At Least The Monuments Are Still Standing

Last week I had to go into the office for the first time since March, to pick up a new laptop. I made plans to go in early and run the Reflecting Pool loop I’ve missed so much. After the riots at the Capitol I was hesitant, but decided not to let the terrorists win. I’m pleased to report that the monuments are still standing, but I can’t say the same for myself ….

Sunrise view of the Capitol

View of the Capitol from the Washington Monument

At Least The Monuments Are Still Standing

To get to the Lincoln Memorial and Reflecting Pool from my office, I have to run around the Lincoln Memorial Circle, which has a few road crossings. As I reached the sidewalk after the second one, I found myself landing flat out, face-down on the sidewalk. As I stood up, I wondered if I was going to have to get an Uber back to my office, but after I assessed the visible damage–hole in the left knee of my running tights, hole in the right palm of my mittens–I decided I would at least walk the rest of the way to the Reflecting Pool to enjoy the sunrise. After a few steps, I realized I could run–gently–and did.

Sunrise view of the Washington Monument from the Reflecting Pool

Reasonable people may disagree, but I think this picture was worth it–
even after learning that I fractured a rib during that fall. šŸ™Ā 

I couldn’t tell if there were fewer people than usual at the Lincoln Memorial because of the pandemic or because of the riot. There were a few photographers, tourists, and runners–all of us soaking in the beauty of the monuments at dawn.

It may sound silly to some, but I really wanted to see the Capitol. I knew I wasn’t in shape to run all the way there (even before my fall), and I wasn’t sure I wanted to get that close anyway. I had heard they were closing the Washington Monument, but decided to see if I could get to the base to capture that view of the Capitol in the first picture. There were workmen there, but they didn’t seem to mind me.

Flags Half Staff after January 6 riots

Seeing all the flags at half-staff was so poignant.

I made my visit just in time. By the end of the week, fencing was going up and roads around the monuments were being closed.

Front Page of Washington Post Jan 17 2021Even the front page of today’s Washington Post
highlights the impact of the closures on local runners!

Let’s hope the heightened security pays off this week.

About That Fall …

What bothered me most after my fall was my left hand, which I must have landed on. As that swelling and pain subsided, I noticed how much my left side/ribs hurt–and really hurt if I moved the wrong way. It took until Friday morning for me to wonder if I might have broken a rib, but once I had that thought, the symptoms fit. Luckily the primary care practice I use has an urgent care site that can do x-rays, and luckily they weren’t very busy on Friday morning–there may have been another patient there, but I didn’t encounter anyone in the waiting area or hallways. After getting my diagnosis (acute non-displaced fracture of 3rd left rib) and declining prescription painkillers (because I can sit and sleep pain-free, as long as I don’t move the wrong way), I treated myself to Starbucks on the way home before sitting down at my computer to work.

Weekly Run Down

After Tuesday, my workouts were governed by what didn’t hurt. Surprisingly, runningĀ  on the treadmill feels OK. Riding my Scwhinn IC4 also feels OK, but I have to be careful transitioning from sitting to standing. I haven’t even try to pick up a dumbbell, but I suffered through a few core classes before realizing it’s the transitions that hurt most. I’ve become such a strength junkie over these past 10 months–I’ll have to try bodyweight strength workouts and skip the push-ups until my fracture heals–an estimated 6 weeks.

Monday: 45 min Ride + 20 min Strength
After running Saturday and Sunday, I didn’t want to push my luck with my Achilles (remember that issue?). I’m more comfortable with the 30 min Peloton cycling classes, but had heard enough about the New Year’s Eve ride that I was willing to brave it. It definitely was a fun class with a live DJ.

Peloton Stack

Tuesday: 2 Scooby Miles + 4 Miles
I took Scooby out for a short run before heading into D.C. Since the doctor’s main advice for my recovery was “don’t fall,” it will be a few weeks before I can run with him again.Ā  šŸ™

Wednesday: 30 min Strength + 30 min Ride
I made it through a 10 min core workout–getting into/out of plank was harder than planking– and tried a new Strength for Runners workout, skipping the push-ups. After that I did an older ride with Emma Lovewell with an all Florence and the Machine playlist–so good!

Peloton Ride

Thursday: 10 min Strength + 30 min Tread
I suffered through a core workout that seemed to require painful position changes after each exercise, and then enjoyed Adrian’s DJ run.

Treadmill Selfie

Friday: 20 min Strength + 50 min Tread
I found a core workout that didn’t involve so many position changes, and then added a 10 min bodyweight workout–skipping the mountain climbers. I still felt good after Chase’s 30 min treadmill intervals class, and thought Jess’s 20 min “Year of Yes” Run wouldn’t be too hard. It’s part of special collaboration with Shonda Rhimes, focusing on the power of showing up for yourself. I should have given more thought to that message, because the class wasn’t easy, but it was good!

Treadmill Selfie

I’ve been opting for “post ride” stretches since most of those are standing.

Saturday: 10 min Pilates + 30 min Treadmill + 45 min Ride + 30 min Ride
I thought Pilates would be a “safer” choice than “Core,” and started my day with a 10 min Pilates class. I had plans to ride later, and wanted to do Jess’s Lizzo Run, which was a lot of fun. After a break for coffee and breakfast, I hopped on my bike for a 45 min low impact ride, and then joined these great ladies for a Zoom ride.

Zooom Cycling

It’s so fun to connect with each other live!
Thanks again to Kim for organizing.

Sunday: 15 min Pilates + 5 min Core + 30 min Tread
I tried a 15 min Pilates class, which just didn’t feel worth it–maybe because we only did a few reps of each move. Surprisingly, “rolling like a ball” didn’t hurt, but I knew switching sides to do leg lifts would, so I worked the adductors on my right leg instead of rolling over. šŸ™‚ The class ended with a short plank which didn’t bother me at all, so I did Matt Wilpers’ 5-min plank class, doing straight-arm planks instead of the forearm planks he cued.Ā  Then for variety I tried Becs Gentry’s 30 min Classical Run from 12/30/20.

treadmill selfie Guess I’ll be spending a lot of time here over the next few weeks.

Thanks to Deborah and Kim for the Weekly Run Down link up.

Have you every broken a rib?Ā 

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38 Responses to At Least The Monuments Are Still Standing

  1. Marcia says:

    Oh wow I’m sorry about the fall and the fracture. I haven’t broken a rib, knock wood. Crazy how things like that happen so suddenly. I do think that stunning pic was worth it.
    As for the events at the Capitol, I’m beyond sad.

    • Coco says:

      My week certainly didnā€™t go as planned, but another upside to these crazy times is that I donā€™t have any other plans it will impact.

  2. Oh no! I had a friend that fell and fractured her ribs once — and continued to run. That’s so interesting what works & what doesn’t — Pilates is all about core, so I’m surprised that was mostly ok.

    Always be careful with transitions! That’s where most injuries actually occur.

    That shot of the reflecting pool is amazing. So sorry you had to break a rib on the run! It seems like 2021 has been a rocky start for most of us. šŸ™

  3. Again sorry to hear about the fall and the fracture. Please rest up and take care so you can be back out there pain free soon. Beautiful photos of the capitol šŸ™‚

  4. Wendy says:

    Ouch!! I’m so sorry about your fall. Rib fractures are so incredibly painful. Did you trip over something? Was it Antifa’s fault? :p

    Hang in there, Coco!

    • Coco says:

      I must have mis-judged the curb. I didnā€™t even feel myself tripping.. I could blame NPS budget cuts since the road is a mess around there ….

  5. That fall sounds awful! I’m so sorry. How are you healing and holding up? Feel better soon!

  6. Kim at Running on the Fly says:

    Ouch to the fall & fracture. Iā€™ve been there a couple times…getting in/out of bed was torture, and sneezing almost made me scream. Itā€™s nice that youā€™ve found ways to accommodate the injury for the time being. So fun Zoom riding with you!!

    • Coco says:

      I sneezed yesterday, and it brought me to tears.

      Thanks for organizing another ride. It is such a bright spot in these challenging times.

  7. Darlene S. Cardillo says:

    I missed your DC pix. Sorry about your fall. I hope you heal quickly.

    It was fun biking together

  8. Lisa says:

    Wow, I’m so sorry about your fall! I’ve never fractured a rib, It sounds painful! I’m glad there are still some workouts you can do.

  9. Michelle D. says:

    That photo of the Washington Monument is stunning!

    You still did a lot of working out despite the rib fracture – nice job!

    So good to see and chat with you on Saturday šŸ™‚

  10. kookyrunner says:

    OMG Coco! That fall sounds super scary. I can’t believe that you were able to workout so much with a rib fracture – it sounds so painful. You are amazing!

    • Coco says:

      I think I can still move because the fracture is up high, but certain moves surprise me with the pain ā€” getting my shoes tied is rough.

  11. Cari says:

    That sunrise pic was absolutely worth it.
    Somehow I’d missed the route was due to your needing to go to the office, I thought you just decided torun the monuments.
    Glad you’ve found exercise options that don’t hurt

  12. Birchwood Pie says:

    Ugh, so sorry about the rib and I hope it heals up soon. You have a strong fitness base to fall back on, and I know you’ll figure out how to adapt while it heals up. A long time ago I cracked a rib from coughing due to pneumonia and it was so painful. This was long before I was a runner, but I found that the best pain relief was getting into military straight posture, sucking in my abs, and walking briskly for 20 minutes.

  13. It was nice to see you yesterday despite your fractured rib. I hope you heal quickly, those things are painful! I once did something to my ribs from coughing so much with pneumonia and it took 6 months before I felt totally normal.

  14. Catrina says:

    Ah, so there’s the story about the injury! So sorry, Coco.

    But that photo of the Reflecting Pool in the sunrise was definitely worth it. And you got a Starbucks after your doctor’s visit as well, so there are two wins there.

    So cool that you do so many workouts despite the rib. A true warrior!

  15. Oh no, sorry to hear about your fall. Feel better soon. I’ve never broken a rib but have fallen a few times.

    Your pictures are beautiful! I have heard of the street closures and it must be awful for those living in the area.

  16. runswithpugs says:

    Oh, my gosh! I can’t believe you are busting through workouts with a broken rib! Be careful!

    And yes, that photo was so worth it. The runner in that newspaper photo is on Twitter and she was talking about the experience of just trying to navigate the barricades so they could get home. Ugh.

    My heart is with you and your city this week. I can’t even imagine what the future will hold for DC and the country. I can only hope for peace.

  17. I feel so bad about your rib! We both fell last week but yours definitely wins the award šŸ™

    So glad we got to “see” each other on Saturday!

  18. therightfits says:

    oh my goodness, a broken rib!! Yikes! Glad you’re still able to be active. Ouchie…

    Poor Scooby though! He’ll miss his runs I’m sure!

  19. Jenny says:

    So I’m going to guess that so far 2021 is not all you hoped it would be! How many crazy things have happened… and it’s only the middle of January. Sorry about your rib- I know that’s really painful. I’m glad you can find ways to still exercise though!

  20. Wishing you a speedy recovery Coco! Ouch, ouch, ouch!
    SO glad you decided to go to the Capitol though. It was so horrifying watching the events that unfolded a couple of weeks ago.

  21. Damn, sorry to hear about your fall. In the UK the roads are pretty icy right now. I’ve just been for a run and I made a concious decision to slow my pace down, as I was worried about fallling over at pace.

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