Snarky September Coffee Date

Welcome to the September 2021 edition of the Ultimate Coffee Date. Labor Day weekend marks the unofficial end of summer around here, but the lingering heat and humidity have me feeling a bit snarky. Grab a cup and your sense of humor, and join Deborah and me for the Ultimate Coffee Date.ultimate coffee date badge

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Snarky September Coffee Date

If we were having coffee, the first target of my snark would be Starbucks.
No, Starbucks, it is most definitely NOT pumpkin season when the neighborhood pools are still open and I have fresh watermelon in my refrigerator.

August Starbucks PSL Ad I’m holding out until October!

Speaking of Starbucks, if we were having coffee I would ask if your coffee shop is letting you pour your own cream yet. I’ve been able to do it exactly once since the pandemic started.

pouring cream at Starbucks

Silly me, I even took a picture as a sign life was getting back to normal. The delta variant  changed all that, and now the carafes are kept behind the counter again.

If we were having coffee, the next target of my snark would be people who think cycling with their dog is a good idea.

I stole this photo from my NextDoor group. I can’t remember if the woman was complaining about someone hassling her over riding with her dog on the sidewalk, or over riding with this contraption in the street.

dog with bike

No mater where you ride, this looks awfully dangerous.

I feel sort of bad sharing this one because the woman was very nice, but I didn’t sign up for our next Farm to Fork Fondo ride until I had lined up a dog sitter for Scooby.

dog in backpack on bike

Yes, she rode on two lane country roads with a dog in a pack on her back.

OK, that’s enough snark. 😉

If we were having coffee, I would tell you I finally shut down the AeroGarden I started in January. I was down to basil and parsley, and cut the basil all the way down before our August Farm to Fork Fondo weekend. It didn’t seem likely to grow back this time, so I decided it’s time to start over.

Finished AerosGarden

Should I do herbs again or try the cherry tomatoes?

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32 Responses to Snarky September Coffee Date

  1. Wendy says:

    I’m always saddened when I see people riding their bikes with the dog leashed to it. It just seems wrong. And the what ifs….

    Personally, I’d grow herbs over the winter. They are so expensive and I cringe every time I have to buy them! But that’s me…

    • Coco says:

      It’s the what ifs that worry me!

      I do want to do herbs again, but I don’t know if I’m ready for the onslaught of dill again!

  2. I don’t like dogs in races — unless a fun run, and even then, probably not a great idea. I’ve seen people biking with their dogs, and while it seems like a great idea, then you’re taking over a lot of the road, too. Although I don’t think the lady with the dog in the backpack would bother me? It’s contained. Although one does wonder what happens if the lady has a crash.

    I might be a bit over protective — I don’t let the dogs be free in the car (they’re on a harness & leash that goes into the buckle) or even stick their heads out the window. Lola REALLY enjoyed the moon roof in my husband’s car, though.

    • Coco says:

      The falling is my main concern — maybe that says more about my cycling skills! Also, the change in center of gravity and what would happen if the dog tried to move …. It wouldn’t work with Scooby. 😉

  3. We saw a few cyclists, during RAGBRAI, with dogs in baskets. I saw danger written all over that. I love pumpkin pie, bread, muffins, etc., but am not a fan of pumpkin spice anything else…and it’s (already) all over the scene. Of course, I’m stubbornly holding on to all things summer, so the pumpkin stuff is way too soon for my liking LOL

  4. That lease/rod contraption just looks like a bad idea! One of my neighbors used to ride with the loop of her dog’s leash around her wrist (insert face palm!)

    I’m really ready for fall but not for pumpkin everything just yet.

  5. Darlene says:

    Yes I’ve seen bikers with dogs on a leash. Crazy.

    I have seen a hiker with a cat in a back pack. Hmm.

    No no pumpkin yet. Especially when it’s still hot.

    Soon there will Xmas flavors before Halloween

  6. Marcia says:

    Yeah I cringe when I see people riding with their dog. A disaster waiting to happen. There’s been no pouring of cream here. I agree about the PSL but according to Thing 2, who now works at Starbucks, they’re selling like crazy.

  7. jenny says:

    So I guess you won’t be joining in Pumpkin Palooza this month! That’s okay, you can join in October 🙂
    Yes, sometimes you have to wonder what people are thinking. I like Darlene’s comment about the cat in a back pack- WHAT???

  8. The cycling with the dogs thing I do not get. I did really well with the aerogarden at first and now everything has died. I tried to start over but nothing is growing

  9. I think the backpack is better than the leashed dog with a bike. I get grizzly with people riding on the sidewalk – that’s my pet peeve in Chicago!

  10. kookyrunner says:

    I agree with you about Starbucks – way too early for PSL season. I wait until October to enjoy anything pumpkin related.

  11. Catrina says:

    The other day I saw a guy on an electric bike comfortably riding uphill while his poor dog was puffing and panting next to him, attached by a leash. It was quite warm and I felt so sorry for the dog!
    Scooby is lucky that you take him out running. Do you ever get comments from other people?

    • Coco says:

      Oh, that’s not fair!

      Honestly, I don’t encounter many people on our early morning runs. Sometimes people smile at Scooby’s crazy ears though.

  12. Farrah says:

    haha, I have fresh watermelon in my fridge as well! I don’t feel like it’s pumpkin season yet either.

    Riding a bike with a dog seems like it could be so dangerous for both parties! There are enough accidents that happen already even without that. :[

  13. MCM Mama says:

    I need to start up my aerogarden again too. I usually grow lettuce and herbs, but I’d love fresh tomatoes if I could manage it…

    I don’t bike (or have a dog) but that seems pretty crazy.

  14. It’s always pumpkin season! Haha I eat pumpkin things year round as often as possible. PSL’s are my favorite.

    I can’t imagine cycling with a dog- dogs run off at every little thing I’d imagine you’d fall over!

    • Coco says:

      That’s my thinking about the dogs. Maybe there’s are better trained, but any unexpected action could go terribly wrong!

      I do like the PSL flavor, just not yet.

  15. runswithpugs says:

    There is no way I would ever ride a bike with my dog. Especially not MY dog. It seems so dangerous.

  16. Oh I too think riding with a dog looks extremely dangerous but I see many people doing and just asse their dogs are much better trained than mine….haha.

    I’d love to see an entire post about your Aerogarden. I’d like to get one of those. Can you only do herbs or tomatoes or can you do both?

  17. Nathan says:

    assume post And I forgot to add that I have my very own blog and maybe someday it will be on a great list like this!

    Thank you so much for including me – I’m so honored and excited to see my name on this list! This list is great for finding some new blogs to read also, which I always love 🙂
    My recent post

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