One reason I like to do races is to experience the positive energy of pushing myself with thousands of others who are doing the same. (Did you see my Army Ten Miler recap? I’m still enjoying those endorphins!) I love it when we all are lined up waiting to start, re-tying our laces one last time, making sure our Garmins have a signal, squeezing in one more stretch, and smiling at everyone else who finally has made it through their training programs to race day.

1. When slower runners line up at the front. Races go better for everyone when runners line up according to their pace. Most larger races have corrals based on estimated finish times, but not all do. If you know you aren’t going to be running a 7:00 minute mile, don’t line up at the front. Believe me, you do not want get sucked into the crazy pace of faster runners, and they don’t want to have to weave around you when you run out of steam.
2. When runners cut corners, cut you off, or stop suddenly. The Washington, D.C. area is known for having bad traffic, and I’ve learned that people can be just as rude and inconsiderate during a race as they can during rush hour! Don’t cut someone off on a tight corner, try to leave plenty of room when passing, and don’t stop suddenly–even at a water station. If you need to stop please pull over go to the side of the course first and try to step off the road so the runner(s) behind you won’t trip over you!
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3. When runners don’t contain their bodily fluids. It never fails that shortly after the start of a race a line of guys will peel off the course into the bushes to take a leak. I usually laugh at that, but I am less forgiving of poorly aimed snot rockets and wildly hocked loogies. Ew! It’s a crowded course. There are people right behind you. Don’t be gross. 😛
4. When someone eclipses your finish photo. I’ve had really bad luck with race photos recently, but one of the most frustrating things is when someone passes me at the very last second, eclipsing my finish photo. As I was finishing the Reston 10 Miler a few weeks ago, I tried to switch lanes so I wouldn’t be right behind the guy in front of me, but he kept moving over too! Luckily the photographer still was able to get this shot:
See how far to the outside I am!
5. When people are greedy at the finish area. You ran a great race–you deserve a banana, a bagel, a cookie, and whatever else they are giving out. But, you do not need to stock up on groceries for the week, or feed all of your friends and family members who met you at the finish line. I have heard so many stories of faster runners being so greedy that nothing was left for runners who finished later. That’s just shameful.
I think all of these pet peeves could be avoided if runners follow just one race etiquette rule–be considerate of others. Runners generally are a kind, supportive group, and probably don’t mean to be rude, but when you have trained hard for a race and are pushing for a P.R., it’s important to remember that a few thousand other runners are pursuing the same goal–and sharing the same course. 😉
Thanks to the Tuesdays on the Run link up for giving me a chance to get this off my chest!
What are your racing pet peeves?
What race day etiquette would you like to see more of?
I completely agree with your list (all peeves of mind). Related to #1 – if walking with friends (and there are some fast run/walkers out there) – stay to the right or left and do not walk more than two abreast (I find alot of offenders there). If it is a tight course, go single file. Another pet peeve are sudden stops at the water stops.
lolololol @ #5!! That’s me! I usually grab 2 of each, and bring food back for John. I’m naughty. I agree with all the other things too, especially the stopping suddenly and ruining my race photo.
Well, then John should make PIE for everyone to make up for it. 😛
I couldn’t agree more! Slow runners lining up early was one of my biggest complaints st the ATM!
Nice post! Mile 3 on Sunday was really frustrating for me – so many folks that sprinted out choked the course near the Kennedy Center & I got log jammed, pushed & kicked and slowed to a whole two and a half minutes slower than my pace on other 9 miles. I felt like I was in rush hour. The runners erratically juking angrily to get around the dead stoppers were probably the worst part.
I would add to #3 when people spit or snot rocket without looking to see who is next to them. Oh and I’ve had a cup of Gatorade dropped on my foot too.
I totally agree with all your points. My biggest pet peeve is also slower people starting at the front and while I totally understand bodily fluid issues (been there, done that), there is no need to fire a huge snot rocket next to other runners!
So many good tips! I actually ran a race ( a fairly big one) and I had NO race pictures of me in my account. All of them were of other people who were right in front of me. ( honestly, I don’t know how the photographer even saw my bib #). But that’s okay cus I rarely buy the photos anyway.
The lesson here, which you pointed out, is to be considerate of others, before, during, and after a race. It always irks me when runners walk away with armfuls of food. Slower runners are just as deserving of post race water and food as faster runners are. Unfortunately, I witnessed this at Army Ten Miler on Sunday. :/
Yes! At the ATM it looked like they gave out plastic bags at the start of the line (which I skipped because I didn’t want the water they were handing out there). So, I think that decision is partly to blame. If you can only take as much as you can hold in your hands, it’s hard to take more than your share!
100% agree with each of these. it really gets my goat when someone starts in a fast corral and then is walking immediately. it’s also DANGEROUS! ugh. good list!
Being considerate of others is the best rule! Great post!
OMG, this totally gets me going. If I had written a post like this, I would have listed the same exact things!
I always try to line up in the correct spot.
However, I swear there is always a few walkers who line up in the very first corral like right behind the elites. Really?!?
I know! I passed a lot of people during ATM and wondered how some of them got slotted in the corrals ahead of me!
I SERIOUSLY had no idea.
It is amazing how rude some people can be – you always have to wonder if it is because they are so focused on the race or just don’t realize how rude the really are.
People probably are too focused on themselves, but that makes them rude too!
Great tips! I agree that it all boils to being considerate of others! Thanks for linking up with us!
#1 yes! I hate weaving and dodging them!
#1 and #2 for sure!!! I have never understood why slow-ish runners line up in the front of the pack – maybe they want a good photo op. That is my biggest pet peeve for sure AND when people spit who are running in from of me. Last race, a guy in front of me spit and it sprayed me. NASTY!
1 and 3 drive me crazy!
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