A few weeks ago I was riding my bike with my husband, and I was NOT.HAPPY. It was a lovely day, and I was glad to be on my bike, but I was grumpy. As I sifted through my feelings, I realized that I wasn’t having FUN because I wasn’t going FAST.

Having Fun With Fitness
When I’m on my bike, I like to ride hard. I try to maintain a cadence that keeps my heart rate up. I work hard to power up hills, and then cruise downhill as fast as I can without fearing for my life–or maybe skirting at the edge of a little bit of fear. All that is fun to me. I am amused by people who pedal along at a leisurely pace–as long as I can pass them–but I can’t imagine why they would want to be going so slowly. 😉
On the day I wasn’t having fun, we were riding on a section of the Mount Vernon Trail that has lots of twists and turns which were made more treacherous by a layer of dry leaves and gumballs from the sweetgum trees. Even though I like to ride fast, I have a healthy fear of falling, so I took the turns slowly and did my best to dodge the gumballs as I pictured myself flying over my handlebars to meet my death if I hit one head-on.
This website calls them gumballs, but deathballs seemed more fitting!
Once I realized the source of my bad mood, I was able to shake it off. Yes, I gained confidence and rode a bit faster on the way back, but that’s not the only reason I finished my ride with a smile on my face. I decided to appreciate the fresh air and sunshine, the lovely fall colors of the trees, and the company of my husband.
When I first started spinning, one reason I enjoyed it so much is because I can ride as hard as I can without worrying about who or what might be on the path ahead of me. I love pushing myself and can’t help but smile when I’m dripping with sweat.
When I invited a yoga-loving friend to join me for a ride, I didn’t stop to consider if she would enjoy pushing herself and sweating buckets. It was only when I glanced over mid-class to see how she was doing that I realized that not everyone shares my idea of having fun with fitness. My friend was fine, but I think she liked spinning about as much as I liked barre, which is not that much. 😛
Finding Your Fun
As much as I love running, I know it’s not for everyone. Now I am realizing that hard workouts aren’t for everyone either, and that’s OK. There are lots of ways to stay fit and be active. What matters is that you find the activities that you enjoy and have fun doing them.
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What is your favorite way to stay fit?
Do you enjoy working up a sweat?
ahh I need to be reminded of this CONSTANTLY.
the child? loved the turkey trot.
the husband? IT WAS NOT HIS FUN 🙂
It’s definitely all about doing what I love. I do like spin classes if they are hard enough. I need someone to yell at me!
You should come back to Revolve again!
I think pretty much all fitness things are fun — had to laugh at my kids this weekend — we all ran the 5 mile turkey trot. At the finish, I was like THAT WAS FUN!!! — I got a few glares from them
I’m lucky my husband thinks being active is fun. My son plays sports but my daughter doesn’t enjoy being active very much.
Look at your upper body! You are looking beastmode in that pic. BOOM!
I LOVE working up a sweat, my days almost feel incomplete if I don’t. Though I do always work in a rest day sometimes they are hard because I just enjoy fitness, I have fun while I do it. I see it as more of a hobby than anything else. I love running and I love a good HIIT workout. Of course in the summer I love swimming but that’s on pause for a bit.
You sound like me! Except for the swimming. I’m not much of a swimmer.
I agree! You have to have fun with fitness! Riding a bike for me, not so much fun!
When my husband first talked about getting me a bike, I resisted, but I’m glad I gave in. I really didn’t think I’d enjoy it, but I love it!
Love this post – so much truth!!!
When people find out I run they always feel like they should love running. I tell them that it isn’t the sport for everyone and if they hate it they shouldn’t do it – they need to find something they enjoy!
Yes – I love working up a good sweat!!!
Exactly! But, so many people do insist that their workout is the best. I think sometimes that attitude can discourage others from finding an activity they enjoy.
I like to mix it up…i’m really loving Orangetheory!
I LOVE running and spinning, but loathe yoga.
I don’t loathe it, I just don’t like it enough to do it very often!
I can definitely relate to this- I love dripping with sweat in spin class too but have friends who don’t get it at all! And I’m glad to know what those gumballs are… I always thought they looked liked worms.
If I’m not having fun or enjoying what I’m doing I’m not going to stick with it. The sweatier the better 🙂
Have a wonderful weekend friend!