However, the early evening darkness does throw me for a loop-especially since where I live now it sets before 5pm! I’ve never lived anywhere it sets that early so it does make me super tired super early in the evenings.

  12. kookyrunner says:

    I really liked Marcel’s Veterans Day class because I was able to learn so much about the artists and their service. It looks like we took the same JS bootcamp class last week. I will never understand how she never looks tired during the classes while I’m dying in my basement, lol.

    I usually don’t mind DST but this year it’s really messing with my sleep unfortunately.

  13. Darlene says:

    I know I have get out there when it’s light. But it’s colder then. At least while working from home I can often run during lunch. But after work I’m limited to the campus loop because of the light. So not a fan of the time change.

    Glad you recovered well. Hope your Achilles continues to behave.

  14. Marcia says:

    I do appreciate the morning daylight, because our morning walks in pitch darkness are not great. I love when the daylight lengthens after the solstice though!

  15. I’m not really a fan of the time change. I feel totally unmotivated to do anything or leave my house after work when it’s so dark out! That’s great your achilles is behaving and you are getting out there to enjoy the colors of fall.

  16. runswithpugs says:

    I wish it was lighter later, but it is what it is. I get tired quickly at night, and the darkness doesn’t help.

    I’m so glad you had a great week and were feeling well after your 10 mile race. That’s awesome!

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