Today’s Friday Five topic comes none to soon. Even though it is barely the first day of summer, we’ve already had a heat wave, with temperatures in the 90s and sticky humidity this week. I am so not ready for this!

Here are some of my favorite ways to beat the heat.
1. Drink a watermelon slushie.
2. Eat a refreshing salad.
3. Wear high-tech cooling sportswear.
Has anyone tried the Omni-Freeze™ ZERO sweat-activated cooling gear from Columbia?
It sounds amazing!
4. Take an ice bath.
This time of year I actually look forward to an ice bath,
especially towards the end of my long run.
5. Play in the sprinkler!
See how others beat the heat with the Friday Five link up sponsored by Eat Pray Run DC, Mar on the Run and You Signed Up for What.
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Going to have to check out your watermelon slushy recipe – sounds yummy! Remember those cups you could freeze and then put soda or lemonade in, and it’d wind up making a slushy? I think I saw them for sale again online, may need to check it out.
I read mixed reviews about those …. The watermelon slushie is simple but the lime juice is key! 😉
Yikes don’t think I can take an ice bath. I’m always so cold. Even after a hot run I need my hot shower. I’m all for the slushie though
I take a really hot shower and bundle up in warm towels afterwards. 😉
That slushie sounds amazing!!
watermelon slushi?! sounds fantastic!
I love playing in the sprinkler! Great fun tips!
that salad looks YUMMY! and yep, i do ice baths (or cold water baths) all summer!
Oh an ice bath…i am still not fond of those! also, i just did the tough mudder and that arctic enema was pure hell! i do love jumping in the pool or ocean when i am done with a run! i will have to try that watermelon slushie as i love watermelon!
I’m pretty sure my ice baths at home are a bit more civilized – plus I usually have a Grande Starbucks in hand to keep me warm from the inside. 😉
I remember as a kid I always used to get watermelon juice from a Chinese restaurant. It was soooooo good!
OK, there’s got to be a story there! I don’t think I’ve ever seen watermelon juice at a Chinese restaurant, but not I’ll be looking for it on the menus.
Love the sprinkler idea! I remember how much I used to LOVE to Slip ‘n’ Slide when I was a kid!
Watermelon slushie sounds so good. I love watermelon so much especially in the summer! I’ve never tried a salad with watermelon, though I’ve seen many recipes that use it. Maybe this is the summer I try it… 🙂
Yes! I love the sweet-salty combo of watermelon and feta …
I can’t do the ice bath – I’m a wimp!!!
The watermelon slushie sounds amazing! I will def have to give that a try this summer.
I’ve never taken an ice bath before. Don’t they require a lot of effort to prepare?
Just a bag or two of ice! I usually stop for ice and starbucks on my way home from a long run.
You have some great ideas!
I am trying to stay hydrated and drink as much water as I can.
Plus I love frozen grapes now, just discovered them.
Gahhhh!!!! NOOOO ice baths for me! ha ha ha! I can’t!
I take about 6 ice baths per year (after any run 20 miles or over) and when it’s an ice bath day during a Dallas summer, even if I’m in the ice bath before 10 a.m. and I fill the tub to only barely cover the tops of my legs, even if I add 40 pounds of bagged ice, plus our entire freezer container, it’s still fully melted in less than 20 minutes. That makes it much less painful than a winter ice bath where our water is actually cold and at least some ice will be left at the end. I know the science/studies on whether ice baths work is mixed, but I’m a believer — if nothing else, it’s a bit more pain, which makes us stronger in the end, right?
Watermelon slushie sounds delicious!!