I don’t think of myself as a procrastinator. I was that student who did her summer reading as soon as school got out in June–and then failed the quiz in September when I couldn’t remember obscure details designed to weed out those who had relied on Cliff Notes. In law school, I did the reading before class instead of waiting until finals week. My work is very deadline driven and doesn’t leave much room for procrastinating.

At work, I have to prioritize projects according to their deadlines, putting filing deadlines over somewhat more flexible client deadlines, and estimating how much time each project will take. Do I need to tackle this 1/2 hour project that’s due tomorrow, or work on this 10 hour project that’s due in two weeks?
Usually the left pile is for things that will take more time,
but when the piles are this high, all bets are off!
I don’t prioritize all of my work this way, though. I usually spend the first hour of my day on quick tasks with short deadlines (reviewing and signing papers to be filed that day), to make sure those get done in case the rest of my day gets hijacked by an unexpected urgent matter. On the other hand, I like to spend the last hour or so of my day on more routine projects that may have far off deadlines but don’t require too much time or mental effort, so I can start the next day with fewer items looming in my in-box.
When I have a big project to work on, I might put off tackling it until I have completed other smaller projects, even if those other projects have later deadlines. While this could be procrastinating–avoiding work I’m dreading not looking forward to doing–I don’t put it off until an opportunity is lost–that could be malpractice!
One thing I do procrastinate is going to the grocery store. It’s my least favorite weekend chore because it involves meal-planning, picking through produce to find apples that aren’t bruised and tomatoes that aren’t mushy, hoping the items I need aren’t out of stock, and trying to come up with a plan B on the fly when they are. The only thing that gets me there is knowing that I’d much rather bring my own lunches and make my own dinners than have to get take-out all week.
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Do you think there’s a difference between proscrastinating and prioritizing?
Are you a proscrastinator or a prioritizer?
I tried to tell the attorney here about my STRUCTURED PROCRASTINATION approach to life the other night as well.
He wasn’t interested 🙂
I do like “bookending my day” (I think I learned that from you!) with easier things I can cross off my list and feel like I got SOMETHING done.
One thing that gets me to the grocery store early on Sunday mornings is avoiding the procrastinators who wait until noon to shop! Just like running a crowded race, I loathe weaving around all the carts in the aisles!
There’s a sweet spot for my store – late enough so the shelves are re-stocked from Saturday but not so late that they are depleted again.
I am so not a procrastinator! Prioritizing is key. I always picture you as so organized and proactive.
Oh I like that prioritizing over procrastination.
I guess part of my procrastination could be prioritization….yup-I go with that 😉
Geez! Look at all those files, I would be totally overwhelmed by that! You go girl!
It can be stressful!
Ah I love your take on this. I too try to start and end my day with less time consuming “tasky” things that I can knock off my to do list if the day gets away from me!
Dude, I’m with you on grocery shopping. But if I’m in the mood, I get so stoked, haha! Going to TJ’s is NEVER a chore, but the regular grocery store can suck.:)
No, I’m definitely a procrastinator.
I don’t particularly like grocery shopping, but I do like to eat, so I don’t tend to procrastinate on that one. 🙂
When you put it this way, I too am a prioritizer. I always have crucial projects done on time and I don’t save them for the 11th hour. But the small stuff? Making dr appts, scheduling window washing, planning meals, that stuff gets pushed off. Sigh.
I like to get one task done before I take on another so I guess that is a bit of procrastinating.
That’s a great concept – prioritizing over procrastinating. I don’t do well juggling a bunch of projects at once. I do much better finishing one before starting another. It sounds like you’ve got it totally under control, though!
Thanks for linking up!
There’s definitely a difference between procrastinating and prioritizing. But to the outside party (especially one that is more concerned in one of your tasks over another) they probably look the same. Prioritizing means you can juggle all the balls at once and keep them all in the air. Procrastinating means you end up with too many balls and some are going to fall.