Just Another Week At Home

Last week was pretty uneventful on the fitness front, but I’ll take it. I’m sort of getting bored with my routine, but I think part of my ennui stems from anticipating life after I have my get-out-of-jail-free completed vaccination card in a few weeks. For now, the story of my life is just another week at home.

weekly run down graphic with bitmojis for bike, treadmill, yoga

This Friday we will be gathering at Marcia’s runfessional, so Deborah and I will be hosting the May Ultimate Coffee Date starting Friday, May 7th–please make plans to join us!

Just Another Week At Home

The weather was mixed this week–some days I could wear shorts, some days I needed light gloves. My Achilles continued to tolerate my schedule–it feels tight sometimes and feels noticeable (but not painful) during a run sometimes, but more often than not it lets me forget it exists. I’m still doing PT for my upper back twice a week, and trying to remember to do the stretches and exercises on the days I don’t have an appointment. Most of them are good for counteracting my computer posture, so I’m trying to remember to do them in the evening.

Monday: Core + 5.1 Scooby Miles
I headed back to the park to see the rhododendron. Funny how they look so pink in this photo–last week’s photo shows off their purple color.

Scooby selfie

Team Scooby!

Tuesday: Core +  20 min Strength + 20 min Ride
I’m still trying out different Peloton bike instructors. I like Jenn Sherman’s mellow but motivating vibe, and I always enjoy the Motown playlists.

peloton workouts

Wednesday: Core + 5 Scooby Miles + 20 min Strength For Runners
I downloaded a 45 min Peloton Tread run to listen to on my run with Scooby. Olivia has great music, but she cues insane paces. Who can start with an easy run and add 0.5 mph to their pace seven times during a song? I don’t have that much range!

Scooby selefie

Thursday: Core + 20 min FB Strength 3.25 mile Tread
Matty wasn’t in drag for this Drag Race Run, but he did break out the glitter. I did this one on my treadmill and had to pay the incline penalties when I didn’t know the answers to the RuPaul trivia questions. 🙂

Peloton workouts

Friday: Core + 30 min UB Strength + 20 min Ride
I took my first bike class with Matt Wilpers and was questioning my life choices when he started us off at 100 rpm during the warm-up! My legs managed to catch up eventually, and the rest of the ride wasn’t too insane. He definitely hits it harder than some instructions, and I can tell how hard he is working himself.

basement gym selfie

Saturday:  Core + 8.5 Scooby Miles
It was in the low 40s again–about the same as last weekend–and felt great with the sunshine. My Achilles felt pretty good, and overall my running felt strong.

Scooby Selfie

Sunday: Core + 20 min Yoga
Woke up to lingering rain and stiff hips, so I did a short yoga class after my core workout. I hope to get out for a bike ride if the pavement dries.

yoga selfie

Weekly running miles: 22.0

Thanks to Deborah and Kim for the Weekly Run Down link up.

How was your week?


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19 Responses to Just Another Week At Home

  1. Catrina says:

    Wow! Adding 0.5 mph SEVEN times?!
    Haha, I would have to start at a snail’s pace to make that happen!

    Just another thought on your Achilles: I had to get a gait analysis done and have custom-made insoles. That helped a lot (along with foam rolling and regular heel drops). Great that it’s not bothering you too much!

  2. Marcia says:

    Um yeah that many pace increases of that size would not be happening here either. Yikes! Uneventful here too, not necessarily a bad thing as May typically brings MAYhem with everything going on.

  3. Wendy says:

    Sounds like these Peloton workouts got you killing it! Nice work!

  4. Yes I have to agree that Oliva’s pace increases are just unrealistic!

    Quiet week on my end too — given how crazy things have been lately, I’ll take it. I hope your Achilles continues to play nice.

  5. My weeks are sort of the same as well but I am finding ways to keep busy. I don’t feel too different after being fully vaccinated. I have started going back to massage and stretch place and I feel less nervous about things

  6. Darlene S. Cardillo says:

    Glad to hear your Achilles is feeling better.

    And once you get both shots mentally everything improves.

    My running routes do get boring and I miss Matty. Due to time limitations I am often stuck in the neighborhood or rail trail.

  7. Lisa says:

    Even though I’m fully vaccinated I still feel like Im stuck at home all the time still! Although I do go to the office a couple times a week but I see like 2 people lol. Those pace increases for your workout sound pretty much impossible!

  8. Ha! Those pace increases would not be happening in my world either LOL Glad to hear the Achilles is behaving. Our weather was a bit mixed as well, but definitely preferred the winter-cold to the spring-warmth.

  9. jenny says:

    It sounds like your achilles is doing great. Just a thought- when you mentioned you were doing PT for your upper back, it reminded me that I’ve been doing a program to loosen my low back. Supposedly plantar fasciitis stems from tightness in the low back (I know, sounds weird) and since achilles and PF are so closely related, maybe throwing in some LB stretching would help you? In addition to everything else you’re doing of course- sounds like the heel lifts and foam rolling are working.

  10. kookyrunner says:

    I did Cody’s Drag Race ride and laughed through most of it, lol. I bookmarked Matty’s run and I’m looking forward to doing it soon. Also, I’ve heard that Olivia’s nickname is the Glitter Assassin which seems to fit her perfectly lol.

    • Coco says:

      Yes, that is a fitting nickname. She’s just insane! On the tread, I know enough to ignore her. On the bike I tend to avoid her.

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