Being Blunt–The British Language Edition

Although I was seriously confused by some of the “features” of my hotel room, for the most part I’ve been struck by how straight-forward things are here in London, and find some British language usage to be humorously blunt.

At breakfast, the waitress will ask you if you want “white” or “brown” toast. One morning I ordered “wheat” toast and she confirmed that I wanted “brown.”

At the train station and other large public places, the exit is marked with “way out” signs. Somehow that seems more direct!

Some restrooms have cutesy signange that can be difficult to decipher, but these public restrooms took a more clinical approach.


It’s fun to visit a city where they technically speak the same language, but I can notice many subtle differences!

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4 Responses to Being Blunt–The British Language Edition

  1. FindingMyHappyPace says:

    Fun, that's somewhere I'd like to visit sometime. I hope you come back with a British accent and post a video of your new accent.

  2. I love the obvious blunt statements in Britian. Tell me how it is and I'll be happy.

    The worst is our local Greek restaurant here has two needle points in traditional clothes for the male and female restrooms. I can't decipher them for the life of me.

  3. Tara Burner says:

    I so want to go to London 🙂

  4. How cool your in London! Enjoy!!!

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