Namaste. We say it at the end of yoga class, but it is a traditional Hindu greeting. Namaste. I say it at the end of yoga class, even though some Christians think it’s blasphemy. (My priest would disagree.)

Namaste. I didn’t plan to choose a “word” for 2017, but namaste chose me.
According to many sources, “namaste” is an ancient Sanskrit word that means
I bow to the divine in you.
Yoga instructors often expand on “namaste” with a phrase like this:

It may have been my priest whom I first heard say it this way:

In adopting namaste as my word for 2017, I am committing to recognize the light in everyone I encounter, to respect their experiences, to honor their right to different opinions, and to appreciate their gifts and talents.
[Tweet “~Namaste~ “]
Today’s Wednesday Word is involvement. I think committing to approach others with a namaste will improve my involvement and engagement with those around me.
Did you chose a word for 2017?
Are you going to be involved with something new this year?
it was my FAVORITE FAVORITE WORD OF THE DAY yesterday here as well.
Ooooh, that’s a really cool word, Coco! Love it.
Organizing (or being part of organizing) a girls’ weekend — sincerely hoping we all make it! — that’s a new one for me. And I didn’t even set out to do it.
More time with friends is high on my list of priorities for the new year!
I never do the whole Word thing for the year because I would probably forget about it a few months
I love your choice and I wish that more people were able to adopt the ability to see the good and respect opinions of others. It would make the world a much happier place.
Namaste is one of my favorite expressions. I think you picked a great word!
The light in me… I like that interpretation. I’ve been tossing around ideas about what I want out of 2017. Finding Joy seems to be a recurring theme. Namaste!
I love that. Beautiful word for the year. So much meaning to it. My vision for 2017 is simplicity!
I haven’t chosen word for me yet but Namaste is good one. I haven’t been to yoga in month and really miss it. One of the things I enjoy most about yoga is the quote and intentons that are set at the beginning of class.
Beautiful post and beautiful word! I’ve not chosen a word yet. Soon.
That’s a beautiful word, and it impact everyone you will encounter. I think everyone has a “light” inside of them…though it’s not always easy to see it shine.
It’s so interesting how a word can have so much power, and how people can be so opposed to just a few letters.
Namaste is a great word. And sentiment. I have found a lot of peace through yoga classes, and I have allowed myself to open myself up to let that peace in.
I think this word will serve you well this year.
One of my favourite words. I find myself saying it just to release let alone after a yoga class. It has so many levels. Great word!
Great word! If I had to choose one it would be consistency. I need to be more consistent with everything in my life this year.
I love it! What a beautiful word to chose for what it represents!
What a wonderful word to guide your year as it has been a year where our country has been filled with extremely differing viewpoints. We must all respect and honor each others differences!
That’s a great word to live by! I didn’t really pick a word or set any resolutions for 2017, but if I were to, it would be to find the fun in as much as I can.
Thanks for linking up!
I love your choice of word for setting the tone for your year. There are so many facets of life in which namaste can be applied and used.
I love this word for all of 2017! Namaste is creative and such a genuine choice. As an optimistic person, I appreciate the concept of looking for the light in others and becoming more mindful about that. Thank you for the inspiring word of the year 🙂
I love that word! I might have to use it for my mantra as well 🙂 I always love when they end yoga classes with “The light in me sees the light in you.”
The right word to describe your gratefulness in life,isn’t it? Being happy and contented to everything!