Is James Bond Too Fit For His Age?

We saw the new James Bond movie (Skyfall) over Thanksgiving break. We all enjoyed it, although my son commented that it was “unrealistic.” Isn’t that the point? I did find that the running jokes about Bond’s age made me feel old–if the hero I grew up with is “old” what does that say about me? But, he kicked ass, and that’s all that really matters.


So, I was amused by this Richard Cohen editorial in the November 27, 2012 edition of The Washington Post. Richard Cohen criticizes James Bond/Daniel Craig for having a physique that took hours to sculpt in the gym:

Bond is in pain from his wounds. I am in pain from all the hours he has spent in the gym.

He waxes nostalgic for Cary Grant in “North by Northwest,” whom Cohen describes as being “a fit man, effortlessly athletic,” in contrast to Craig whom he describes as “an ersatz creation of some trainer.”

My first reaction was that this editorial is sour grapes. Cohen is just jealous that he is not as fit, because he chooses to spend more of his time reading, seeing movies and engaging in conversations–the less strenuous activities he thinks are more important than going to the gym.

My second reaction was to take Cohen’s point more seriously. I have railed against the unrealistic ideals that Hollywood creates for women–I shouldn’t be so quick to dismiss similar concerns about unrealistic male heroes. (Although Cohen doesn’t seem to have any problems with svelte Bond girls …)

I certainly did not think that Daniel Craig’s physique was unnatural or unattainable, and I don’t think that spending an hour a day at the gym is unhealthy–even if you would rather be reading a book (or a blog).

Have you seen Skyfall?

Did you think James Bond was too fit for his age?

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2 Responses to Is James Bond Too Fit For His Age?

  1. MizFit says:

    I caint stand BOND ANYTHING.

    now, if VIN DIESEL were Bond Id be in and willing to happily adjudicate his fitness status.

  2. Marcia says:

    I did not see it so maybe should not have an opinion. I just don't like it when anyone stereotypes. Like assign an age cutoff for wearing certain types of clothing. We are all individuals and judging others gets us nowhere.

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