Welcome to the May 2016 edition of the Ultimate Coffee Date Link Up! Please make your mother proud this weekend by minding your manners and making sure you visit my co-hosts Deborah at Confessions of A Mother Runner and Lynda at Fitness Mom Wine Country, and comment on other blogs in the link up.

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If we were having coffee, I would go ahead and just say it. I can’t believe it’s May already, and I really can’t believe that this guy will be graduating from college in two weeks.
He’s still doing the whole grad school-applying and job-hunting thing, so if you know anyone looking for a strong math/physics major ….
If we were having coffee, I would tell you that I am excited to be starting off my Mother’s Day with my first class at the new Orange Theory Fitness in my area. Since the class doesn’t start until 8:30 I can still “sleep in” and enjoy my coffee. 😉 After that we will be going to visit my son, but we still don’t know where will be having our Mother’s Day brunch/lunch–his favorite restaurants either don’t take reservations or aren’t open on Sundays!
If we were having coffee, I would tell you that I need to get my act together and get some herbs planted in my garden. I think I will repeat the set up I did last year, but I may expand the amount of basil.
Last year’s herb garden.
If we were having coffee, I would tell you that even my husband is excited about doing the Farm to Fork Fondo in August. If you missed my post about it yesterday, please check it out or click through the “ad” on my sidebar to visit the Farm to Fork Fondo website and use my discount code for 10% your own registration.
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Have you started your garden yet?
What are you looking forward to this weekend?
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Aww, congrats and good luck to him on job-hunting!!
I really want a garden someday! *-* I’m still on the move way too often to start one, but hopefully I’ll be able to in a few years!
You can grow a lot in pots/planters but you odo need to be around to care for them!
I have had no time to start a garden. Since we have been away, I was worried my plants would die. Now that I am back home, I will probably get some geraniums for the balcony. Isn’t it crazy how fast time flies ? Congrats to your son and happy mother’s day !
Geraniums for the balcony sound so French! We’ve had a rainy week but once it stops raining it should be good for planting. Happy Mother’s Day to you as well. 😉
congrats to your son and happy job hunting! I am finishing my planting today! All the beds and planters are prepped and after my virtual 10K this morning I am headed to Lowe’s! Enjoy your Mother’s day Coco I am looking forward to a nice lunch with my kids 🙂
I need to get the planting done too! The issue is that the weather has not been great and now my back is healing and I am scared to mess it up!! Must plant ASAP!!
I think you back should take priority. I’m sure planting can wait another week. I hope you are recovered soon!
Congrats to your son! We’ve got 3 more years until high school graduation and I’m already wistful about the time. I got my planters halfway done yesterday but our veggie plot is still too cold/wet. Hopefully soon!
I know it’s a cliche, but the time really does fly. Especially because everything gets busier!
I am so not a green thumb and when I try to plant stuff it just doesn’t go well. What kind of vegetarian am I? Hope you like OTF it’s a fun workout. congrats to your son it’s crazy how quickly time flies by! Nice catching up over coffee
I don’t have that much patience for gardening, but I did OK with a few little herb plants!
Pingback: The Ultimate Coffee Date 2016 #5
Awww congrats to your family and your son!! That picture is to ooooh cute!!!
Every year I say….I am going g to plant a herb garden…yeah not so much 🙁
Don’t have any plans….I am thinking to go to the pool to get some laps in. We will see.
Happy Mother’s day!!
Last year was my first – it was the cost of fresh herbs at the grocery store that drove me over the edge and into the garden!
Congrats to you & your son & a very happy mother’s day!
As I mention in my own post, nooooooo! I have not planted my garden yet. In my defense, up here we are still not past the hard freeze date. But most likely there will be nothing left at the nursery. 🙁
Yeah, I think this was a big weekend at the nursery around here since it finally stopped raining. I think I’ll be able to go next weekend ….
Spring has taken so long to get here that I haven’t done much planting yet. But that’s on the agenda. Along with a few other items… that whole post marathon thing!
Yeah, you have been busy with other things! Plus the weather has been wacky. It will be summer before we’ve had much spring.
Big congrats to your son on graduating soon! How exciting!
Glad to see I’m not the only one who hasn’t started their herb garden yet! This crazy spring weather has put me way behind in the gardening department!
Have a wonderful Mother’s Day and thanks for the link up 🙂
Happy Mother’s Day to you too!
Look at that little cutie! My my, they grow up fast! Congrats to him. I can’t grow anything in my back yard. The squirrels will not allow that! They even eat some of the flowers I plant. Oh, and drink out of the swimming pool. At least it gives my dogs their entertainment. The Farm to Fork Fondo sounds fun! Happy Mother’s Day Coco!
Oh gosh, our squirrels aren’t that bad. I keep the planters close to the house so the deer don’t bother them either.
aw, I love that old school photo of your son! Happy graduation! I do not have a green thumb in the slightest so no planting of herbs going on over here. Hope you have a very Happy Mother’s Day!!
I still want to pinch his checks when I look at that picture! My Mom has a real green thumb, so I let her grow the veggies and bring me the extras. 😉
You know hearing you talk about a garden really makes me want to have one. I have plenty of room for one. I’m not sure how my chickens would do, they might think I planting things just for them. Gardens are a lot of work but having fresh things make it all worth it.
Thanks Coco for the fun link up. I look forward to it every month!
Hmm. You probably would have to fence off your garden from the chickens. There are some veggies that don’t take too much work, but we learned last year that we just don’t get enough sun in our yard so I’m off the hook. 😉
This post hits home- I know my kids are much younger…but it feels like they should be babies and they are growing up so fast instead! I don’t even want to think about college yet! Love your herbs- I have a black-thumb, but herbs are pretty successful for me somehow- have to get on that!
Aw, thanks. They do grow up fast! And yes, if I can grow herbs, anyone can!
Congratulations to you son! Such an exciting and rewarding time. I hope he finds something quickly. We bought our first home last year but didn’t get the chance to get out into the garden before the winter. This morning, we are planning to go to B&Q (our version of Lowe’s) and pick up some stuff as the grass needs cutting and the flower beds need rediscovering! Happy Mother’s Day! I hope you have a lovely weekend! Thank you for hosting – this is one of my favourite times of the month that I look forward to!
Congrats on the graduation! They certainly grow up so fast! Happy Mother’s Day! I hope you find a yummy place for brunch!
Happy Mother’s Day and congrats to your son!! Where is he planning to live/look for a job? I have lots of contacts in San Fran (where my company is located). Enjoy your Orange Theory class and all you do today! Thanks for the link up!
I wanted to work on my garden this weekend but I’m not sure if the weather will cooperate. I already weeded it once but we’ve had so much rain since it doesn’t look like I did anything.
I keep hearing about everyone heading to graduations, I always seem to forget about that this time of year. Good luck and congratulations to your son! I’m sure he’ll find a great job to start off his career.
I hope you have a great Mother’s Day!
Happy Mother’s Day! I hope you enjoyed your class at Orange Theory Fitness this morning. That is one heck of a workout! I am in the same boat with my garden, I need to get moving on it! I really should be doing it right now, but reading blog post is so much more fun!
We haven’t even started thinking about planting out garden yet! The weather is too nice not to try and plant it in the next couple weeks!
Congratulations on your son’s graduation! What an adorable picture of him when he was young. You must be a very proud mother! I need to get started planting, too – I feel like the time is passing me by too quickly! Basil is my absolute favorite – I can’t get enough of it. Happy Mother’s Day to you and I hope you had a fantastic weekend. Big hugs!
Oh congrats to your son! I hope you had a great Mother’s Day! I’m not much of a gardening person yet, there just isn’t enough time with all of the girls sports. In another 10 years I’m sure there will be lots of time though so you’ll have to pass on all of your tips.